Paper Presentation Topics On Electronics And Communication Engineering
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How Case Managers Benefit from Electronic Medical Records Essay
How Case Managers Benefit from Electronic Medical Records - Essay Example †from SAM Advanced Management Journal, 74, p. 54+. The paper deals with the EMR implementation in health care organizations and the way case managers would benefit from this step. In the modern globalized world high-speed development of technological innovations leads to an overall growth and expansion of computerization. Different companies, firms and organizations are looking for the most convenient ways to facilitate the work of their employees. Therefore, case managers in health care organizations underline the necessity of electronic medical records implementation. Unfortunately, it is evident that very often case managers reject electronic medical records usage. In accordance with Seeman and Gibson (2009) such kind of behavior should be analyzed in terms of Davis's technology acceptance model and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior. The first benefit for case managers when using electronic medical records is the way to costs cutting and health care industry efficiency. Th is can be explained by direct functions of EMR. This technology enables fast and efficient collection of the following data: (demographic, financial, and medical information). The storage, transmission and processing of the collected data facilitates the work of case managers. There is no need to penetrate into useless and boring paper activities. There is a right way to process data in digital format. Consequently, it is evident that EMR implementation will change â€Å"handwritten order documentation, minimizing transcription errors, and fundamentally reducing clinical mistakes†(Seeman and Gibson, 2009, p. 54). Case managers claim that physicians are able to make more relevant and appropriate decisions in case this technology is implemented. Sometimes, such promptness guarantees lives saving. In accordance with the article, case managers underline the importance of digital data processing in the process of their performance. A possibility to save huge amounts of data fa cilitates the job of case managers in the modern world of digital age. In spite of the fact that the concept of electronic medical records was developed 40 years ago, only the modern digital age enables keeping and collecting data of patients in different amounts. Unfortunately, health care organizations do not pay much attention to implementation of EMR into practice. The article states that less than 10% of American hospitals have enabled their case managers to facilitate their work by means of EMR. Another intimidating fact is that case managers may not have such an opportunity to facilitate their job. There are some predictions that by 2014 electronic medical records are introduced across America, but these predictions can hardly be true. Therefore, the article comprises different points of technological advancement of case management. Summary of the article â€Å"Supporting Management Programs†A strong criticism is also evident in the article â€Å"Supporting Managemen t Programs†(n.d.): â€Å"The issue is one of adoption [of EMR]. Are people really ready to do this? As long as it's easier to script it out and hand it to a voice-activated nurse, that's what the physician will do†(Supporting Management Programs). Another important point, represented in the article is the fact that case managers have many other obligations and it is too hard for them
Monday, October 28, 2019
Mobility essay Essay Example for Free
Mobility essay Essay The Unites States is the land of opportunities where people pursuit the American dream to have a better life. American life is built on the faith that it is possible to rise from humble origins to economic heights. In that case social mobility plays a big role in todays society. Social mobility refers to the ability to change the positions within a social stratification system. In other words, when people improve or decrease their economic status in the way that it affects their social class, they experience either pward or downward social mobility. With this in mind, the social mobility in United States appears to be stalled or in decline. One of the main reasons is poverty that is causing a decline. Furthermore, the rich-poor gap that widens also has an effect on mobility causing income inequality. Also, European social mobility is much better than that one in the United States. Some other factors that influence social mobility include race, income, mother and father occupation, and ethnicity. Certainly, one of the reasons why social mobility in United States appears to be talled or in decline is because of poverty. The higher the individual starts on the social ladder the more likely that individual will end up higher than where he or she first started. The more income the parents have will guarantee more opportunities for that person. According to Economic Mobility Project, 40% of Americans that are born in the bottom quintile remain stuck there as adults (Upper bound). That means that that almost half of that social group doesnt change their position within a social stratification system. That doesnt mean it is their fault because people that are poor start with a disadvantage. For example, according to Eric Wanner, president of the Russell Sage Foundation, Upper-income families can invest more in their childrens education and they may have a better understanding of what it takes to get a good education. (Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs by Jason DeParle). That means that a child that comes from a richer family has more educational opportunities than a child coming from the poor. Furthermore, a child oming from rich family will have a better understanding on how to succeed in school where on the other hand, child from poor family doesnt have that opportunity. However, Just 8% of American men at the bottom rose to the top fifth. That shows that even though it is difficult it is still possible. Generally speaking, the rich-poor gap that widens also has an effect on mobility causing income inequality. As the gap between rich and the poor has widened since 1970, the odds that a child that is born in poverty will climb to wealth remain stuck. Same goes to child that is born rich will fall into middle class. One reason for mobility gap may be the depth of American poverty which leaves poor children starting especially far behind. Most of the time it is determined by the father and mother occupation. Based on the new data gathered by Bhashkar Mazumder of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, he argued that 60% of a sons income is determined by the level of income of the father. (Goodbye, Horatio Alger). This means that more than half of men are dependable on their fathers income. Furthermore, this shows that the higher the income ot parents, the more opportunities the child example, researchers now estimate the elasticity of father-son earnings at 0. 5%. That means that for every 1% increase in fathers income, his sons income will be increased or expected to increase by about 0. 5%. ((Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs). In other words, the better the income of the father, the better the income of the son. So the family background is very important in social mobility. In contrast, European social mobility is much better than that one in the United States. European countries have made serious investments to create equality of opportunity for all. According to Fareed Zakaria in The downward path of upward mobility, they have extremely good childhood health and nutrition programs, and they have far better public educations systems than the United States does. Furthermore, poor children compete on a more equal footing against the rich and in the United States poor children compete for better education few steps behind then others.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Mango: Asias King of Fruits :: Botany
The Mango: Asia's King of Fruits The genus Mangifera is one of the 73 genera belonging to the family Anacardiaceae in the order Sapindales. The greatest number of Mangifera species are found in the Malay Peninsula, the Indonesian archipelago, Thailand, Indo-China and the Philippines. Edible fruit is produced by at least 27 species in the genus, primarily species found in Southeast Asia. The mango's scientific name is Mangifera indica. Asia has held the mango with high esteem and has been considered to be the 'king of fruits'. Other areas of interest are the Borobudur Buddhist temple where sculptures were erected to depict the mango tree as a concept of royalty. The center of origin and diversity of the genus Mangifera is now firmly established as being in Southeast Asia. However, the origin of Mangifera indica has been a matter of speculation for years. Fossil records provided few clues. Mangifera indica is believed to have first appeared during the quaternary period. Some believe the mango originated from several related species, primarily located in the Malay Archipelago. Others believe that the mango originated in India and spread outward from there to southeast Asia and then to the New World and Africa. The Fruit and Nutritional Value The mango fruit is a large, fleshy drupe, containing an edible mesocarp of varying thickness. Fruit color is genotype-dependant and range from green, greenish-yellow, yellow and red blush. The exocarp is thick and glandular. The mesocarp can be fibrous or fiber-free with flavor ranging from turpentine to sweet. The endocarp is woody, thick and fibrous. No part of the fruit is wasted. The seed is used for extraction of the starch 'amchur', and the peels have been used as a source of anacardic acid. The mango wood is of low quality and the bark of the tree is an important source of tannins for curing leather. Mango fruit contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals, organic acids, proteins and vitamins. During the ripening process, the fruit are initially acidic, astringent and rich in ascorbic acid. Following fruit set, starch accumulates in the mesocarp. Free sugars, including glucose, fructose and sucrose generally increase during ripening giving the fruit a turpentine to sweet tasting flavor varying with species. The fruit is picked from the tree prior to ripening for export to other market places throughout the world. The fruit will turn colors during the ripening stage even after its removal from the tree.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
6th Amendment and the Courts
6th Amendment and the courts Alice Groh CRJS215-1301A-02 February 17, 2013 John Mcrae Abstract In writing this paper the author will attempt to explain the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments of the United States Constitution and how they apply to criminal defendants. The author will explain how the 6th amendments specific rights apply to the court system in this nation. This paper will also look at how this amendment is implemented within the criminal justice system in this country to see if it is working as intended. th Amendment and the courts The Bill of Rights provides certain rights to all individuals including rights for those accused of committing crimes. The 4th amendment gives people the right to be secure in their person, home, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure, no warrants shall be issued without probable cause and must list the place to be searched and the person or property to be seized (Bill of rights, n. d. ).The 5th amendment protects a person from being tried in a court of law twice for the same crime (known as double jeopardy), or to be a witness against himself (self-incrimination), or to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law (Bill of rights, n. d. ). The 6th amendment gives the accused the right to a speedy trial, by an impartial jury, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to confront witnesses against him, to obtain witnesses on his behalf, and to have counsel for his defense (The sixth amendment, n. . ). The 8th amendment forbids excessive bail, excessive fines being imposed, or cruel and unusual punishment from being inflicted upon the accused (Bill of rights, n. d. ). The 6th amendment has affected the way the accused are processed from arrest through sentencing phases of the criminal justice system. â€Å" The 6th amendment focuses completely on the rights of a person accused of committing a crime†( The sixth amendment, n. d. . The 6th amendment give s the accused seven specific rights. These rights are the right to a speedy trial, the right to a public trial, the right to an impartial jury, the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusations, the right to confront witnesses against them, the right to present their own witnesses, and the right to counsel even if they cannot afford to hire their own counsel (The sixth amendment, n. d. ).The right to a speedy trial stops a person from sitting in jail indefinitely without being tried for the crime they are accused of committing. The right to a public trial allows the public to observe exactly what is happening, satisfies the public’s desire to see justice done, and stops corruption from court officials. The right to an impartial jury reduces corruption in the trial proceedings, puts your fate in the hands of average citizens instead of one person the judge, and lets society have a say in what the punishment should be.The right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against you means that you are told the specific charges and allegations against you, when they supposedly occurred, and helps in stopping false charges from being filed against a person. The right to confront witnesses against you means that those witnesses must accuse you face to face in court, allows you to cross-examine them, ask questions of them, and examine their credibility.The right to call your own witnesses allows the accused to defend one’s self and helps guard against unfair and unjust accusations from being made. This clause guarantees that you can call your own witnesses and that if they refuse to testify the court can subpoena them to court. The right to counsel guarantees that the accused has a lawyer to help defend and assist them throughout the criminal process. If a person cannot afford to hire counsel then the court must appoint counsel for them. The right to counsel may be the most important right guaranteed within the 6th amendm ent.The right to counsel begins at the time of arrest and continues throughout the criminal proceedings even if the accused cannot afford to hire counsel themselves. I fully agree with the way the court system has implemented the rights of the 6th amendment in the criminal justice system. Without these rights the criminal justice system would not work as we know it. People accused of crimes would be unjustly and unfairly accused and tried for crimes they may have not committed and would have no way of defending themselves.The people accused of these crimes would find themselves living in a very barbaric court system. References Aiu online virtual campus website. Instructor files week 1 Bill of Rights. (n. d. ). Retrieved February 17, 2013 from http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript. html The sixth amendment. (n. d. ). Revolutionary war and beyond. Retrieved February 17, 2013 from http://www. revolutionarywarandbeyond. com/6th-amendment. html
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project/Portfolio Fact Pattern Handout
Facts – Little Louie 1. Unemployed 2. Dates Wild Wanda 3. Plans to rob a bank with Billy Bad Boy and Vinnie Bagadonuts. 4. Knows a gun collector named Smith 5. Breaks into Smith’s house 6. Breaks into the gun locker and steals couple of handguns, sawed-off shotgun, and automatic weapons. 7. Robs the bank 8. In a shootout with the armed guard a bank teller and police officer is shot. 9. Runs from the police officers. 10. Breaks into Smokey’s house. Little Louie 1. Conspiracy    Title 18, Part 1, Ch, 19,  §Ã‚ 371 2. Burglary – break an entering      ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 2   a) Breaking glass window into Smiths house 3. Second count of burglary – guns       ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 12   a) Breaking into the gun case b) Saw off shotgun c) Several hand guns d) Automatic weapons 4. Robbery – bank   Title18, Part 1, Ch 103,  § 2113 5. Murder of police officer   Title18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1114 6. Murder of a bank teller   Title 18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1111 7. Fleeing and eluding police officer        ORC, Title 29, Ch 2921,  § 2921. 331 Offense Charge with & Defense possibly for Little LouieLittle Louie is charged with conspiracy because he had talked planned with Billy Bad Boy and Vince Bagadonuts. Little Louie is charged with two counts of 5th degree felony burglary for in the Smith’s home and take his guns. Little Louie is charge with two counts of 1st degree felony Aggavated Murder one of a police officer and the other is the bank teller. Little Louie is charged with one count of fleeing and eluding of a police officer. Little Louie claims that Vinnie Bagadonuts was the one that shot the officer and bank teller and that also he was the one that broke into the house, and that  along with him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Idioms and Expressions With Make
Idioms and Expressions With Make The following idioms and expressions use make. Each idiom or expression has a definition and example sentences to help you understand these common idiomatic expressions with make. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with make. There are many other words that often find their way into common idioms and expressions including have, run, work, and like. Make a Beeline for Someone or Something To go directly to someone or something as soon as you arrive. I got to the party and made a beeline for Susan.He made a beeline for the booth as soon as he arrived. Make a Clean Sweep To get rid of everything or everyone to start anew. Im afraid well have to make a clean sweep and start over.The police made a clean sweep of the area by arresting everyone. Make a Comeback To become successful again after having been away from the scene or society for a long time The actress made a comeback in her latest movie.Youll have to make a comeback and take over the company. Make a Face Contort your face, make a strange expression often used with at someone. She tasted the soup and made a face. It must have been awful.Dont make a face at me! I know youre not happy. Make a Fool out of Someone To trick someone and make them look bad. She made a fool out of him and then left him for another man.I dont think youll ever make a fool out of me. Make a Fuss To pay a lot of attention to someone or something. She made a fuss the last time we visited, so lets take a gift.Im afraid I make a bit of a fuss over my plants in the garden. Make a Go of It To become successful, have success in business. It took us a few years to make a go of it, but everythings fine now.Bob made a go of it as an opera singer in Europe. Make a Killing To earn a lot of money. Peter has been making a killing as a hedge fund manager.They made a killing in real estate and retired. Make a Living To earn money in a profession or trade. He makes a living selling insurance to the elderly.Can you make a good living by teaching? Make a Name for Oneself To become famous or well known. Jennifer made a name for herself as an actress on Broadway.One day youll get out into the world and make a name for yourself. Make a Point To make something understood to others. Im trying to make a point about your lack of effort.The presentation made the point that you need to start saving early in life. Make a Run for It To try to escape from a bad situation, or just from the rain or something equally unpleasant. Lets make a run for those trees over there. They should keep us dry.The bank robbers made a run for it, but the police caught them within two hours. Make a Scene To become very upset and vocal so that others notice you. The little girl made a scene every time her mother didnt immediately buy her what she wanted.Dont make a scene about this. Lets go home and talk about it. Make a Stink To complain loudly about something. She made a stink to human resources after she didnt get the promotion.Ill go down to the store and make a stink about this! Make an Example of Someone To do something negative to someone in order that others understand that they should not do the same. The boss decided to fire him to make an example of him to the other employees.Im afraid he made an example of her and she started to cry in front of everybody. Make an Exception To not do something that is usually the rule. Ill make an exception this one time. Next time, dont forget your homework.Can you make an exception and let me take the test next week? Make Arrangements To do everything needed in order to be sure that something is done properly. Ill make arrangements for this to be shipped to Japan.We made arrangements for the meeting next week. Make Ends Meet To earn enough money to pay the bills. He works as an English teacher to make ends meet.You might not get rich, but youll certainly make ends meet. Make Fun Of To joke at the expense of someone. He made fun of her makeup and she began to cry.Dont make fun of Peter! Hes a great guy! Make Good on Something To do something you have promised or feel you owe someone. Let me make good on it by taking you out to dinner.Jason made good on the bet after two weeks. Make Light of Something To joke about something serious. I think you need to make light of the whole situation. What good does it do to worry so much?They made light of the mistake and continued with the job. Make Mischief To do something naughty, to get in trouble. The boys made mischief over the holidays and were grounded for three days.I know youre making mischief. I can see the twinkle in your eye. Make Sense To try to understand something, to be understandable. Does that make any sense to you?Im trying to make sense of this situation. Make Short Work of Something To do something quickly. Lets make short work of the garden and have a beer.She made short work of the report and moved on to the presentation. Make Someone Tick To be responsible for how someone acts in life. His love of music makes him tick.What makes you tick? What really gets you excited? Make Something Up To invent something that isnt true, to tell a false story. He made up an excuse to get out of work that day.Have you ever made something up? Make the Grade To be good enough. Im afraid your work here doesnt make the grade.Do you think this painting will make the grade at the competition? Make Waves To cause others trouble, often by complaining a lot. Can also mean to become noticed, usually by some type of disruption, which can be good or bad. Many people say its important to not make waves at work. Thats how we get into a mess!Her father made waves until the school decided to give her another chance.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cultural Autobiography Essays
Cultural Autobiography Essays Cultural Autobiography Paper Cultural Autobiography Paper Start by describing the cultural aspects of your family background (attitudes, beliefs and values). My mom was adopted at the age of 9 but was given up at birth. So she grew up her first 9 years bouncing from foster home to group homes. And my dad is Algonquin Native American, but I did not meet him until I was 15 years old. With that being said, I dont really know my culture background and sure wasnt raised with one. I had a single mom that would not take welfare, instead she worked 2 or 3 Jobs at a time to support my sister and l. We did have great grandparents that adopted y mom, and without them my life would of been a lot more difficult growing up. They were both school teachers, and my mom was their only child. The most culture upbringing we had with them was probably church. My grandma was and to this day, a true Christian to the core. We grew up staying with my grandparents most of the time outside of school nights. I went to church every Sunday, and attended and helped with all holiday functions and anything else that we could. During the summer, we went to BBS for 3 weeks in Priest Lake, Idaho. We prayed before every meal and followed the Christian calendar. Such as Palm Sunday, and so on. My fondest memories were Easter morning sunrise service in Spokane. Wed wake up at 3:30 AM, and be at this overlook point before sunrise. At that time the minister would have the special sermon. I know this isnt exactly what this assignment was about, but other then religion, I have no other culture upbringing. Include the significant moments or events In your life that have factored In your cultural development and discuss how these characteristics have Influenced who and where you are today. This Is a hard assignment for me, due to the lack of family I have. It would be easier for me to Include significant moments, where lacking any cultural upbringing Influenced who I am today. Like I said before, my mom had me at 17, and she was a ward to the state of WA. Since she was not 18 when I was born, the social worker and the courts mandated that I was to be my moms sister and put into foster care. My mom was turning 18, only 3 months after I was born. My mom fought the courts and the state of WA and was awarded emancipation and a baby daughter, me. My dad had taken off early on In the pregnancy, so It was my mom and me. She still says that all she ever wanted mom met the man I grew up believing was my biological father. When I was 3, my mom had my little sister. This was when my first experience of culture, race or becoming aware that people arent the same. I am medium skin tone, where my dad is dark skinned, native American. So of course my baby sister came into the world with tons of black hair and dark as could be. When my mom brought my sister home from the hospital, I started crying, saying, Take her back! I dont want a black one! In my eyes, at the age of 4, I still remember how confused I was about the differences between my sister and l. I did not find out that he wasnt my biological father until I was 12 years old. And that was the first of many heartaches to come. Well, after I found out I really had lost my identity. Who was my dad? What did he look like? All the normal questions filled my head for about 3 years. I m et my dad right around my 1 5th birthday. Its a very long story, but for the most part, it went well. A few weeks after meeting him, I went on a camping trip with my dad and half brother that is only a year younger than me. This is when I finally was introduced to my culture. My dad is 100% Algonquin Native American. His great-grandfather was the chief of the Algonquin tribe in Ottawa, Canada. I learned as much as I possibly could that weekend about my dads heritage. I was and still am very proud to be native American. The part that bums me out though, all through grade school and middle school, there was a program for native American kids. They got to do so many awesome things. They had special field trips, lunches, group meets and got to learn about their culture in a separate class. I envied them so much. Plus, my little sister is Black Foot Native, even though she wasnt in the programs, I knew she was Native. Anyways, my dad and I talk a couple times a year. He lives in Tacoma, but is a heavy alcoholic. I have looked up tons of history, facts and any information possible on the Algonquin tribe. Someday, I plan on visiting the reservation in Ottawa, Canada. Then I can walk around and see exactly what my culture is all about. Which of the cultural syndromes in the article Culture Conflict from Week 2 of the course readings apply to you? Have these changed over your life? Again, this is a hard question, I do not know the answer. I can say that l, myself elate to the diffuse-specific syndrome. (e. G. , Just because I do not like your report says nothing about liking you; Foe Schemers, 1967. ) Finish by naming and discussing the significant cultural symbols in your life and what they represent. I am in love with wolves and treacheries. To me, from my understanding of my culture, wolves are spiritual animals. And treacheries are very important to the purpose. It is fascinating. Inclusion of quotes and/or references from course readings (specifically cultural syndromes from Week 2) are required to earn full credit on this assignment.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Care for and Protect Old Photographs
How to Care for and Protect Old Photographs Whether it is paintings on cave walls or writings chiseled in stone, mankind has been recording history since the beginning of time. The ability to document history photographically is a more recent invention, however, beginning with the daguerreotype in 1838. Photographs provide a very important visual connection to our ancestors. Shared family physical characteristics, hairstyles, clothing styles, family traditions, special events, and more provide a graphic portrayal of the lives of our ancestors, but if we do not properly care for our photographs, some of our history will fade away right along with those precious images. What Causes a Photo to Deteriorate? Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and sunlight affect photographs more than any other factor. Cyclic conditions (high heat and humidity followed by cold, dry weather such as you would find in an attic or basement) are especially bad for photos and may cause cracking and separation of the emulsion (image) from the support (paper base of the photo). Dirt, dust, and oil are also big culprits of photographic deterioration. Storage Tips The worst places to store your photographs are in an un-insulated attic or basement. Constant high temperatures and humidity in the summer and low temperatures and humidity in the winter can cause your photographs to become brittle and crack. In severe cases, it may cause separation of the emulsion (image) from the support (paper base) of the photo. Dampness can cause photographs to stick together. Insects and rodents, commonly found in basements, also like to feed on photos. The best conditions for storing photographs are in a location with a consistent temperature from 65 °F–70 °F with a relative humidity of about 50%. These arent always possible in a home environment, however, so if your photographs are especially important to you, you may want to consider storing them in a safe deposit box at your bank where the conditions are ideal.Do not store your negatives in the same place as your photographs. If something happens to your photos or albums, your negatives will stil l be available to reprint your treasured family heirloom. Avoid cheap drugstore-type photo albums, magnetic photo albums, and paper and plastic storage products that arent specifically made for storing photos. Regular envelopes, ziplock bags and other things commonly used for photo storage arent always safe for your photos. Use only lignin-free, acid-free, un-buffered paper for storing photographs or as interleaving paper in albums. Use only PVC-free plastics such as Polyester, Mylar, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, and Tyvek.Water and fire can ruin your photos. Keep pictures away from fireplaces, heaters, dryers etc. Avoid water damage by storing photos on high shelves well away from water pipes and in locations not prone to flooding or leaks (dont store in the basement or in a closet which backs on a shower, tub or sink). What to Avoid Dirt, dust, and oils from your hands can cause permanent damage. You should handle prints and negatives along the edges, preferably while wearing white cotton gloves.Do not write on the back of your photos with standard ball-point or felt-tip ink pens. Unless it is marked specifically for use on photos, most ink contains acids which will eat away at and stain your photos over time. If you must mark a photo and dont have an acid-free photo marking pen available, then write lightly with a soft lead pencil on the back of the image.Do not use rubber bands or paper clips to hold photos together. Rubber bands contain sulfur which can cause your photo to deteriorate. Paper clips can scratch the surface of your photos or negatives. Clippings should be photocopied onto alkaline paper.Do not use paper clips to hold photos together or in albums. They can scratch the surface of your photos or negatives.Do not display important photos in your home. The glass can stick to the emulsion over time. S unlight will cause your photo to fade. If you want to display a precious photo, then have a copy made and display the copy! Do not use glues (especially rubber cement) or pressure sensitive tapes to mend photographs or hold them in albums. Most glues contain substances such as sulfur and acids which will cause your photos to deteriorate. Look for special photo-safe glues and tapes in the archival section of your favorite photo or craft store.Avoid exposing photographic materials to anything containing sulfur dioxide, fresh paint fumes, plywood, cardboard, and fumes from cleaning supplies.Do not take special family photos (wedding photos, baby photos, etc.) to an inexpensive photo developer for processing, especially one hour services. It is important that the film is developed with fresh chemicals and that the negatives are washed sufficiently (for at least an hour) and only professionals usually provide these services. Ask questions and make sure you get what you are paying for.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Trends - Social Networking sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Trends - Social Networking sites - Essay Example It has quickly become a major source of information with many people relying on it to get news from all over the world, for research, to do market research and make purchases and to keep in touch with one another over great distances. One of the most influential consequences of the internet is social networking, which has become big business for those who run social networking companies since they not only charge people to pay to advertise on their websites, but many have also developed the tendency of selling the personal information of their users to other commercial companies. Social networking has come to set many trends in the world today, since it has changed the way people interact with one another as well as created a medium for people from different parts of the world to communicate. Approximately 10 percent of workers world over telecommute and this figure is exponentially high in developed countries. The most influential trends brought about by social networking sites incl ude the virtual world becoming almost as real as the physical one, phenomenal growth of information over the internet, creation of mobile devices and finally, an increased transparency into the private lives of individuals, since many share their private matters over the social networks. The psychological impacts of social networking especially on the youths have been phenomenal over the last decade; â€Å"15-24 still represent the most highly-engaged segment of social networkers†thus they make the bulk of internet users (Sighn). To many of them, the internet has become such an important role that they have become obsessed with it and they cannot function without it. Today, millions have become addicted to social networking and they literary live and sleep online for some people being disconnected makes them feel unsettle and anxious, not unlike deprived drug addicts. Nevertheless the internet has also radically changed and improved communication; social networking can be ap plauded for the developments which they have made in interpersonal communication. Interaction among people in different parts of the world has become easier and more convenient, because there is no longer any need to have physical contact for communication to take place. Instead, they have made communication virtual, with more people subscribing to the use of social network sites to communicate every day. Social networks have effectively ensured that the need for human beings to socialize has been satisfied, as well as enabled those individuals who use them to be able to communicate with large numbers of people at the same time (Singh). Thus, social networking sites have not only managed to fulfill the need for individuals to communicate with one another, but they have also created a situation where physical interaction is no longer necessary for communication. In addition, social networks have made the virtual world, to be almost as real of the physical one; in fact, for some peopl e, the virtual presence is more real than the physical one since most of their interactions with others are done over social networks (Brown 31). These networks have become the best platforms on which individuals can use to effectively communicate with each other, and this explains the reason as to why quite a large number of people prefer spending their time in these sites. It is equivocal
Friday, October 18, 2019
Family in Europe History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Family in Europe History - Coursework Example The Gratian solution to this problem was to suggest that marriage occurs in two stages, the first when consent is made and the second following intercourse. Although marriage was valid and binding after consent, it was made more intimate and complete only after intercourse. While this validated Mary and Joseph’s marriage, it still indicated their marriage wasn’t totally complete because, of course, Mary was a virgin. As a result, this solution didn’t satisfy the Christian concerns. The Lombard solution relied on semantics. Rather than suggesting that simple consent was necessary, Lombard suggested that this consent had to be made in the present tense, which distinguishes it as a marriage contract, therefore making Mary and Joseph’s marriage complete. This was distinguishable from a betrothal simply because it was uttered in the present tense; betrothals were made in future tense. Because it satisfied both concerns regarding how to distinguish marriage from betrothal and validated the marriage of Jesus and Mary, this definition of marriage was accepted, but it also introduced a significant shift in family power as regional lords, the church and the parents all lost the ability to forbid marriage, retaining only the power to disapprove of it. The agnatic lineage traces family kinship ties through the father’s line only. The women were completely ejected from the equation and any sense that the matrilineal line is the only sure line of descent was lost. This caused women to lose a great deal of their worth. As mentioned, they were no longer important to the family line other than to provide the means of acquiring the next generation. This loss caused them to also lose any claims of inheritance or particular care within their childhood family unit. Once they were married, they ceased to be of any importance to their birth family at all as any of their labors and the children they bear then belong to the family of the husband. By removing half of
Analysis of The Declaration of Independence Essay
Analysis of The Declaration of Independence - Essay Example While the Declaration of Independence demonstrates considerable historical importance, a large part of its lasting appealing is because of the power rhetorical tools the text implements. Within this context of understanding, perhaps the most powerful rhetorical tool is Jefferson’s implementation of pathos to engage the emotional appeal of the readers. From the very opening of the document, Jefferson implements slightly melodramatic language as a means of creating this emotional response within the reader. Consider Jefferson when he writes, When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation (Jefferson). While these textual elements function to establish the purpose of the document, they are also written in a lyrical way that draws the attention of the reader to the importance and viability of this declaration. Evident here, as well as later in the text, is also a carefully crafted rhetorical structure. In these regards, one notes that Jefferson’s sentences are not simply constructed as one might construct a legal document, but are highly considered for things such as alliteration and parallel structure. This is highly evident in the quote above, as well as in statements such as the seminal, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†(Jefferson). Ultimately, this lyrical quality functions within Jefferson’s emotional pathos technique of engaging the reader. In addition to these stylistic eleme nts of rhetoric, the text also implements strong appeals based on logos. Indeed, in considering the Declaration of Independence in terms of logos, one of the most powerful articulations is the role of government. In these regards, the overarching understanding is that it protects citizens’ rights. In these regards, Jefferson makes the seminal statement, â€Å"they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†(Jefferson). While this is a broad and rhetorical statement, its primary argument holds true. While the Declaration of Independence in large part illustrates the functions of government that England failed to accomplish, in considering some of these points, one demonstrate some of the important roles of government. Regarding England, Jefferson indicates that he has â€Å"refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquis h the right of representation in the legislature†(Jefferson). Here, Jefferson is indicating that the British government failed to provide adequate representation to individuals. Ultimately, when one views the slanted and dysfunctional nature of dictatorships, the importance of this function is made abundantly clear. As the text progresses Jefferson abandons the earlier lyrical quality for the more legal-like structure wherein a series of grievances are listed. This technique has powerful logos appeal as the culmination of these grievances builds such
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Professional Accountant Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Professional Accountant Assignment - Essay Example In this case, the definition of the independent directors may vary. An independent member of the board should be in depend in terms of not just the definition but also in terms of the structure of his or her work and how he relates to the firm. They have to be independent from the executives of the firm with regard to the financial gains. The new governance is very difference from the UK cooperate governance standards. For instance, it will have to include a council o a maximum of 100 members who will be in control of the firm with regard to overseeing the decisions of the firm through voting. This is very different from the corporate governance for UK cooperates because they do not usually have these (Solomon, 2011). This is however necessary for the cooperative because as Lord Myner said in his report, the cooperative should always be in the control of its owners. In this regard, he proposed that there must be as many members of the council in order to make sure that they oversee the decisions and actions for the executives. Corporations do not have this kind of government and only depend on bound members and the CEO as well as the chainman to the board. However, for a cooperative, this may be necessary on order to guarantee that the vested interests of the cooperative members have been achieved (Mallin, 2013). The other difference between the new structure in the cooperative and the UK cooperate structure is the senate which will be elected by the council members. This senate will help co-ordinate the activities of the council. It will also help in coordinating the relationships and operation of the council, the board and the executives of the cooperative. This is different from the standard UK corporate governance as these corporations do not have a senate or even a council (Thompson & Wright, 2013). The non-executive directors are involved in the strategy development by contributing to the processes they help in this by challenging
Macroeconomic Convergence, Financial Development and Economic Growth Coursework
Macroeconomic Convergence, Financial Development and Economic Growth - Coursework Example The theory of absolute convergence states that the growth level of countries initially varies due to the difference in their levels of capital. The second theory of conditional convergence states that each country has a steady state and they converge to their own level of the steady state. The paper focuses on the effect of convergence on China and the resultant financial development and economic growth in this country. Deep-down analysis of the fact that poor countries can catch up to the rich countries through the increase in the average rates of growth has been carried on for a proper understanding of this topic. The investigation of the way in which the financial development and economic growth of China helped it to reach the position equivalent to a developed country is considered for the purpose of review. The Solow swan model and laws of diminishing marginal utility are used to help in the process of interpretation of the topic in a simple and easy manner. The empirical evidence is laid down in the paper along with charts to facilitate the process of understanding. The idea of catch-up-effect or convergence in economics is based on the hypothesis that the per capita income of the poorer economies will tend to grow at a much faster rate than the richer ones. The resultant factor is the convergence of both the economies in terms of the per capita income. The financial functions control the investment and saving decisions, technological innovations and therefore economic growth (Shahbaz, Khan and Tahir, 2013). Classical theories: The Ricardian theory of production and growth are related to the law of variable proportion. The law states that if any factor of production is increased while keeping the other same with no technological changes, there can be an increase in the output but in diminishing rate. This increased output eventually approaches towards zero.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Professional Accountant Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Professional Accountant Assignment - Essay Example In this case, the definition of the independent directors may vary. An independent member of the board should be in depend in terms of not just the definition but also in terms of the structure of his or her work and how he relates to the firm. They have to be independent from the executives of the firm with regard to the financial gains. The new governance is very difference from the UK cooperate governance standards. For instance, it will have to include a council o a maximum of 100 members who will be in control of the firm with regard to overseeing the decisions of the firm through voting. This is very different from the corporate governance for UK cooperates because they do not usually have these (Solomon, 2011). This is however necessary for the cooperative because as Lord Myner said in his report, the cooperative should always be in the control of its owners. In this regard, he proposed that there must be as many members of the council in order to make sure that they oversee the decisions and actions for the executives. Corporations do not have this kind of government and only depend on bound members and the CEO as well as the chainman to the board. However, for a cooperative, this may be necessary on order to guarantee that the vested interests of the cooperative members have been achieved (Mallin, 2013). The other difference between the new structure in the cooperative and the UK cooperate structure is the senate which will be elected by the council members. This senate will help co-ordinate the activities of the council. It will also help in coordinating the relationships and operation of the council, the board and the executives of the cooperative. This is different from the standard UK corporate governance as these corporations do not have a senate or even a council (Thompson & Wright, 2013). The non-executive directors are involved in the strategy development by contributing to the processes they help in this by challenging
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Feminine Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Feminine Beauty - Essay Example It has also been argued that beautification, for the women, is a form of disguise (Ware 178-179). This implies that, through beautification, women attempt to hide their true self and show what they want the society to see. This may mean that women struggle to hide some defects in their bodies. This would be used to show the difference between the process of beautification and the product of the overall process. The process leads to a product, which is just an extension of the woman but not the real self. Specifically, this is termed as a process of creating an alternative ideal of the physical self and eliminating the flaws in the body. To further support this claim, the main reason as to why most women undertake plastic surgery is so that they can align their inner self with their appearance. Some women may claim that their bodies fail to represent them as they should or as they really are (Cahill 41-43). This implies that the women have identified some flaws in their bodies and are constantly attempting to eliminate them through beautification practices. Therefore, through various beautification processes, the true existence of the women is realized. This implies that there is a form of subjectivity that the society has placed on women that requires them to spend longer periods of time while attempting to ‘fit’ in the society. This is the beautification portrayed in the artwork that could as well indicate that the woman spend a significant amount of time performing some beautification procedures to make her look as she ‘really is’. Such beauty has also been argued to be projected for the male population; for the males’ approval. However, the males are also not keen since they approve it simply by looking at the anesthetic instead of the female being as a full human being. Since the men view the feminine beauty as specifically done for them, the discourse for beautification is contrary to political, social and economic equal ity. Simply, the idea of beautification is against the quest for equality in the society. When men view the beautified woman as the aesthetic, the whole material of work that constitute the woman’s body is perceived as used up in that she fails to reveal her being. In place of that, men see equipment made for their own satisfaction.Â
Monday, October 14, 2019
Legislations Essay Example for Free
Legislations Essay This is to find out if there are any educational needs. * Code of practice for the identification and assessment of children with special educational needs (1994 revised 2001) – Designed to help make efficient decisions for children with educational needs. * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) (1995) By law certain incidents/accidents have to be reported to the appropriate people. * Food safety amp; general food hygiene regulation (1995) – Knowledge of basic hygiene within food preparation and daily chores. Family law act (1996) – ensures the safety and best interest of the child. * Disability discrimination act (1995) – Ensures that the rights of those with disabilities. * Code of practice for first aid (1997) – Standard practice for trained first aiders. * Protection of children act (1998) – Anyone who works with children is required to undertake a crb check. This is to ensure the safety of children. * Children act (2004) – Ensures the development of children in their own home and of the carer. It identifies 5 outcomes, Staying safe, Being healthy, Enjoying and achieving, Making a positive contribution, Achieving economic well being. * Safeguarding the welfare of children (2013) – To protect children from abuse of neglect to ensure they can grow and achieve. Name: Kelly Rogers Centre Number: 1201. 000 Cache Pin: Cypop5 Understand how to set up a home based childcare setting Task 1 Produce an information sheet which outlines the following; Current legislation for home based childcare The role of the regulatory bodies * Equality act (2010) – This act was brought in to protect against discrimination. It is used to set out different ways in which you cannot treat another. * The convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) (1989) – This legislation gives children over 40 major rights namely that their opinion or thoughts matter and they have the right to be included in or can make certain decisions. Name: Kelly Rogers Centre number: 1201. 000 Cache Pin: Cypop5 Understand how to set up a home based childcare setting. Task 1 produce an information sheet which outlines the following; Current legislation for home based childcare The role of the regulatory bodies The role of the regulatory body is to ensure that all children receive the best possible care when that child is in any other setting other than their own home. All childcare providers are required to register with the regulatory body, in England this is Ofsted. Any complaints or concerns can be made to Ofsted and if they feel it is necessary they will investigate and if needs be they will take action against any individual if the needs of the child is not being met. There are 2 different registers that childminders can register on 1 – the early years register 2 – the child care register. The early years register will require a visit from ofsted to assess your suitability as a childminder and that you are able to deliver all requirements of the early years foundation. They will determine how you will be able to help the child make progress with their learning and development. Ofsted will also assess how you will meet safeguarding and welfare requirements. Ofsted will also regulate numbers for the early years register to ensure that every childs needs are met. For the childcare register ofsted will not usually visit unless there is reason to do so. The childcare register is for those who care for more than 1 child following their 5th birthday.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Safety Assessment: Benzalkonium Chloride as Sanitising Agent
Safety Assessment: Benzalkonium Chloride as Sanitising Agent Benzalkonium Chloride Benzalkonium chloride or BAC is an antibacterial agent belonging to the quaternary ammonium compound group. It is widely used in the health care industry and cosmetic industry as an antimicrobial and cleansing agent. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 0.1-0.13% w/w BAC is considered safe and effective as an â€Å"antiseptic drug product†.55 BAC has also been recognized as safe and effective when incorporated into oral mouth rinses.56 BAC is also popularly used as a rinse-free hand sanitizer and for hand washing.57 Short-term and long-term clinical studies have shown that BAC incorporated in intranasal products is safe and well-tolerated. 58 Furthemore, BAC meets the performance criteria under the Tentative Final Monograph for Health Care Antiseptic Drug Products as an active component in rinse-free hand sanitizers. Sufficient evidence exists to support the usage of BAC as a Category I active ingredient in 1994. It was analyzed as a leave-on sanitizer at the Final Monograph for Healthcare Personnel Antiseptic Drug Products. 59 A study by Dyer et al concluded that a hand sanitizer with BAC as the main component was a safe and effective way of decreasing illness absenteeism in grade schools.60 The safety of BAC was reviewed by an expert panel and they concluded that at concentrations of up to 0.1%, free active ingredient is â€Å"safe for human use†.61 It was acknowledged that BAC can be used beyond being an active ingredient for leave-on products because of its safety and antimicrobial effectiveness profiles. The FDA has also agreed upon the usefulness of biocidal quaternary amino actives, particularly BAC, in their previous rulemaking. As an example, the FDA stated that â€Å"it was not seriously concerned with the safety of ‘quats’ for first aid uses like wound cleansers, skin wound protectants, and skin antiseptics†in the 1991 Proposed Rule for Topical Antiseptic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Tentative Final Monograph for First Aid Antiseptic Drug Products. BAC was found to meet the requirements for first-aid antiseptic applications as reviewed by the expert panel at that time. Furthermore, the FDA has permitted the combination of BAC and Benzethonium Chloride homologues at concentrations of up to 0.004% as a food preservative or for long-term ingestible applications.62 At the 2002 16th Report of the Cosmetic Ingredients Review Expert Panel, BAC was announced to be safe at concentrations of up to 0.1% w/w. The cosmetic applications studied here were those that encompassed a daily-use regimen. A publication was done on a cross-over study of 420 grade-school children (5-12 years old) for a period of 10 weeks. They were told to use a leave-on sanitizer with BAC as soon as they entered the classroom, before eating their snacks and lunch, after sneezing or coughing inside the classroom, and after using the restroom. They observed that even with frequent use, there was no adverse reaction such as edema, rash or erythema, among the students during or after the study.40 Another study published in 1998 investigated the performance of an alcohol-free hand sanitizer with BAC. They concluded that the product exceeded the minimum performance standards indicated by the FDA for reducing bacteria.63 BAC has been reported to be effective against a wide variety of microorganisms, such as mixed-type viruses and non-enveloped viruses. BAC even demonstrated on some instances, a significantly higher virucidal activity as compared to alcohol applications. One important aspect of BAC that should not be over-looked is its non-flammable nature. In fact, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, BAC-containing sanitizers were very effective against human coronavirus especially in use in airlines and airports as alcohol-containing products were banned because of issues in flammability. In a study on BAC at reducing illness in public and private schools, they observed a 44.2% decrease in incidence of gastrointestinal illnesses and a 50.2% reduction in respiratory-related illnesses. In a different double-blinded study with 769 students, there was a 33% reduction in illness-related absenteeism. It was recommended that alcohol-free leave-on sanitizers, like those with BAC, are the only appropriate composition for usage in settings as school. This is due to the possible misuse of alcohol-containing sanitizers as a fire accelerant or by intentional ingestion. An excellent review on the issue of bacterial resistance to antibacterial sanitizers was also recently submitted by SDA to FDA in response to the reopening of the docket for comments. However, the FDA advised that further studies should be done regarding antimicrobial resistance and the potential development of resistance to these agents, including BAC. This was stated at the joint meeting in 1997 of the FDA Advisory Committees. In the field of Orthodontics, Othman et al 64 confirmed that adding BAC to an adhesive produces antibacterial properties. In the study, BAC was incorporated into a light-cured composite resin, and an evaluation of its antimicrobial and physical properties was done. BAC was incorporated into Reliance Phase II adhesive to produce BAC concentration from 0.25% to 2.50% wt/wt. The modified samples were cut into disks and incubated in Strep. mutans for two days. Amount of bacterial inhibition was measured with agar disk diffusion assay. Other disks were placed in brain-heart infusion medium with Strep. sobrinus to measure its adherence. Cells that adhered were measured. Tensile bond strength was analyzed using a universal testing machine by attaching traction hooks to bovine teeth with the modified adhesives. Results showed an increase in antimicrobial activity in composites with higher BAC. Antimicrobial activity was negative for the composites without BAC. The composite with BAC and with out BAC did not show any difference with regard to their diametral tensile stress and tensile bond strength. Therefore, they concluded that when BAC was combined with an orthodontic adhesive, it added antimicrobial properties without changing its mechanical properties. Another study that aimed to create an antibacterial adhesive without compromising its bond strength was done by Saito et al.65 Their aim was to find the dose of BAC that exhibited antibacterial effect and did not compromise bond strength. In Saito’s study, Superbond CB resin cement was used. A mixture of the polymer, monomer, catalyst and BAC was produced according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Composite disks with the following BAC concentration were produced: 0.25%, 0.75%, 1.25%, 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5% (wt/wt). Composite disks of the same size (0.8 mm x 2 .0 mm thickness) were made. The test bacteria used were Strep. mutans 10449 and PS14, and Strep. sobrinus 6715 and B13. A brain-heart infusion medium was used to grow the bacteria. To evaluate the antibacterial activity, disk diffusion assay was utilized. To analyze the release of BAC as shown by an inhibition of growth of the bacteria, the semidiameter of the growth inhibition zone was measured. The bacteria were grown overnight in a broth and diluted. An optical density of 0.5 (550nm) was used. An inoculation of 80  µL (60-fold dilution) was performed on the brain-heart infusion agar plates. A glass rod was used to spread the inoculums evenly providing uniform bacterial growth. The BAC-infused composite disks were placed on the agar and were incubated at 37 ºC. Two days after incubation, the inhibition zones were measured. Saito also tested the shear bond strength using 70 extracted human premolars. The teeth were randomly distributed into seven groups and embedded in acrylic except for the buccal areas which were used for bonding. The teeth were polished using rubber prophylactic cups with pumic for 10 seconds. The teeth were etched with 65% phosphoric acid for 30 seconds and washed for 20 seconds then orthodontic metal brackets were bonded. Composite with the following BAC concentrations were used to bond the brackets: 0%, 0.25%, 0.75%, 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5%. A 300-gram force was applied on each bracket (based on the study of Bishara et al66). The results were presented in standard deviation and mean and analyzed with ANOVA to determine if there were significant differences among the groups. For multiple comparisons, Fisher test was used. Statistical differences were detected by a Chi-square test. Significance was predetermined at P 0.5.38 Results showed that there were significant differences among the composites with different BAC concentrations. No significant differences were found among the bacterial strains. When placed on the agar plate with Strep. mutans or Strep. sobrinus, no inhibition zone was observed on the composite with 0% BAC. The composite disks with BAC demonstrated a significant antibacterial property when compared with the composite without BAC. The antibacterial effect was found to increase as BAC concentration increased. This was indicated by an increase in the bacterial inhibition zones that were measured. The disks with 5% BAC had the highest amount of antibacterial activity. A significant difference in bond strength was noted among the different composites with BAC. However, as BAC concentration was raised, they observed a decline in shear bond strength. The study of Saito et al concluded that adding BAC into composite resin attributes antimicrobial properties strong enough to inhibit Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. A clinically acceptable range of shear bond strength is yet to be established scientifically. Saito noted that incorporation of BAC does not lessen the strength to less than 10 MPa when an etchant (phosphoric acid) is used. The range of shear bond strength in study was 10.12 MPa – 20.94 MPa. Saito et al further concluded that a composite incorporated with BAC â€Å"has a possibility for clinical application as a bonding adhesive†. It was recommended in the study that it is essential to acquire a long-term release behaviour of an antibacterial agent. Therefore, a study investigating the release behaviour of BAC should be done. It was mentioned in the study by Saito that BAC has been a popular choice of contact lens antiseptic. However, the quantity of BAC used in the study was less than the amount used in contact lenses. A typical bonding procedure in an orthodontic patient requires around 150 mg of composite adhesive. Therefore, 0.7 mg of BAC is required to achieve 0.5% BAC concentration. The same author in 2009 evaluated the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of an orthodontic adhesive containing BAC. To achieve the desired concentration of BAC, it was initially diluted to 50% by mixing it with the orthodontic polymer (wt/wt). It was diluted further with polymer to achieve the required concentration. 65 They achieved the following BAC concentrations: 0.25%, 0.75%. 1.25%, 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5.0% (wt/wt). Custom-made molds were used to produce BAC-composite disks of the same size (8.0 mm x 2.0 mm). The disks were evaluated using antibacterial and cytotoxicity assays with three independent runs. To perform the disk diffusion assay, the BAC composite disks were soaked in distilled water at 37 ºC for 0, 30, 90, and 180 days prior to the assessment of antibacterial activity. The test bacteria used were Strep. mutans 10449 and PS14 and Strep. sobrinus 6751 and B13. They were routinely grown in a brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours. The growth inhibition of Strep. mutans and / or Strep. sobrinus showed the release of BAC into the agar medium. Electric digital callipers were used to take measurements of the zone of growth inhibition around each BAC composite disk. To test the cytotoxicity, human gingival fibroblast cultures were grown from the cells of healthy gingival tissues from patients who were undergoing extraction prior to orthodontic treatment. This was copied from the method of Somerman, et al. After the patients underwent extraction, a part of the gingival tissue attached to the interdental papilla was taken. The samples were washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS). The acquired tissues were dissected into 1-mm cubes and were transferred to 35-mm tissue culture dishes with ÃŽ ±-minimal essential medium supplemented with 100  µg/mL of penicillin G, 500  µg/mL gentamicin sulphate, 0.3  µg/mL amphotericin B, and 10% fetal bovine serum. Incubation of the cultures was done in a 37 ºC humidified incubator with 95% air and 5% carbon dioxide. When confluence was reached, the cells were detached using 0.05% trypsin in PBS for 10 minutes. They were subcultured in flasks and seeded.38 The controls used in the study were the resin disks without BAC. The harvested gingival cells were laid under resin disks. In between the disks and the gingival cells was an 8  µm PET membrane that allowed the passage of the components of the resins to make contact with the human gingival cells. This was based on the study of Tang et al. Incubation with the gingival cells were done at 37 ºC for 1, 3, and 6 days.38 A reduction assay kit containing tetrazolium bromide was used to assess the cytotoxicity. This was based on the reduction that occurs to MTT when exposed to living cell mitochondria. It becomes purple fromazan. After 1, 3, and 6 days, the cells were cleaned with PBS after removal of the resins and the medium. Addition of 0.5 mL MTT medium solution was made to the wells. The solution was incubated at 37 ºC for 3 hours. A microplate reader was used to measure the purplish lysate. They observed significant differences among the different lengths of time the samples were soaked in distilled water and among the BAC concentration. With the different bacteria, they did not detect any significant differences. No difference that was significant enough was also observed between the bacterial strain and BAC. There were significant differences noted regarding the antibacterial activity at 0 day between samples with 5% BAC compared to other BAC concentrations. There were also significant differences observed regarding antibacterial activity among 0.25%, 0.75%, and 1.25% BAC, and 1.75%, 2.5%, and 5% BAC concentration. However, there was not any significant difference detected among 1.75%. 2.5%, and 5% BAC concentrations. There was a significant difference at 180 days between 0.25%, 0.75%, and between 1.25% and 5% concentrations. They observed that the higher the concentration of BAC in the composite, the greater the decrease that occurred in antibacterial property based on the assay time prolongation. They concluded that when the samples were not soaked in water, they exhibited higher antibacterial activity. The resins with 5% BAC had the highest antibacterial property. There was a significant decrease in antibacterial activity after soaking the samples in water for 180 days at all BAC concentrations. The samples incorporated with 5% BAC had the highest antibacterial activity compared to the resin with 0.25% at all periods of the experiment. In fact, the antibacterial activity exhibited by the resin with 5% BAC soaked for 180 days was the same as the antibacterial activity shown by the resin containing 0.25% and 1.75% BAC prior to immersion in water. There were significant differences in MTT activity percentages among the BAC composites with regard to cytotoxicity to the human gingival cells. Saito’s study concluded that resins with 1.25% or 1.75% BAC exhibited constant antibacterial properties when immersed in water for 180 days due to the continuous BAC release. However, an increase in cytotoxicity was noted as the antibacterial activity increased. Therefore, composites with a higher concentration of BAC were shown to be more cytotoxic. A concentration of BAC that was 0.25% or 0.75% exhibited cytotoxicity similar to the resins without BAC or the controls at all test periods. Saito et al recommended that a similar study be made using saliva instead of water as the immersing medium. This is due to the presumption that the oral environment is different that it may influence the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of the resins with BAC. The study confirmed that adding BAC to a composite resin exhibits an antibacterial effect against Strep. mutans and Strep. sobrinus. The author suggested that BAC be tested in vivo for safety before it is tested clinically.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Passwords - Common Attacks And Possible Solutions :: Computer Security
Overview Making sure authorized users have access to either sensitive company information or their personal e-mail can be a daunting task, given the fact that an average user has to remember at least 4/5 passwords, a couple of which have to be changed on a monthly basis. The majority of users are frustrated when choosing or remembering a password, and are highly unaware of the consequences of their actions while handling accounting data. This article will provide you with an overview of how important, yet fragile, passwords security really is; you will be acquainted with different techniques for creating and maintaining passwords, and possible alternative methods for authentication, namely Passphrases, Biometrics and Public Key Infrastructure(PKI). Dangers posed by passwords While the majority of organizations and almost 99% of the home users still rely heavily on passwords as a basic form of authentication to sensitive and personal resources, the insecure maintenance, creation, and network transfer could open the front door of any organization or personal asset to a malicious attacker. Management staff with outdated mode of thinking still believe that passwords are the most essential, user-friendly way to identify a user on their network or database, while the fact is that users are frustrated with the fact that they need to change their password, that they need to create a "secure" password, or follow instructions on how to keep it as secret as possible. The results are a large number of crackable passwords, the same passwords on multiple systems, and "post it" notes with passwords even including login names. On any given system, certain users have privileges that the others don't and shouldn't even have. By identifying yourself on your computer or any given web site, you are granted with access to your work environment and personal data, data which you define as sensitive and data you wouldn't want to make public, the way a company doesn't want to give a competitor an access to its intranet, for instance. Abusive scenarios posed by exposing accounting data are: Identity theft- Identity theft might occur once your accounting data is somehow known to another person using it to impersonate you in order to get hold of you digital identity. This might result in both financial damages, as well as personal ones. Sensitive data exposure- The content of your e-mail correspondence, personal projects, documents and photos, could be exposed to a malicious hacker or someone targeting especially you as an individual. Company data exposure- Unethical intelligence by getting sensitive confidential internal information through a badly maintained and kept accounting data would have an enormous impact on the company you're working for.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Conqueror And King: Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great, as his name connotes is probably one of the greatest military leaders and conquerors in the history of the world. At a very young age, he was able to put much of the Hellenistic world under his control extending over 3,000 miles from Greece to India (Cummings, 2004). The unification of the numerous Greek city-states under the father of Alexander, Philip II of Macedon was attributable to the the great conqueror who took control over these lands that the Persian army used to control. These include Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia (Shone and Odgens, 2005).Alongside this, he extended the boundaries of his own empire reaching as far as Punjab (now a province of Pakistan) in the Indian subcontinent. These military achievements of Alexander the Great did not stop here. If he had not died at a very young age, Alexander the Great could have conquered the European lands (Tarn, 1979). He also wanted to continue his conquests by explori ng eastwards, hoping to find the end of the world which had been made known to him by his tutor, the great philosopher, Aristotle. Alexander’s tutor once told him tales of where the lands and the great oceans begin.It was also Aristotle who influenced the young prince greatly on how to behave properly, especially in dealing with women. His great respect for women has been very evident even during his adulthood (Syversten, 1997). In his conquests of new lands, Alexander encouraged the inclusion of foreigners into his army which is basically the reason why some scholars consider him to be a ‘policy of fusion (Cummings, 2004). ’ With this, he also encouraged the intermarriage between his army and foreigners, which he also engaged in by marrying Roxanne, the princess of Bactria, one of the present provinces of Afghanistan.Because of this, the military conquests and achievements ushered in what came to be known as the Hellenistic age, a fusion of Greek and Middle East ern culture (Gunther, 1963). In Afghanistan, for example, the rulers had combined Greek names with their own names. Having lived a life that was full of military achievements and accomplishments, though shortly lived made Alexander a person of vital importance not just in the history of the Greek culture but the history of the world as well. He has also appeared to be a legendary hero in the person of the Homeric hero, Achilles (Green, 1970).The Achievements of Alexander the Great The birth of Alexander the Great on the twentieth of July to Philip II of Macedonia and his fourth wife Olympias in Pella, Macedonia in Northern Greece happened to be the same day when the temple of Artemis has been raised to the ground- a good omen of how great the young prince would be (Robinson, 1963). Aside from this, he could have inherited the military skills and achievements of his other relatives. His father, like him was a great general and organizer. Similarly, Pyrrhus of Epirus was his second co usin (O’Brien, 1992).As a child, it has been said that Alexander would often get disappointed whenever he learns of his father’s successful conquests of new lands, thinking that there would be no more lands left for him by the time he sits on the throne as king (Syversten, 1997). By the time he reached thirteen, the young prince matured, thanks to his education under Aristotle. It was because of his education under Aristotle that he became interested in philosophy, literature, philosophy, countries, ethics, politics, etc.He also developed a love for the works of Homer and the Heroic Age (Pinkerton, 2002). His love for Homer’s the Iliad was the reason why he regarded Achilles to be his role model, and it was because of this that the young boy became fearless and strong which he demonstrated by riding Bucephalus, the horse no one ever dared to touch (Pinkerton, 2002). At the age of sixteeen, King Philip II placed great responsibilities upon the young prince. While the former has been away for a long period of time, one of Macedonia’s colonies revolted.Due to the absence of his father, the young prince took over the situation and commanded the troops to subdue the said rebellion. He was also sixteen years old when he found his first ever colony, Alexandroupolis (Syversten, 1997). Alexander became the king of Macedonia at the age of 20. During that time, the Greek city states became restless under Macedonian rule. On one of his battles in the north, fighting the Barbarians, word spread about Alexander’s death, causing the people of Thebes to revolt.Upon learning of what is happening, Alexander had to engage in harsh measures to quell the rebellion. From then on, no one ever questioned the capacity, strength and efficiency of Alexander as a military leader (Cartledge, 2005). The young king then went on with his conquest of Persia, one of the dreams his father had, also knowing that he could not have real power with Darius, the gre at king of Persia around (Robinson, 1963). He defeated the great Persian ruler at the battle of Issus in 333 BC for the second time and in November of that same year, he was crowned as King of Persia (Stoneman, 1997).It was also in that time when he reached the Indian subcontinent where he defeated Porus, an Indian prince. Although he planned on taking on what lies beyond the Ganges River, Alexander had to go back as his army mutinied against him (Cummings, 2004). He was able extend his empire up to this part because of his marriage to the Bactrian princess, Roxanne (Gunther, 1963). The journeys of Alexander the Great led him to discover numerous cities and colonies. The most popular of them all, is perhaps the city which bears his name, Alexandria.The people in Egypt welcomed the Macedonian king hospitably, having despised their Persian rulers and crowned him as their pharaoh (Syversten, 1997). Egypt then became the center of learning and commerce because of its strategic location (Robinson, 1963). The greatness of Alexander, however started to diminish as he was continuously losing the support not just of his army but of the Macedonians as well because of his adoption of Persian ways (O’Brien, 1992). On July 10, 323 BC, a month before his 33rd birthday, Alexander the Great died.Some say it was because of malaria or other types of sicknesses while others theorize it to be caused by poisoning. Some say this was due to some people’s discontent with his rule, especially the sons of Antipater, the viceroy of Greece. With no legal heir to inherit his vast kingdom which extends from Greece to India, the empire of Alexander the Great has been distributed to his generals. Having conquered vast territory within a very short lifetime, Alexander the Great remains to be the greatest military commander and conqueror in the history of the world.References Cartledge, P. (2005). Alexander the Great: The Hunt for A New Past. US: Vintage. Cummings, L. V. (2004). Alexander the Great. USA: Grove Press. Green, P. (1970). Alexander the Great. USA: Cengage Learning Gunther, J. (1963). Alexander the Great. USA: Random House. O’ Brien, J. M. (1992). Alexander the Great: The Invisible Enemy: A Biography. UK: Routledge Pinkerton, J. (2002). Biography of Alexander the Great. Retrieved October 4, 2007 From http://mi. essortment. com/alexandergreat_rhqk. htmRobinson, C. A. (1963) Alexander the Great: Conqueror and Creator of A New World. USA: F. Watts Publishing. Shone, R. and Odgens, C. (2005) Alexander the Great: The Life of a King and a Conqueror. USA: Rosen Classroom. Stoneman, R. (1997). Alexander the Great. UK: Routledge. Syversten, T. (1997). The Rise and Fall of Alexander the Great. Retrieved October 4, 2007 From http://members. aol. com/tomstp9/alex. html Tarn, W. W. (1979). Alexander the Great. Volume II: Sources and Studies. USA: Cambridge University Press
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Vitamin C Practical Experiment Write Up
Based on knowledge already at hand, My hypothesis will be that freshly squeezed juice will contain more vitamin C compared to juices that are from concentrate and that juice from lemons will contain more vitamin C due to their acidity. Variables; Variables such as temperature could affect the results that are collected, as much as can be done to control the temperature to make the results accurate will be done, holding samples with hands can increase the temperature slightly so they will be handled by the lip of the vial and placed into a rack. When testing samples multiple times I will ensure that the equipment cleaned and dried or if possible new as the pH of water might affect the reaction of DCPIP and ascorbic acid, water can also affect the results depending on whether it is ‘hard water' or ‘soft water', hard water contains more mineral and more chlorine is present. Measuring will be as close to as possible accurate, this will include re-measuring samples. I will be measuring the amount of juice sample solution it takes to decolourise 1cm of DCPIP, first I will use a controlled sample of 1% vitamin C to decolourise the DCPIP, and with this I can compare results from the other juice samples. The measurements will be taken with a pipette and released into the DCPIP 1ml at a time, each time 1ml is released it will be shaken to allow a fair mix of solution, and this will be repeated on till decolourisation. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) has a pH of under 4-5 when diluted with water DCPIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, which is a dye used to monitor light reaction in photosynthesis Apparatus & Chemicals; Pipette Fruit Juice Samples DCPIP 1% Solution Test tubes Test tube rack Burette (Possibly) Glass Rod (Possibly) I have decided to use test tubes because they provide a clear sight into the experiment at hand, they are also smaller then Pyrex beakers which would spread the solution over a large surface where as a test tube would make it easier to establish decolourisation. Pipettes are a fast way to measure the solution with a limited amount of time, it is a suitable and vital piece of apparatus however there might be a probably with used pipettes as they can have dents from previous experiments and would only be accurate to around 0.0ml-0.2ml when measuring solutions. A burette would allow an accurate measure of how much solution has been added into the DCPIP, probably a greater accuracy then using a pipette. A glass rod would allow a fair mixing of the solution but the effects on the results are unknown. Safety; Take care of glassware. Sanitise experimental area after. Wear eye protection at all times.. Care when handling juice samples or chemicals as they may stain. Do not drink juice samples as dangerous chemicals may be present after experimentation. Pre-Experiment Method; The method I will be conducting is simple. I will measure 1% DCPIP 1cm(3) from a beaker to a pipette, with another pipette I will add the 1% vitamin C solution which is the control of the experiment 1cm(3) at a time to a test tube, each time 1cm(3) is added, I will gently stir the test tube to make sure then the reaction takes place. I will repeat this on till the DCPIP solution is decolourised. To get a fair and accurate result I will repeat this 3 times and then average the results. Outliers will be excluded to keep the test accurate. The samples will be kept in a test tube rack to compare different colours. The next juice two sample will be tested with the same amount of DCPIP, first placed into a test tube via pipette then another unused Pipette will extract the juice sample and will be added into the DCPIP 1ml at a time then stirred gently and this will continue on till the DCPIP is decolourised. The time allocated during this experiment is 1/2 hour. Accuracy could be improved but due to this some apparatus and time will be put aside in order to complete the experiment There are some ethical issues with testing these chemicals and releasing them into the sewer as they are not helpful to the environment due to their pH, care will be taken so that any DCPIP and Vitamin C is not wasted and only what is needed is used. Results; Once all of the data was collected, It was input into the table below, It shows the amount of juice required to decolourise the DCPIP, 3 tests were conducted and from that you can then work out the average with a formula to get the average, the average can be used to conclude a fair result from all 3 of the trials. Vol. Of Juice Required to Decolourise 1cm(3) of 1% DCPIP Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average Vitamin C. Content Vitamin C Solution 6ml 7ml 9ml 7.3ml 0.13g Pure Orange Juice 14ml 15ml 18ml 15.6ml 0.06g Jiff 5.5ml 5ml 6ml 5.5ml 0.18g These results show that the juice sample that contains the most Vitamin C was the Jiff, with an average of 5.5ml to turn the DCPIP decolourised compared to the 15.6ml of pure orange Juice. The Vitamin C. Solution took 7.3ml to decolourise the DCPIP which was 1.8ml more than Jiff, This suggests to me that Jiff contains less water than the Vitamin C. 1% Solution did. With the average, I then calculated the Content of Vitamin C in each of the samples by Dividing them by the 1ml of 1% DCPIP Solution which gave the sum then converted to grams. These results prove my hypothesis in that freshly squeezed fruit will contain more vitamin C, this is because it will not have been watered down by manufacturers for a higher quantity. The results also prove my hypothesis is right that lemons contain more Vitamin C. Due to their acidity which is the sign of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and their low pH levels. This line graph shows the plot of the tests carried out. From this we can see that for pure orange juice and Vitamin C samples that there is a steady rise from test 1 to test 3, this could be due to a number of factors that I will include in my limitations, However the Jiff tests shows to be accurate and consistent from test 1 to test 3. There is a 4ml difference from test 1 to test 3 in the pure orange juice tests. There is a 2ml difference from test 1 to test 2 in the Vitamin C 1% Solution Test. This graph also shows standard deviation, from the bars we can see the average of the test, it measures the spread of data from the mean. The results conclude that the deviation is a Low standard deviation because the valves are not spread out so much. The equation for the standard deviation used is; The graph shows that on all samples tested, Post-Experiment Method, Limitations and Variables; As planned the measurements of the juice solutions were accurately measured and did not obscure sight in the pipette, However the DCPIP was to a degree harder to measure due to the darkness of the solution, it covered the pipette in a dark blue colour and was hard to tell where and how much solution was being measured. The experiment took slightly longer due to this as I had to wait for the solution to settle into the solution. As this was the first time carrying out an experiment like this, it was unknown that the 1% Vitamin C solution Control would turn into a brown colour when decolourised, Although this happened I still recorded the results and then continue to see if any difference would appear but after 5 minutes of no change they were placed into a test tube rack to be observed later on and compared with the other trials, the result was that they did turn brown and that was expected to be the end of the trial. The Pure Orange Juice also produced different than expected appearance, the solution did decolourise the solution but it turned to a yellow colour which was the original of the juice sample. One problem that I was faced with was the limited amount of apparatus, I ended up having to clean them with tap water, they were dried but to a certain extent, the pH of the water could affect the experiments outcome, however all the of solutions would have had some water in them so this shouldn't affect the results in a significant way. Post-Experiment Method, Limitations and Variables-Continued; Other problem in the experiment that I later picked up on from observation was that the DCPIP and Juice solutions' were left open meaning that oxidation could affect the results which is a loss of electrons and a gain in hydrogen, this will cause the DCPIP to turn blue again, as Vitamin C is a reducing agent it adds electrons therefore its used in this experiment because it will change colour. The limitation of this experiment is that it was only repeated three times due to the amount of time available, more results would have given better accuracy in results and given me the chance to spot outliers in the experiment. We also do not know if Vitamin C is lost during ageing or through heat treatment which often products go through to ensure that it's free from harmful bacteria. One improvement that could be made to the experiment is the equipment, having a larger choice to use from, and enough so that other factors like water don't come into play. One modification that could used is that now we know that after a certain colour in the process of decolourisation we know that the trial is finished therefore saving us time for something else. Another Improvement is to be more careful with the juice samples and to keep them contained so that they are not affected by the elements. Summary; In this experiment, I learned that freshly squeezed orange juice will contain more vitamin C then juices from concentrate and that lemon contain more vitamin C then oranges. The experiment carried out was to measure the content of Vitamin C in the selected fruit samples, from the results I can conclude that the results were accurate, reliable and precise therefore allowing me to state this conclusion and to prove my hypothesis right!
Rules of Interpretation
A statute is a formal written enactment of a legislative authority that governs a state, city, or county. Typically, statutes command or prohibit something, or declare policy. Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation. Some amount of interpretation is always necessary when a case involves a statute. Sometimes the words of a statute have a plain and straightforward meaning. But in many cases, there is some ambiguity or vagueness in the words of the statute that must be resolved by the judge.To find the meanings of statutes, judges use various tools and methods of statutory interpretation, including rules of interpretation. The five (5) main rules of statutory interpretation are: 1. The Context Rule When the context rule is used to interpret an act it is understood with reference to the words which are in immediate connection to it. This can be expressed by the Latin maximum â€Å"noscitur a sociisâ⠂¬ which means â€Å"a word may be known by the company it keeps†when translated.The context rule is a more accurate way of interpreting a statute because in each rule we tend to find out the meaning of a statute by learning about the context in which it was written. When a word stand alone it may have one specific definition however when one word is used in more than one context it may have a variety of different meanings. When using the context rule one should consult the definition section of the statute and the Interpretation Act. 2.Interpretation in the Light of Policy ( The Fringe Meaning) Courts often announce that that they are trying to discover the intention of the legislature when interpreting statutes. If the courts find it difficult to decide whether a particular situation falls within a statute or not, the situation was probably unforeseen by the legislature. In this case the members of parliament would be just as confused as the judges. When statutes are con structed the maker of the document may not mean to include that which the court is concerned to ascertain, but they have said. . The Mischief Rule When the mischief rule is applied the act or document is to be constructed to suppress mischief and advance the remedy. In applying the rule, the court is essentially asking what was the â€Å"mischief†that the previous law did not cover? The Mischief Rule is of narrower application than the golden rule or the literal rule in the sense that it can only be used to interpret a statute and only when the statute was passed to remedy a defect in the common law.The way in which the mischief rule can produce more sensible outcomes than those that would result if the literal rule were applied is illustrated by the ruling in Smith v Hughes (1960). It was a crime for prostitutes to â€Å"loiter or solicit in the street for the purposes of prostitution†. The defendants were calling to men in the street from balconies and tapping on windows. They claimed they were not guilty as they were not in the â€Å"street. †The judge applied the mischief rule to come to the conclusion that they were guilty as the intention of the Act was to cover the mischief of harassment from prostitutes. . The Literal Rule Literal rule states that if the words in an act are precise and unambiguous then they should be used in their natural and ordinary sense. The court can not extend the statute to a case outside of its terms bit with its purpose. Neither can it leave out the case that the statutes literally include thought it should not. If any doubt arises then the circumstances behind the enactment of the act are taken into consideration. Thus if the words are clear in themselves then they are to be put into effect. 5.The Golden Rule In golden rule, the meaning of the words are modified in order to avoid repugnance, inconsistency or absurdity. This rule applies in a few cases. In the first case the rule allows the court to prefer a sensible meaning, which would be the most obvious, to an absurd one even though both are possible. In another case this rule will only be used if the words are absolutely incapable of coinciding with the obvious intention of the statute. It is only where the words will avoid an unreasonable result that they must prevail.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Coercive Acts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Coercive Acts - Essay Example ptains could not go back without his clearance and they had a deadline of twenty days in which they could not act against the pressure building up against the people. A meeting followed regarding the course of action, in which no resolution could be made. However, at the end of the meeting 100 to 150 men thinly disguised as Indians boarded the ships and dumps incredibly large amounts of tea into the water while a large crowd watched. The Patriots celebrated this as a victory against the crown. However, the Coercive Acts were issued immediately afterwards, which, along with the fifth Quebec Act, was considered the Intolerable Acts in America. The first act was the Boston Port Act, which closed the Boston harbor until the destroyed tea was compensated. Britain aimed to halt the commercial life of the city by this. The second was the Massachusetts Government Act, which â€Å"altered the colony’s charter, underscoring Parliament’s claim to supremacy over Massachusetts†(199). The royal governor assumed supreme power under this. The third act was the Imperial Administration of Justice Act, which â€Å"stipulated that royal official accused of a capital crime †¦.would be tried in a court in Britain†(199). The fourth act â€Å"amended the 1765 Quartering Act and permitted military commanders to lodge soldiers wherever necessary, even in private households†(199).Military rule was thus reestablished in Boston. The Quebec Act was â€Å"ill timed†though it was in no way related to the four acts, and â€Å"fed American fears†(200). The Acts in general spread alarm in all colonies. People from all spheres of life were in doubt of their basic liberties. While the British saw these acts as a reinforcement of the power of the Crown over mutinous crowds, the patriots found them intolerable and were finding all possible ways to revolt against them. The Crown’s governors were forced to resign and new meetings of a democratic nature were taking place all over Massachusetts.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Political Ideologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Political Ideologies - Essay Example The purpose of communism is to have common ownership of properties. The government regulates access to labor and its produce on to what is satisfactorily needed by each individual in the society. There are different kinds and forms of communism developed by several philosophers such as Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. But we shall focus on the economic reforms that both Libertarianism and Communism wish to offer. Communism believes that the working class is the solution, and that giving more power to the working class, dissolving any division in the society and avoiding any possible exploitation from the capitalist class can eliminate a division in society. This is why the government chooses to regulate the economy, and abolishes private ownership. Communism sees capitalism as a mere exploitation of the working class. Rousseau's (1978) origin story of the bourgeois political order holds that the ideology of communism, evolves through a pledge by the citizenry, a social pact to establish equality among each other, that they will place themselves under the same conditions and enjoy the same rights (p. 76). Libertarianism and Communism are two opposite ideology, put it simply, the first gives importance and the sanctity of an individual’s freedom, separate from any control by society. It is the free will and independence of man and his own volition that controls his fate. On the other hand, the Communist is ruled by the society, as a working class, co-equal in everything without any other class or division. It is unity between every man, without having one man better than the other. This â€Å"one†society regulates and controls each other, making sure that no one man exploits another. The Libertarian wishes every man to love â€Å"live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others" (Boaz, p. 2). The Communist ideology on the other hand abolishes the idea of â€Å"private property†and follows common ownership. A man is viewed as one with society. It is the society and the community that holds property in order to prevent any division in society, of having one person higher or richer than the other. Economically, a very good example of this ideology of libertarianism is economic freedom through the doctrine of laissez faire, in which free enterprise between businesses is upheld without government intervention. The opposite of this would be the ideology imposed by Communism, in which the government takes economic control, to avoid the business owners or so called capitalists to exploit its working class. The defect of Communism lies on the very existence of every individual, the component of free will. In order to attain equality and fairness, the Communist removes every chance for an individual to work better for his own accomplishments. He is not allowed to go beyond his means or ability in order to have a better and improved life. The control of the mean and resources infringes the righ t of each individual to be rich and successful by his own work and self-motivation. There is hindrance to self-actualization and self-fulfillment. In a country like the United States of America, were all, if not every nationality is part of its citizenry, libertarianism is more appropriate. A free enterprise
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