Paper Presentation Topics On Electronics And Communication Engineering
Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on Frosts Desert Places - 504 Words
Desert Places In the poem Desert Places by Robert Frost, the author describes the scenery in which he came across with. It was on a winter day, and the day was turning into a night. As he went across a field, he saw that the ground was almost all covered in snow. But then he noticed a few weeds and stubble on the ground. On the first line, Frost talks about how the night falling fast. This is referring to how fast Frost felt concerning time, which went by fast in real life. At the end of the line, Frost added two simple words which seems to add a sense of desperation, or even a sense of hopelessness, to the whole idea of time going by fast. The words â€Å"oh, fast†seem to show that although Frost did not like it, but there was†¦show more content†¦Snow here could represent dullness or loneliness. Frost feels that everything or everyone around him are filled with loneliness, no excitement and everything seems to be the same. Line four in the poem says that â€Å"But a few we eds and stubble showing last.†Here it tells us that although dullness, emptiness, or loneliness covered almost everything around him, he could still see some life or excitement somewhere in between. Yet this small bits of life and excitement were nothing compared to the overwhelming emptiness. In the next couple of lines, Frost seems to have forgotten all about the weeds and stubble he saw and put his attention back to the empty, snow covered surroundings. He then looks at the woods near the field and that too have been covered in snow. He also mentioned that all the animals are covered in snow in their lairs. These two lines again emphasize how Frost feels. He knows that there are live around him, yet those life are also filled with emptiness. Soon he even realized that not only the surroundings that were filled with loneliness, but Frost himself are also in it as line eight says, â€Å"The loneliness includes me unawares.†Last stanza of the poem talks about the empt iness that is so overwhelming that even when Frost looks up to the sky, all that he could see or feel is still loneliness and emptiness. But then Frost mentions that the emptiness or loneliness that he fears the most isn’t the one that exist onShow MoreRelated Robert Frosts Desert Places882 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frosts Desert Places One of the most monumental poetic works of T.S Eliot is ‘The Waste Land’. The poem emerges as a gigantic metaphor for melancholy, loneliness, solitude- the unavoidable companions of human existence. Similar kinds of feelings are evoked by Robert Frost in ‘Desert Places’. The very title is suggestive of a mood of emptiness. Throughout our life we cross various deserts to find our destiny. The beauty of the poem lies in the conjunction – the meeting point desertRead More Analysis of Robert Frosts Desert Places Essay1236 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Robert Frosts Desert Places Robert Frosts Desert Places is a testament to the harrowing nature of solidarity. By subjecting the narrator to the final moments of daylight on a snowy evening, an understanding about the nature of blank spaces and emptiness becomes guratively illuminated. The poems loneliness has the ability to transcend nature and drill a hole through the mind of the narrator so that all hope for relationships with man and nature are abandoned. Read MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening And Desert Places922 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†and â€Å"Desert Places†are complementary works which coincide with the naturesque elements most commonly ascribed to Frost. The two poems were published over a decade apart in a period after the first World War where feelings of lack of community and self-worth had grown in precedents amongst the general public. The early years of Frost’s literary career were spent on his poultry farm in Derry, New Hampshire as he toiled his land. Although FrostRead MoreEssay about The Dark Side of Humanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry991 Words  | 4 PagesHumanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry Robert Frost is often referred to as a poet of nature. Words and phrases such as fire and ice, flowers in bloom, apple orchards and rolling hills, are all important elements of Frosts work. These ‘benign objects provide an alternative way to look at the world and are often used as metaphors to describe a darker view of nature and humans. In Frosts poetry, the depth is as important as the surface. The darker aspects of Frosts poetry are often portrayedRead MoreImagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places†720 Words  | 3 PagesApril 19, 2010 Imagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places†Robert Frost, an American poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. One of the great examples is the poem â€Å"Desert Places†that express feelings of a speaker and the meaning of the entire poem through images of nature. The poem describes two different kinds of desert places and clearly emphasizes the most frightening one. To help readers understand the meaning of â€Å"Desert Places†, Frost uses variety of images to createRead MoreAbandonment and Singularity in Robert Frosts Poetry.1463 Words  | 6 PagesLoneliest Number†or â€Å"Does Zero Count?†Abandonment and Singularity in Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Census- Taker†Robert Frost’s approach to human isolation is always an interesting exploration. His poem of desertion and neglect paired with eternal hopefulness ignite the reader in his poem â€Å"The Census-Taker.†All of the elements of a Frost poem are in this particular poem. â€Å"The Census-Taker†must be from an earlier time in Frost’s career because the poem is written in an open, free verse similar to the styleRead MoreFrost, By Robert Frost1976 Words  | 8 Pagesthe world we inhabit (49, Dickstein). In most of Frost’s work, readers and critics enjoy his choices of theme, likely being the outdoors and his surroundings. By using â€Å"emotions recollected in tranquility†and his organic and inviolable relationship with his countryside, he celebrates New England’s natural beauty throughout his literature using simple and accessible idioms. Edward Garnett once predicted that Frost â€Å"was destined to take a permanent place in American Literature†which he unquestionablyRead MoreRobert Frost Essay814 Words  | 4 Pages Robert Frost successfully taken readers imagination on a journey through the wintertime with his poems quot;Desert Placesquot; and quot;Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.quot; Frosts New England background in these two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in our part of the country. Even though these poems both have winter settings they contain completely different tones. One poem has a feeling of a depressing loneliness, and the other of feeling welcome. The poems show howRead MoreDesert Places841 Words  | 4 PagesDesert Places by Robert Frost Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast In a field I looked into going past, And the ground almost covered smooth in snow, But a few weeds and stubble showing last. The woods around it have it - it is theirs. All animals are smothered in their lairs. I am too absent-spirited to count; The loneliness includes me unawares. And lonely as it is, that loneliness Will be more lonely ere it will be less - A blanker whiteness of benighted snowRead MoreSnow Imagery in â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†1246 Words  | 5 Pagesand â€Å"Birches.†One of the nature imageries that have been used frequently by Robert Frost is the snow imagery. Although the snow imagery appears in many other poems by Frost we will be dealing with the poems â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.†Even though â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†share many qualities such as the common imagery of snow, the scene of the speaker travelling at night and the quantity of stanzas, they are as equally different or
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Plague Of The Black Plague Essay - 2352 Words
ABSTRACT The Bubonic Plagues a highly lethal infection caused by the microbe Yersinia pestis. This plague is most commonly associated with the plague of the 14th century, when it wiped out nearly half of the entire European population. The Bubonic Plague spread rapidly throughout Europe and was an often fatal illness, characterized by enlarged lymph nodes with pus filled buboes, gangrene, septicemia, and severe lung infections, followed by the quick onslaught of death. The Black Plague is the worst natural disaster in European History. The plagues devastation impacted all aspects of European life and was the turning point from medieval to modern Europe. The incidence and virulence of the plague decreased over the years and became limited to certain areas by the end of the 20th century. However, the black plague has recently re-emerged around the world. The expanded knowledge from genetic research has introduced the threat of multidrug resistance and a modern day pandemic of the †Å"Black Death.†The Bubonic Plague Introduction In the years 1347 – 1350 the Bubonic Plague pushed medieval man to the brink of an apocalypse. The worst natural disaster in European history, this catastrophic epidemic wiped out nearly half of Europe’s population in three years. Twenty million people died. It’s devastating effects altered all aspects of European life. The Bubonic plague changed European political, religious, economic and social systems forever. The Bubonic plagueShow MoreRelatedThe Plague Of The Black Plague1624 Words  | 7 Pageswhat became known as the Black Death of the fourteenth century, possible death to most, spread by measly fleas and rats. Because of the rapid outbreak of this terrifying disease, death defying symptoms, and resulted in the death of 25 million people, the Black Plague is considered the greatest catastrophe ever.†¯ †¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ The Black Plague started in Italy. The plague traveled from Italy to Europe. Jim Ollhoff, author of the The Black Death, described the outbreak of the plague as a â€Å"deadly hitchhiker†Read MoreThe Plague Of The Black Plague1261 Words  | 6 PagesThe Black Plague is a disease that spread around the world and killed many people. There are three different types of the plague; Bubonic, Septicemic, and Pneumonic (Dugdale). The Black Plague effected Europe greatly and effected there way of life. It came to Europe around the 1300s and had a great impact on society in the 1500s (History). Important parts of the black plague are the different types of the plague, how they spread, treatments for them, and effects the plague had on Europe in the 1500sRead MoreBlack Plague And The Plague1367 Words  | 6 PagesBy the 14th century, the plague had wiped out sixty percent of Europe’s population. Because of its devastating fatality rate, T he Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in history. The disease was made famous by the outbreak in Europe, however it did not originate there. The origination of the Plague, History of the Plague, Strains and Symptoms, as well as effects of the Plague are essential ideas, important to understand the Black Plague. The Black Plague is said to have originatedRead MoreBlack Plague1589 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epidemic is Here The Black Plague, one of the most devastating out breaks in history, is an historical event brought about with a great depression throughout Europe. This plague brought out the worst in mankind during the time the plague ran its course. How do people behave, when there environment becomes life threatening? (Herlihy, 18). The Black Death accounted for nearly one third of the deaths in Europe. Due to the death of many people there were severe shortages in labors, duringRead MoreThe Black Plague1207 Words  | 5 Pages The black plague, the foremost severe epidemic in human history, ravaged Europe from 1347-1351. This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed a minimum of 1 village. Greatly causal to the Crisis of the Fourteenth Century, Not only did the black plague take a devastating toll on human life, but it to boot contend a major role in shaping European life among the years following. The black plague consisted primarily of plague; but plague was to boo t gift among the epidemic. SymptomsRead MoreThe Black Plague608 Words  | 2 PagesThe Black Plague What is the Black Plague? The Black Plague first was found in Europe around the 1300’s, killing roughly about 25 million people. The disease was often carried by rats and their fleas. People contracted the plague when they were bitten by a flea that carried the plague bacteria from a rodent. The cause of plague was not discovered until the famous outbreak in China, in 1855. The first breakthrough came in Hong Kong, when researchers secluded the rodent bacteria, known as,YersiniaRead MoreDeath by the Black Plague1017 Words  | 4 Pages The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around 80-200 million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. â€Å"Evidence available from rural continental Europe suggests a slow spread of human mortality across trade and travel routes, patterns consistent†(Carmichael 3), until after multiple inventions such as printing, word spread of this murderer, preventing mo re deaths and to treat those affected. ThisRead MoreThe Black Death Plague795 Words  | 3 PagesThe Black Death is one of the worst disease in ancient history. It was an epidemic that killed millions of people between 1349-1351.Many people suffered from lack of care and lack of remedy, also it became difficult to find a medical person to diagnose such a horrible disease. Boccaccio, Tura and Venette describe the physical and social effect of Europe when the Plague had begun. In this selection, they describe how people respond and changed their behaviors .People were so scared from Plague thereforeRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1798 Words  | 8 Pagesoutbreaks of the Black Death pandemic in the world. In the history the Black Plague is also called as the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. This research paper will mainly cover the European outbreak of the 14th century as it is considered to be the era of the worst time of the Black Death period. Many historians would agree t hat the events of 1300s led to dramatic changes affecting every European country in all the aspects. Creating economic, social, religious, and medical issues, the Black Death causedRead MoreBlack Plague And The Black Epidemic1337 Words  | 6 PagesBlack Plague The Black Plague outbreak was one of the scariest events in human history. The people were afraid to do everyday activities and carry on with their normal routines. This plague is known to almost every person on Earth. Even as a kid, teachers tell their students about this plague. Even the thought of an outbreak like the Black Plague makes people’s skin crawl. I am included in that category. It has gotten to the point that when any outbreak of any type or kind of disease happens
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marketing Barbie free essay sample
But very little is known of its business and design aspects of Barbies story. In the 1998 $31 billion toy market, Mattel has nearly $4. 8 billion in sales. Barbie is responsible for more than one-third of those sales. In 1997 alone, Barbie represented 80% of sales in the doll segment. What is it about this doll that makes it such a phenomenon? What are the main factors that have allowed Barbie to dominate the doll market for almost 40 years? How have technology innovation and design strategy influenced product development at Mattel? What kinds of strategies has Mattel used to determine Barbies design and evolution? What approach to design is behind their strategy? This paper points to possible answers to those questions from an outsider point of view. Issues related to design development philosophy, teamwork, technology and innovation are explored. It is important to stress that this paper does not address or consider sociological or anthropological issues related to the doll extensive literature is available from other sources on those subjects. So they must ensure that Barbie is a safe toy and that when kids ask for Barbie their parents will purchase it for them. After deciding that the doll is marketed towards young girls and parents Mattel must then think what does my target market want? This includes the design of the doll, the name Barbie, her packaging and her warranty. Currently Barbie is designed as a young woman with grown up features. Size of doll? Material? The purpose of the design is the idea that Barbie poses as a role model for young girls to look up to. There are a lot of different Barbie’s to choose from with different ethnicities and careers. Barbie is currently packaged in a box with a transparent s in plasticfront and paper containers with a pink Barbie logo. Good that you described packaging – few students did It also includes a toy warranty that comes with all Mattel products. You should also be clear that there are a wide range of products – both doll accessories and products for little girls Pricing: The next step in the marketing mix is how to price your product. Pricing is based on achieving sales goals, maximize profit or to make room for new products. This also true with Barbie, Barbie’s today can go as cheap as eight8 dollars and up. Where did you get this number – on Mattel web site I think $6. 99 and at Amazon as low as $3 There are a lot of new releases of Barbie. The newer versions cost more for example on the Mattel website the new holiday 2012 Barbie costs $39. 99 but interestingly is sold for less at Walmart http://shop. mattel. com/product/index. jsp? productId=13288505 whereas the older not so recent Barbie which is Barbie doll roses cost only $6. 99 http://shop. mattel. com/product/index. jsp? productId=13002205 . To make room for newer products Mattel and distributors will sell their older Barbie’s cheaper but brand new Barbie’s cost more. Again should note wide range of prices for ancillary Barbie products (ex the Barbie car, both for the doll and for little girls) Promotion: After deciding how much the product is the next step is to promote it. Barbie is heavily much promoted. You cannot walk into a department store or pharmacy that sells toys or pharmacy and not see Barbie. Some places where Barbie’s are sold and advertised are Kmart, Walmart,Target, Sears, Jcpenney, CVS, and Toys r us being one of the biggest Barbie sellers. Toys r us has its own private section for Barbie in Times square Manhattan where there is a huge Barbie house that you can walk into, it is a big tourist attraction. There are also the countless Barbie television commercials over the years on TV and the Barbie website where you can play Barbie games and activities. Are ads for Barbie aimed at children or parents? Which medium is used most (tv)? Distribution: The Final step of the Marketing mix is make decisions on where to distribute your product. Barbie is very easy to purchase being that it is sold at any store that sells toys. Along with Toys r us Kmart, Walmart, Target, Sears, Jcpenney, CVS and others there is also the option to buy Barbie online straight from the Mattel website. This section is repetitive to paragraph above – remove info on stores from Promotion section and place here – then elaborate in promotion section on the types of advertising campaigns for Barbie Marketing environment: When all these elements work together it makes marketing more successful. However there are also some aspects of the market environment that will control how the product will sell. Two factors that might affect the sales of Barbie are economic forces and sociocultural forces. Economic forces are the effects of economic conditions on the customers’ ability and willingness to buy your product. This might affect Barbie sales because currently the economy is still at a low point. If parents need to feed their children and pay their bills they might not afford to have that extra cash to buy a Barbie doll. How does Barbie compare in price to other options parents have (for toy purchases? ) Sociocultural forces are influences in culture and society that result in changes of attitudes and lifestyles. Over the years there have been arguments against Barbie saying that she is too grown up and might make young girls want to mature too fast. After this view on Barbie a few parents did not want to purchase it for their daughters. There was also the Middle East where Barbie was banned in a country for her appearance. Overall Mattel does a great Job of Marketing Barbie and implementing the marketing mix.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Qualitative Analysis Essays - Chemistry, Silver Compounds
Qualitative Analysis Qualitative analysis is used in the determination of the identity of a substance. It is different from quantitative analysis, which deals with the determination of the amount of a substance. In this experiment, qualitative analysis techniques are used to determine whether or not a sample contains a certain ion. When using this method, an unknown and a reactant are mixed. The result of the reaction leads to a conclusion about the presence or absence of certain ions in the unknown. Many ions react in similar ways, and although the addition of one reagent to an unknown may not identify the ion, it limits the possibilities as to what the ion could be. A sequence of reactions used to analyze a sample is called a scheme, and it usually requires a large number of reagents and separation steps. For this experiment, the unknown may contain anywhere from 2 to all of the following cations and anions: Cations Anions Ag+ Cl- Ba2+ SO42- Fe3+ PO43- Cu2+ Cr3+ The following reagents are used to identify the ions: 1M H2SO4 2M HCl 2M NH4OH (labeled as NH4+) 2M NaOH .1M Ba(NO3)2 (labeled as .1M Ba2+) .1M AgNO3 (labeled as .1M Ag+) The first four are used to identify the cations, and the last two, used in conjunction with the first four, are used to identify the anions. The identification of the ions is mainly based on solubilities. This means that something must be known about the solubility characteristics of the different ions in the presence of the available reagents. The point of the first part of the experiment is to learn which reagents cause the ions to form precipitates, and which reagents dissolve the precipitates formed by the ions. This information is used to make the flow charts for the identification on the unknown ions. For example, it is important to know that a certain reagent will dissolve the precipitate formed by one ion, while it will not dissolve the precipitate formed by another ion. This can be used to distinguish between two different precipitates present in a solution, or to confirm which ion formed the precipitate and therefore was present in the solution. When carrying out the reactions, avoid adding an excess of reagent to the solution. This is because some precipitates redissolve in an excess of the reagent. Therefore, in cases where one drop of reagent produces a precipitate, 3 or more drops could completely dissolve the precipitate without it ever being visible to the eye. This would cause a large error in the scheme developed to identify the unknown ions. Experimental: The first part of the experiment consists of reacting the cations and anions with the reagents in order to see what the reaction will result in (precipitate or no precipitate). The cations were each reacted with the first four reagents listed in the introduction (H2SO4, HCl, NH4+, and NaOH). Then, the anions were each reacted with Ba2+ and Ag+. This was done by placing 2 drops of the ion in the test tube and then adding 2 drops of reagent. Each cation was reacted with each of the 4 reagents before moving on to the next cation to be tested. Prior to performing the reactions, a chart was made like the one in the data and calculations section. As each reaction was performed, the chart was filled in with the observation of what happened. If there was no change, NR was written in the chart for "no reaction." If a precipitate formed, the color of the precipitate was written in the chart. If there was no precipitate but there was a color change in the solution, that was also recorded. As each reaction was carried out, it was sometimes difficult to determine whether a precipitate formed or not. If there was uncertainty, the test tubes had to be placed into the centrifuge in order to separate the precipitates from the solution. There are some very important things to remember when using the centrifuge. First, when tubes are placed in the centrifuge, a tube with an approximately equal volume of solution should be placed exactly opposite each sample tube to counterbalance it (use a test tube filled with an equivalent amount of water if necessary). Second, the centrifuge should come to a stop before it is opened and the test tubes removed. This is to avoid injury. Once the tubes were removed from the centrifuge, it was obvious whether there was a precipitate present or not. If a solid has settled onto the bottom or side of
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