Paper Presentation Topics On Electronics And Communication Engineering
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Motivation & Communication of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Inspiration and Communication of Leadership - Essay Example A portion of the systems are having vision and speedy triumphs, setting individual models, imparting hopefulness and fearlessness among others. In conclusion, authority is material in any circumstance in light of its huge commitment in rousing adherents and offering a correspondence channel (Charteris-Black, 2006). Consequently, the job of initiative is appropriate in about each spot since it decides the accomplishment of an activity just as the advancement. So also, administration can intercede in circumstances where supporters are going astray from the course by provide guidance and characterizing boundaries (Draft, 2014). Inspiration and correspondence point is fundamental since it educates the researchers and the open the significance of authority. It helps in characterizing a portion of the jobs individuals probably won't know just as the significance of giving authority through inspiration and correspondence. All the more along these lines, the theme is significant in getting ready understudies to turn out to be better pioneers fit for meeting their
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Character analyses essay on emma bovary, in the story Madame Bovary.
Character examinations article on emma bovary, in the story Madame Bovary. Emma BovaryEmma Bovary is the courageous woman of the book Madame Bovary. Emma story starts off as a little youngster and the girl of Monsieur Rouault a rancher in the town of Les Bertaux. In her previous age, Emma, was in the religious community with Ursuline nuns. Emma had gotten fine training, she picked up moving, topography, drawing, embroidery and somewhat piano. Emma is suggested to be an amazingly pretty young lady, having extremely white almond molded fingernails. Her skin has a blushing shading over her cheek bones. Emma's hands were somewhat pale and furthermore had harsh knuckles. Emma has earthy colored eyes yet appears to be dark due to her long eyelashes. Emma's lips were full and her hair was fine and dark; her hair was pulled down from the middle that followed the bend of her skull. Emma right off the bat in the story weds a man named Charles Bovary looking for an enthusiastic and sentimental life in which she needs to get hitched at 12 PM, by torchlight (1102).Franà ƒ §ais : Illustration de Charles Lã ©andre pour ...first and foremost, the peruser sees Emma as a youthful and blameless young lady who becoming flushed dark red (1097) at Charles appears to be a dazzling and wonderful individual. This is on the grounds that the peruser sees Emma through the eyes of Charles, and later after she weds Charles the peruser before long understands that her character is not the same as what is normal since now we see the genuine Emma in the storyteller's perspective. Emma dreams of the rich, and extravagant dreamland and understands the truth of her own wherein the contentions between the two reason disarray in her life. Emma is an individual who is so overwhelmed in perusing romantic tales and romance books, that she doesn't value the truth of her own life and family.Emma finds the truth of...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Help Me Write An Essay
Help Me Write An EssayHelp me write an essay by using a dictionary. Use a dictionary when you want to write. By using a dictionary, you will be able to gain an easy-to-follow guide of the English language.As we learned in school, learning a new language is not as easy as writing it. We have to get used to it, learn how to use it properly and even memorize it. With so many words and pronunciations to be memorized, it is not a surprise that we find it hard to write an essay.There are still a lot of words to memorize. However, there are also some parts that we have to figure out on our own. Some people can't write an essay due to lack of time or mental inability. When you need to study vocabulary, you may find yourself going through the dictionary trying to find the words you need.We are all creatures of habit and we tend to write by repeating the things we hear and read over again. We also hear sentences too often that we forget what they mean. With a dictionary you will be able to loc ate words that you think may help you when you write an essay.The truth is that we need to know more about the English language. By finding words and their meanings on the internet, we will be able to remember and repeat them when we need to write an essay. The internet has all the information you will need and you can also use it as your writing aid.To help you write your essay, you may want to read through a few dictionaries. This will give you a good idea of how you should use certain words and how they should be pronounced. You can also get ideas from the books at the library and ifthere are none, use the internet. Remember to think of possible uses for each word and remember which part of speech they fall under.After you get accustomed to the English language, you may also want to search for help online. There are thousands of articles and resources that will help you learn how to write an essay in English. These resources include flash cards, exercises and strategies that will help you when you write.The process of writing an essay can be very tedious if you do not have the right knowledge. A dictionary can help you find the right words for the proper usage. Learning the language is very important when you write an essay and you need to have a list of the words that you need to memorize.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Wollstonecraft s Vindication Of The Rights Of Women
There are strong contrasting views on the concept of education and relation when reading Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women, Rousseau’s Second Discourse, and The Analects of Confucius. While Wollstonecraft and Confucius have similar views on the necessity of education to achieve virtue, Rousseau views education as a source of corruption and vice. In Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Right of Women education is a tool used to gain freedom and be proactive in determining one’s fate. Wollstonecraft states that it is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason (12). This means that in the eyes of Wollstonecraft is being proactive in determining your fate, which she considers a virtue. However, the only way to control your fate is to educate themselves about the society they live in(11). Through this education one is able to come to their on conclusions on what is right, and wrong as well as define virtues for themselves. With this freedom an individual has the ability to lay laws upon themselves and follow them, which Wollstonecraft considered a great virtue. This relationship between virtue and education greatly contributes to her belief that women should be able to receive an education like that of a man. For Wollstonecraft education equates to freedom and freedom to determine one s life is virtuous. However, under oppressive patriarchy women are restricted from receiving equal education, which inShow MoreRelatedMary Wollstonecraft s Vindication Of The Rights Of Women928 Words  | 4 PagesMary Wollstonecraft’s famous book, Vindication of the Rights of Women, is â€Å"one of the earliest expressions of a feminist consciousness.†Wollstonecraft claims that women are upset mainly due to the fact that they are not receiving the education they deserve, and goes on to explain how women are notorious for being weak, and mentally unstable. She blames the education system for this since all the books are written by men, and they claim that women are barley humans and are treated as another speciesRead MoreThe Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1369 Words  | 6 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft, a Futuristic Feminist This research project addresses the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, The Vindication of the Rights of Women. To investigate this, I will first summarize her work and someone else s interpretation of it, then analyze the author, voice, message and significance, and finally analyze the two works to answer the question, What are the current ideas about your philosopher? How have their ideas influenced us today?. My first souce will be the primary source ofRead MoreThe Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft743 Words  | 3 Pagesfrom conventional Mary Wollstonecraft called for more equality between the sexes; she ignited the flame that would turn into the feminist movement we know today. Wollstonecraft was a key founder of feminist philosophy. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on their beauty. â€Å"A committed women’s liberationist cannot retire from the job, only die at it.â₠¬ (Dann, 1985) Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectlyRead MoreFeminism : Mary Wollstonecraft1734 Words  | 7 Pagesmore and more women in positions of power. However, feminism has changed and evolved since the first writers expressed their wish for more women’s rights, as do all movements. â€Å"It is time to †¦ restore to them their lost dignityâ€â€and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world,†wrote Mary Wollstonecraft in her Vindication in the Rights of Women (Wollstonecraft 49). Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of the feminist movement wanted women to be able toRead More A Vindication of the Right of Women and Woman in the Nineteenth Century1387 Words  | 6 PagesEducation of Women in A Vindication of the Right of Women and Woman in the Nineteenth Century      In two centuries where women have very little or no rights at all, Mary Wollstonecraft and Margaret Fuller appear as claiming voices, as two followers of feminism. Two women separated by a century but united by the same ideals. In these male- dominated societies, these two educated women tried to vindicate their rights through one of the few areas where they could show their intelligence: literatureRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women By Mary Wollstonecraft1192 Words  | 5 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft was a woman who lived during the late 18th century and chafed under the societal expectations places upon her. Inspired by the writing, A Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, which demanded equal rights for both men and women, Wollstonecraft published her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which called for both men and women to realize their roles concerning inequality. The book also allowed for Wollstonecraft to express her ide as and methods forRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Men By Mary Wollstonecraft929 Words  | 4 Pagesreligion, race, and gender. However, Mary Wollstonecraft shows in â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Men†that true virtue is defined by moral excellence of a person. In â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Men†by Wollstonecraft, the path to virtue is through equality. The effects of virtue are illustrated through the characteristics of morality, individualism, and humility. Mary Wollstonecraft emphasizes morality throughout the letter to Edmund Burke. Wollstonecraft quotes that â€Å"customs were establishedRead More Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pages In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft uses both her experience and observations as a rhetorical device in an attempt to educate women about the necessity of having both a strong mind and body. Throughout A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft emphasizes the importance of these virtues by responding to other author’s ideas on the subject and using their words as evidence of how the patriarchal society views women and their ‘roles’ as citizens of societyRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman1454 Words  | 6 PagesA Vindication of the Rights of Woman Summary and Analysis of Chapter I: The Rights and Involved Duties of Mankind Considered In reading Wollstonecraft’s essay â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,†I am drawn by the evidence that she provides to support her claim that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Her essay is one that discusses overcoming the ways in which women in her time (18th century) are oppressed and denied their potential; which naturally presents a problemRead MoreMary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman1090 Words  | 5 PagesSeptember 24, 2015 Mary Wollstonecraft Along came passionate, bold Mary Wollstonecraft who caused a sensation by writing A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (FEE). Wollstonecraft is known for her astonishing tone and serving the basis for equal rights on the behalf of women. Through writing she formed an active power of speech with the mindset of knowing she would succeed in this fight of equality. Mary was not only a woman s rights activist, but emphasized the essential rights of all people. Especially
Friday, May 15, 2020
Marketing strategies - 1092 Words
Marketing strategy is defined by David Aaker as a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.[1] Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.[2] Types of strategies Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic†¦show more content†¦There are also corporate strategy concepts like: Andrews’ â€Å"SWOT analysis†Although widely used in marketing strategy, SWOT (also known as TOWS) Analysis originated in corporate strategy. The SWOT concept, if not the acronym, is the work of Kenneth R. Andrews who is credited with writing the text portion of the classic: Business Policy: Text and Cases (Learned et al., 1965) (41). Ansoff’s â€Å"growth strategies†The most well-known, and least often attributed, aspect of Igor Ansoff’s Growth Strategies in the marketing literature is the term product-market. The product-market concept results from Ansoff juxtaposing new and existing products with new and existing markets in a two by two matrix (41-42). Porter’s â€Å"generic strategies†Porter generic strategies - strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firm’s sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership each with a dimension of Focus-broad or narrow. ** Product differentiation ** Cost leadership ** Market segmentation * Innovation strategies  This deals with the firm s rate of the new product development and business model innovation. It asks whether the company is onShow MoreRelatedCorporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies1838 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Wanda Joyce McGhee Dr. Malinda Swigart Business 508 July 13, 2014 Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies There is no question that Apple is a remarkable company. In addition to its business turnaround, its innovative design, and its media content and apps, the unadulterated sexiness of all its products makes Apple hard to resist. For me, what isn’t hard to resist, is asking: How can a company that is this extraordinaryRead MoreThe Marketing Strategy Of Walmart1496 Words  | 6 Pagesrecognition by consumers escalate to never before seen heights. Because of this brand recognition, it has become important for businesses to design their websites to reflect their overall marketing strategies. This is especially important in the retail world. All retail businesses have a similar overall marketing strategy of generating sales and retaining the customer for future sales. Most of the retail giants still greatly rely on the success of their brick and mortar stores to turn a profit. HoweverRead MoreDells Marketing Strategy1802 Words  | 8 Pagesalways been careful in sustaining i ts marketing strategy of providing standard-based computing solutions (Official Website 2004). Today Dell is the third largest computer manufacturer in the world. On January 2004 Dell reports net revenue approximately $41,444 millions and 46000 employees (Annual report 2004). Marketing Environment Dells strategy is global. It realizes that being closer to the customers is essential in carrying out its marketing strategies as well as in enabling it to build customerRead MoreMarketing Strategy1138 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 1 Marketing in Today’s Economy Exercise 1.1 CarsDirect 1. Explore the CarsDirect website, including pricing a vehicle of your choice. How successful is CarsDirect in reducing the hassles associated with buying an automobile? 2. Does the design of the CarsDirect website convey confidence and trust in the car buying process? How has CarsDirect answered consumers’ concerns over the lack of a human element in their marketspace? Exercise 1.2 DaytonaRead MoreMarketing Strategies For A Marketing Strategy1235 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing strategies A marketing strategy is a description of goals that need to be achieved with marketing efforts. A marketing strategy is normally formed by an organizations business goals. Business goals and a marketing strategy should go hand-in-hand. A marketing strategy should consist of a clear goal of what has to be done, informing consumers about the product or services being offered, and also informing consumer of differentiation factors. The 4 P’s of marketing Marketing is a businessRead MoreMarketing Strategies For The Marketing Strategy1453 Words  | 6 Pagestrue cost of production for the particular products and services are not known to the customers. Instead, they feel the worth of a product from their sense of feeling and decide to buy it even on higher price. Therefore producers chase such marketing strategies which help them to set huge perceived value for their product or service and in this way they are able to get high prices for their products in the market (Sweeney et al., 1999). Perceived value is mostly used by companies who manufactureRead MoreMarketing Strategies For A Marketing Strategy1177 Words  | 5 Pagescompanies in marketing has become more intense. Practice effective marketing strategies is very important for most of the companies who want to be successful and to become leaders in marketing. Strategy is part of marketing techniques that combine all the market goals which are the company needs to make a completed plan in order to increase sales and maintain customers (Bennie, 2016). Marketing strategies have been extensively studied in the marketing area. For example, marketing strategy was discussedRead MoreMarketing Strategies Of The Marketing Strategy Essay1527 Words  | 7 PagesThe Marketing Strategies that were exercised by eBay which contributed to its success. 1. Definition of the Marketing Strategy Grewal and Levy (2010: p.32) states that â€Å"a marketing strategy identifies a firm’s target market(s), a related marketing mix - their four P’s and the bases upon which the firm plans to build a sustainable competitive advantage†. Kotler and Keller (2012: p.274) further argues that ‘the marketing strategy is built on segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) and a companyRead MoreMarketing Plan For A Marketing Strategy909 Words  | 4 PagesA marketing plan is crucial to the survival of an organization. Marketing plans need to be well thought out and target a certain market. The market that an organization chooses will demonstrate what direction they want the organization to head in. However, choosing just one market will be problematic to the organization because they will be missing out on other opportunities to grow. The organization needs to operate like the old sane, kill two birds with one stone. Therefore, if an organizationRead MoreMarketing Strategy : Marketing Strategies871 Words  | 4 PagesPurpose and Overview The purpose of this case analysis report for Mistine, direct selling in Thailand Cosmetic Market looks into the marketing strategies focus. The report includes external opportunities and threats as well as strengths that are to be discussed here. The external opportunities include new markets and new product and service development. External threats include growing competition and lower profitability external business risks. The weakness are high prices are possible
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Night Had Changed Everything As I Had Known It
That night had changed everything as I had known it. My mom ended up letting us all move into her house permanently. This made things extremely awkward between my family. I didn’t know what this would mean for us now. My mom was still set on getting a divorce soon, but my dad had wanted her back. My dad became upset all the time because my mom began talking to a new guy that she had developed feelings for, and since we were all under one roof, this made everything uncomfortable. I found myself in my room most nights, trying to stay away from all the drama and turn of events. I didn’t know what was going to happen next and I didn’t feel like I had a true home. It took me forever to get even remotely comfortable in this new house because I†¦show more content†¦Once I started to realize that I had to embrace the changes in my life rather than want them to go back, I started to begin to cheer up. All these obstacles in my life were difficult at the time, but I appreciate the struggle it put me through. I was truly shaped into the person I am today because of what I have been through. I now am more appreciative of things in life. I tried to get back on better terms with all of my family because I realized how important family really is. Friends come and go in life, but family is who will always be there for me when I need someone I can count on. I made some new friends around this time, and they were a huge factor in my happiness. In the beginning of the year 2016, a boy that had gone to elementary with me had messaged me. We started talking on the phone, texting, and video chatting whenever we could. We hung out a few times and he asked me to be his girlfriend. He was always there for me when I needed him and he made me feel more confident in life. Having him was now a gigantic blessing for me. I was unbelievably happy with our relationship. This was the first boyfriend I had that my parents actually genuinely liked. He was great with my family and we started doing things with my brother such as playing soccer or video games. He was the glue in my life that was helping me keep everything together. I stopped going to counseling to see if I could handleShow MoreRelatedDeath of a Parent1268 Words  | 6 PagesI believe we are defined by events that happen throughout our lives both passivity and negatively. Most of the events that change people’s paths often happen suddenly in their life and sometimes have long term effects. Whether it is a personal, religious, life style, or even a career change the fact still remains the cause for change was caused by the event. The statements above are true for my life; my life was about to change forever. This is the day I found out my mother had only six monthsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel794 Words  | 4 Pages             Night In the book Night by Elie Wiesel there are many instances where his use of imagery helps establish tone and purpose. For example Elie Wiesel used fire (sight) to represent just that. The fire helps prove that the tone is serious and mature. In no way did Wiesel try to lighten up the story about the concentration camps or the Nazis. His use of fire also helps show his purpose. â€Å"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven timesRead MoreKilling a Tradition in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee787 Words  | 3 Pagesthe pioneers first escaped England to come to America. Then tradition continued into the Civil War, and is still shaping the world today with things people may not even realize. Well Harper Lee expresses this same kind of tradition in her very well-known fiction novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Through the words she wrote she shows tradition in a whole new light. The two main characters, Jem and Scout, go throu gh the traumatic experience of growing up in a very non-traditional way, from watching Tom RobinsonRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Ready1016 Words  | 5 Pages College Ready I always expected to feel differently when applying for college, and especially when getting accepted. But it did not go quite how I had always pictured. I had been out of school and working, and started to lose the urgency or desire to leave for college right away. I was not ready to leave home and all my loved ones and so I slacked on keeping up with all the college stuff like I should have been doing. One day I finally applied to the only place I set my sights on, not really expectingRead MoreElie Wiesel Reflection991 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout human history, most people have endured many types of tragic experiences that have changed their way of being. For example, the Holocaust involved the Jewish community and was considered one of the most tragic life changing experiences for many. Most notably, the murderous travesties the Jewish people were subject to. Additionally, it changed our views about how the world would view the future of human history. A Holocaust survivor by the name of Elie Wiesel was involved with the horrorRead MoreAllan Grey723 Words  | 3 PagesWilliams had created throughout his play. However, for Elia Kazan to have produced the film, some scenes were eliminated or changed to fit what was known as the Hay’s Code. One of the scenes that was not so much vital to the play, was when Blanche DuBois explains to Mitch about her ex-husband. Allan Grey, Blanche’s ex husband, was found in bed with another man and by no other than his wife, Blanche herself. In the play both Blanche and Allan pretended that nothing happened after that night. AllanRead MoreThe Social Factors Of Insomnia955 Words  | 4 Pagesthey want. This can cause those who suffer from the illness to want to hide it from everyone and go about their day like there is not anything wrong. All people go through different problems in life where they do not always want everything that is going wrong to be known out in the open. Attribution theory is the theory of how we define other people’s behavior by a person’s situation or problem at the time (Meyers, 2014). Many times, we give credit to others just because we feel they are going throughRead MoreJ. Edgar Hoover s Skills1510 Words  | 7 PagesJ. Edgar Hoover was born on January 1st, 1895. Growing up, I believe J. Edgar Hoover learned his skills while still in school. He was on the debate team in highschool, which helped him with his public speaking, and he also learned some leadership skills while in college. He didn’t have to join the army after finishing school, because he had to take care of his mom. He eventually graduated college near the top of his class, with a Bachelor’s Degree in law, which led him to his first job in the DepartmentRead MoreMy Life - Original Writing1703 Words  | 7 Pagesmoment and then gone the next. That was life for me. Just as I got used to what my life had become, and was okay with it, it changed. In the time it took to open the front door of my apartment my current life disappeared. Sometimes I think it s the best thing that ever happened to me, sometimes I think it s the worst. I was sprawled out on the couch numbly watching a movie, the colors and light flashing in the darkness of night. As I stared to drift off the screen blurred into one misshapen blobRead MoreEverything Everything Character Analysis910 Words  | 4 Pagesthreatening risks. In the book Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon, one character in specific changes throughout the book. Madeline Whittier, or Maddy, is a eighteen year old girl who changes by taking one of the greatest risks of her life. Maddy has never left the house as she is diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency, also known as bubble baby disease. This is a hereditary disease weakening her immune system. Because her body is more susceptible to infections, everything and everyone around her
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
College and the Marines Essay Example For Students
College and the Marines Essay It was about eight o’clock on a Sunday night. I was watching TV with my family after our dinner. Sunday was family night so we always had a big dinner and everyone had to stay in that night and spend time with each other. We we’re watching the travel channel because that was my dad’s favorite. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman took a commercial break and that’s when it happened. I saw the commercial that has affected my way of think for the past six years. The commercial is called The Climb. It’s an old Marines commercial which is intended to get people like me to enlist. I know everything there is to know about this commercial. It’s exactly one minute three seconds. It was released on February 23, 2002 as an honor of the Marines who raised the flag at Iwo Jima on that date fifty seven years before. I don’t know why this commercial reached out to me. I just couldn’t stop thinking about the man climbing the mountain, about the challenges he overcame. I couldn’t stop thinking about the Blue uniform, the sword, and the emblem. I got onto the Marines website and started learning as much as I could. Before I knew it I was on there every day after school. It didn’t stop there though. Every time we used computers at school I would go to that website or look up pictures of Marines. That’s all I could think about. I would daydream about being a Marine all the time. During class, in the car, at home, it didn’t matter where I was I just always had my head in the clouds. At the beginning of my junior year I told my parents about my obsession. They didn’t say much about it. The only thing my dad said was â€Å"I like the uniforms. They have the nicest uniforms†. My mom said â€Å"That’s a lot of responsibility. They will straighten you up†. That was the full discussion. I don’t think they took me seriously. My senior year came and everyone was choosing were they wanted to go to college. While everyone was going on visits to campuses, I was going on visits to the recruiting office. While my best friends took the ACT, I took the ASVAB. I scored an 89 which is way above average and would let me do anything I wanted. My friends would brag to me about their scores. I tried to show off my ASVAB scores, but everyone just asked why I was going to the military. None of my friends wanted me to go, because they thought they would never see me again and they didn’t want me to die. I would explain to them why I wanted to go so desperately. I told them that I wanted something different. School was never for me, I always did well, but I never liked sitting in the same place for hours every day. I couldn’t stay focus. I also said that I wanted the challenge; too prove something of myself and a place that I could fit in better than I do in school. would explain to them about the adventures and adrenaline rushes that I would have. I am admittedly an adrenaline junky) The most important part speech was when I told them about the bad things about being a Marine. I always thought that’s the most important part because it shows people that I knew what I was getting myself into and I wasn’t blindly jumping into a lifetime decision. I reminded them about the chance of death, the hard work, being away from them for a long time, and all of the non-glorious parts on a Marines life. Even after our countless amounts of discussions my friends still didn’t respect my decision, and keep fighting to make me stay. .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .postImageUrl , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:hover , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:visited , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:active { border:0!important; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:active , .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7 .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u746ce166f1c36badc61af02afcb604f7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Christmas Season Comes And Goes Each Year, Leaving Behind A Spirit EssayEvery Wednesday at five o’clock I had Marines PT. It was supposed to keep me in shape and get me ready for basic training. I went to every practice for about two months, but I had to stop because volleyball season started up. My recruiter and I had become pretty good friends so he understood that I had a sport to play and he even came to some of my games. I never got too close to him though because I knew he was just doing his job, and I wasn’t sure if he even really cared. My parents met him at one of my games and set up a meeting to talk to him more. I wasn’t there for the meeting because I had an away game, but both my parents and my recruiter said it went well and it was extremely helpful for my parents. Volleyball season was almost half way over, and my recruiter didn’t want to waste any more time, and neither did I. He wanted to set up a date for me to go and sign up and swear in. I told my parents with excitement, but they didn’t look as happy as me. They told me that they’ve been talking and didn’t want me to go. Needless to say I was very upset. They played along for the longest time and at the very end they turned on me. We got into a huge argument that lasted for a month. Every day my dad and I would fight about it and my mom would be crying in her room. I felt like they screwed me over, because they could have told me how they really felt at the beginning and I would have thought of more options for my life, but they didn’t so I was too late to apply to any schools except for Columbus State. I told my dad that â€Å"I’m 18 I don’t need your permission, I can just go and sign up now if I wanted to†. The he would tell me â€Å"then you can leave my house because I don’t have to take care of you anymore†. It was vicious fighting that lasted too long. I didn’t want to go without their permission because I didn’t want to betray them like that. My dad didn’t want to kick me out of the house because I’m his youngest child, I’m his baby, I’m the last one he will ever have. After a while I got tired of the fighting, tired of hearing my mom cry, and tired of everyone telling me that I was throwing my life away. So I applied to Columbus State and got accepted like everyone else who applies there. I told my recruiter what happened and he was upset that I wasn’t joining anymore, but respected me for not wanting to turn my back on my parents. It turned out that he was the only person that went along with any of my decisions. After I talked to him for the last time I found out that he was a true friend, because can disagree with your decisions but they will respect them. So now its five months later, and I am enrolled as a full time student at Columbus State Community College. I’m in school all over again. The place where I never thought I belonged, and the place I never thought I fitted in. I have three classes a day and I hate every one of them. It’s not because of the teachers or because of the course itself. It’s just because it’s not where I belong. I think about how different my life would be if I went down the path I wanted to, and I think about other chances I will get to go down that path. I regret basing my decision off of what everyone else wanted, and if I could do it again, I would do it differently. Now I sit in my classes with my arms crossed, eyes staring at the ground, and my mind in the place where it’s been for the past six years.
Monday, April 13, 2020
John Carpenters The Thing free essay sample
Covers the genesis and afterlife of the 1982 film, The Thing, directed by John Carpenter. This paper covers extensively the creation and reception of John Carpenters The Thing,` a largely unknown, but highly influential science-fiction film from 1982. The paper talks about the origins of the story, pre-production, the negative critical and commercial reception of the film, and the re-interpretation of it years later by audiences. Also, it discusses the metaphorical aspects of the film, like its parables to the McCarthy era. ` `Antarctica, Winter 1982,` a title card reads. A pulsing beat can be heard as a helicopter flies over a snowcapped cliff and down into an endless and bleak white valley. We see two men in the chopper, one flying the aircraft, the other scanning the landscape through a pair of binoculars Soon it is apparent what the men are pursuing: a sled dog, running quickly across the ice. The man in the passengers side of the helicopter puts down the binoculars, and leans out the side, a large rifle in his hands. We will write a custom essay sample on John Carpenters The Thing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He begins squeezing off rounds madly at the sprinting husky, like a crazed Ahab after the great white whale. This hectically confusing scene is the opening of John Carpenters 1982 film, The Thing, a chilling story about a research team at an Antarctic outpost, who suddenly find themselves at the mercy of a malevolent shape-shifting, body-absorbing alien. The Thing was a landmark science-fiction film that has inspired countless other movies and TV shows, and yet was totally unappreciated in its time, and has since yet to be given the proper respect it deserves.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Space Junk Danger
Space Junk Danger Earth doesnt orbit the Sun alone. Of course, there are the other planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. But, in near-Earth space, our planet is accompanied by a LOT of space junk left over from launched vehicles. Does it pose a danger? In some cases, it does. In the movie Gravity, a group of astronauts finds out first-hand what it might be like for space explorers to run into an orbiting bit of space debris. The results are not good, although at least one astronaut makes it through safely. When it came out, the movie has generated a lot of discussion among space experts about its accuracy in some places, but the general story highlights a growing problem that we dont often think about here on Earth (and probably should): space junk returning home. What Goes Up often Comes Down Theres a cloud of space debris around Earth that planners have to deal with as they set schedules for rocket launches and low-Earth missions. Most of the material out there eventually comes back to Earth, such as the object WTF1190F. It was a piece of hardware likely dating back to the Apollo mission days. Its return to Earth on November 13, 2015, told scientists a lot about what happens as material plunges through our atmosphere (and burns up on the way down). Of course, spent satellites are often de-orbited, too, with similar results. The idea is that only little pieces make it back to the planet, and the bigger stuff is destroyed. Knowing about space junk and where it is at any given moment is particularly important for people in the space launch business. This is because there are nearly 20,000 pieces of space debris up there. Most of it ranges from such small objects as gloves and cameras to pieces of rockets and artificial satellites. Theres enough stuff up there to pose a real danger to observatories such as the Hubble Space Telescope, weather and communications satellites and the International Space Station. It also poses some risk to those of us on Earth. The good news is, the chances of something hitting us on land are fairly small. Its far more likely that a piece of space debris will fall into the oceans, or at least into an unhabitated part of a continent. To keep launch vehicles and orbiting satellites from running into these bits of space junk, organizations such as the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) observes and maintains a list of known objects orbiting Earth. Before every launch (and as satellites orbit the globe), the positions of all known debris must be known so that the launches and orbits can proceed without risk. The other good news is that most space debris burns up before it hits the planet. The Atmosphere Can be a Drag (and Thats Good!) Pieces of junk in orbit can and do get caught up in our planets atmosphere, just as meteoroids do. That slows them down, in a process called atmospheric drag. If were lucky, and a piece of orbital debris is small enough, it will likely vaporize as it falls to Earth under the tug of our planets gravity. (This is exactly what happens to meteoroids when they encounter our atmosphere and the resulting flare of light we see as they vaporize is called a meteor. Earth regularly encounters streams of meteoroids, and when it does, we often see meteor showers.)  But, larger pieces of space junk can pose a threat to folks on Earth as well as get in the way or orbiting stations and satellites. Earths atmosphere is not the same size all the time. At some times it stretches out much farther from the surface due to solar activity. So, scientists monitor the density of the atmosphere changes over time in the low-Earth orbit (LEO) zone. Thats an area several hundred miles above the surface of our planet where most orbiting materials (including satellites and the International Space Station) exist. The Sun Plays a Role in Space Junk Re-entry In addition to heating by the Sun (which helps swell our atmosphere), heat waves propagating from lower in the atmosphere can also have an effect. There are other events that affect our atmosphere and could have the effect of catapulting larger objects toward Earths surface. Occasional solar storms cause the upper atmosphere to expand. These erratic solar storms (caused by coronal mass ejections)  can zip from the Sun toward Earth in less than two days, and they produce rapid changes in air density. Again, most space junk falling to Earth can and does vaporize on the way down. But, larger pieces can land and pose the potential for damage. Imagine being in the neighborhood if a large piece of a defunct satellite fell on your house! Or, imagine what would happen if a large solar storm resulted in enough atmospheric drag to pull a working satellite (or a space station) into a lower and more potentially dangerous orbit? It would not be good news for anybody in the path. Predicting Re-Entry The U.S. Air Force (which is involved with NORAD), and the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center work together to forecast space weather events and the effects they have on our atmosphere. Understanding those events will help us all in the long run by understanding the same effects on the orbits of space junk. Ultimately, the junk trackers will be able to forecast more accurate orbits and trajectories of space debris in near-Earth space. Fast Facts about Space Junk Space junk is made up of objects left over from space flights, such as cameras, rocket pieces, and other small pieces of debris.Occasionally space junk takes the form of a satellite directed to re-enter Earths atmosphere. Its usually directed to impact Earth in the oceans or in uninhabited areas.Agencies monitor thousands of pieces of space junk, charting the orbits of these objects. Much space junk vaporizes due to friction with Earths atmosphere and never reaches the surface.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Allowing Teenage Driving before the Age of Eighteen Essay
Allowing Teenage Driving before the Age of Eighteen - Essay Example Accidents due to teenage driving in this group are more in comparison to accidents from other age groups. III. Teenage drivers below the age of eighteen years have very poor driving skills, which disregard all the rules. A. Drunk driving is a major issue associated with teenagers below the age of eighteen years. It is crucial to note that alcohol impairs once mind affecting their coordination and thinking. B. Parents’ failure to be strict on the rules made teenagers below the age of eighteen years fail to observe even the most of basic rules like using the seatbelts. IV. Most teenagers in this age group do not understand the complexity involved in driving. A. Teenagers’ social and emotional development of their minds is immature in comparison with that of an adult. B. They are vulnerable to distraction and peer influence. V. Teenagers below the age of eighteen years should drive. A. Some members of this group are mature, responsible, and dependable. In effect, locking p rohibiting them from driving is discriminatory. VI. No teenager should drive. B. The dependable and responsible teenagers in this group are a minority. In effect, none should drive. VII. In conclusion, accidents resulting from teenage driving result to half of the causes of the deaths in this group. In effect, none should drive since allowing them to drive puts them at a risk of vulnerabilities. Allowing Teenage Driving before the Age of Eighteen Years In the current world, characterized by the information and the knowledge economy, the debate about the right age to drive has remained in the public domain for a period. In fact, different countries have enacted different legislation regarding the right, or rather the legal, age for driving. Indeed, most people agree that the art of driving does not require the skills learned in a driving school only. Rather, one of the most important requirements of a skilled driver is good decision-making at all times, and in other cases within a sp lit of a second. However, good decision-making skills are not skills that an individual learns in a driving school. In fact, good decision-making skills are inherent in an individual with the maturity level being a significant determinant. While some people argue that teenagers below the age of eighteen years should drive since some are mature, this essay posits that teenagers below eighteen years should not drive since they are vulnerable to risks associated with driving. A 1983 study by Karpf and Williams observed, â€Å"Nearly half the deaths of male and female 16–18 year olds in the United States resulted from motor vehicle use†(as cited in William & Lund, 1986). However, recent research by Chen, Baker, Braver, and Li (2000), noted that the deaths of this age group due to accidents stood at 36% towards the end of the last century. Nevertheless, this percentage is a manifestation of a grim scenario concerning licensing of teenage driving below the age of eighteen y ears. Therefore, prohibiting driving amongst this group would help reduce the number of deaths by a big percentage in this vital group. While observing that the statistics were from a developed country and their application to other countries may differ, it is essential to note that these dynamics may apply to any nation regardless of its development. In this regard, teenagers' dynamics are common or
Friday, February 7, 2020
European Parliament Elections 2014 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
European Parliament Elections 2014 - Coursework Example The elections involve various parties that included the European People’s Party, Party of European Socialists, Alliance of liberals and Democrats of Europe, the party of the European Left and the party of European Alliance for Freedom among others.  For fairness and equity of distribution of members and the authority span in the union, countries involved all participated in the election of the President to the committee that led and provides oversight mandate to the countries. These have developed to shape politics in the management of affairs of the European Union. Therefore, they provide a control aspect that makes the union stronger and much active economically. As part of the EU integration principles, the elections provide ground for improvement and evaluation of progress to the European Union. Through the formation and the parliament formed, it is much easier to understand and tackle the challenges that face the European Union block and relate to the policy matters of the European Union. These aspects have a picture drawn in the body of the material. For years, the elections of the members of the European Union parliament have remained centred and held during June as for the previous elections. In 2014, the elections were held in May as a gesture to create more time for the election of the president of the European Commission, which would have coincided if not brought backwards. The fact that the Pentecost weekend was to take place at the same time also provide an influence on the changes that came to occur. One of the major roles that the European Union has to play as of current is stabilizing the economy of the member states of the European Union. Since the great recession that started as of June 2009, the whole world has suffered massively due to the economic crisis that has affected many economies (Maier, 2011, p.208). Through these recessionary activities, economies like that of Greece, Cyprus Spain, Portugal and Cyprus massively affected leading to a difficult time in the European Union. From this time, the effect of the recession hit even into the EU leadership aspects. Â
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Citizen Kane Essay Example for Free
Citizen Kane Essay The film Citizen Kane (1941), directed and written by Orson Welles and Herman Mankiewicz, is an American film drama that use various film techniques to illustrate themes, attitudes, and the development of a story. Welles use of camera angles, lighting, movement, symbolism and expression allow the audience to comprehend and understand the themes such as power and exploitation that are present in this movie along with many other themes that pertain to the life of the main character, Charles Foster Kane. Many of the filming techniques that are used in this film illustrate Kane and his feelings and transitions through and about his life. Citizen Kane is a film that demonstrates the importance of how simple scene techniques can help develop a story. After viewing the film, the audience comes to understand that the main theme of the movie is centered around the importance of childhood. Throughout the movie, symbolism is used to reinforce the theme. Thompson, the reporter, attempts to figure out the meaning of the word â€Å"rosebud†, Kanes last words before passing away. Kanes life seems to be a mystery to some people, and the word â€Å"rosebud†is that missing piece to Kanes life. Thompson never figures out what â€Å"rosebud†means, but at the end of the movie we see the word â€Å"rosebud†on the sled that was thrown into the fire. At this point the audience understands that rosebud is indeed symbolic of his childhood and the missing piece of his life. Earlier in the movie, Kane is outside playing with that same sled while his parents are discussing a plan to send him away. â€Å"Rosebud†can now be connected to the snow globe which represents his childhood in Colorado. Thomson said that â⠂¬Å"rosebud†was a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle. He is illustrating that Kane always felt that he lost his childhood and himself. All he had to show for it was that sled and the snow globe. Further importance on the theme of his childhood is illustrated through lighting when Thomson the reporter investigates Tatcher to get a better understanding of Kanes childhood. When he enters the room there is a very distinct, glowing light that is angled in such away that it focuses on a book containing information about Kanes childhood. Right away, we see the importance of Kanes childhood in the developing plot. To further emphasize this importance, when Thomson opens the book, the audience notices the very distinct contrast between the bright light on the book and the dark area surrounding the book. Throughout the movie, the director is hinting to the audience that his childhood is symbolic of something very important which just might be the answer to the question, â€Å" What/who is Rosebud?†By now the audience understands that that Kane was unable to have a normal childhood due to a lack of say and power. This is illustrated using a depth and focus effect. In the early parts of the film there is a scene in which Kane is outside playing while his parents and banker are negotiating his fate. The actors are ordered in such a way that the mother is always in front, followed by the banker, Kanes father, and then Kane. Kanes mother seems to have the power due to her position in this scene. It is important to notice that although Kane is in the far depths, he is still in focus, but with limited power. As we transition through the movie, Kane gains power and is in the front of this scene but there is always depth and focus in the shot to illustrate a hierarchy of power. Another theme in the movie that is reinforced by this technique of depth focusing is relationships. As Kane develops through the movie, the audience recognizes that he is losing his power and his weakness leads to broken relationships. When he takes control of the Inquirer, he is constantly surrounded by people and they are not physically distant from him, but as his status on the hierarchical system dwindles down, he begins to distance himself from others in scenes. When Kane fires Leland, we see a great deal of depth and distance between the two but both remain in focus. In this same scene Bernstein is standing in the doorway at a distance away from Kane but he has no significance. The way the actors are positioned illustrate how Kane is developing as person and with other people around him. When Kane gets taken away by Tatcher at a very young age, his life is transitioning into one of power and corruption. When his employees and partners welcome him for the first time at the Inquirer, all the shots are low angle shots. The angle also makes it seem as though Kane is significantly larger than everyone else in the subsequent scenes. It is as though the audience is looking up to him just as his employees are, illustrating the theme of power that Kane now holds. Exploitation is a theme that begins to develop after Kane has taken control of the Inquirer. His need for power continues to grow and he becomes more and more corrupt. Not only is there corruption within his company, but he comes to exploit other peoples thoughts and ideas. As Kane obtains more power and greed, he gets the idea to run for governor, but in the process he gets exploited in regards to his developing relationship with Susan. This is where the movie transitions from power to weakness. Up until this point there has been many low-angle shots to illustrate Kanes growing power. When Kane loses the election, the film moves transitions into high-angle shots. Prior to anyone even saying that the election was over, the scene setting clearly illustrates that the election was lost. Even though the office looks like it is a mess, it is very empty. No campaign crew, no feeling. The shot then moves to Kane. During this scene Kane speaks with two different people but his face is down and hidden from the audience. The camera is constantly at a low angle illustrating Kanes diminishing power. Furthermore, this is the first scene with Kane in which there is limiting lighting in the room, which reinforces the concept of an empty feeling. As mentioned before, the director uses deep focused shots to illustrate a hierarchy of power. Throughout the movie, deep focused shots are also used to put significance on a specific actor. In the deep focused shots, actors are usually separated by long distances, like in the scene where Kane is talking to Susan across a long corridor with Thompson as the interviewer. When either Kane or Susan speak, the camera shot is always focused in front of them to draw attention to what they are saying. Another technique used to put focus on Kane throughout the movie is by drawing in on Kane by passing through and object or person through a continuous shot. This filming technique is used in the first scene of the movie. The scene begins with the audience closing in on a â€Å"No Trespassing†sign, and then passes through the sign to reveal a house with light coming from one window. This might not be a significant amount of light, but the lighting does illustrate the importance of what lies beyond those windows. The scene continues through a garden, over fences, etc. but the whole time the lighted window stays in the same position, continuously bringing a attention to its significance. Of course as the scene continues it is that of Kane passing away and revealing the mystery which follows throughout the film. The director attempts to always keep the attention on Kane even when it seems as though he is fading out of the discussion. The audience can always find a relationship between the characters of a story/film and the main themes. In the film Citizen Kane, the relationship between the characters and important themes are illustrated by filming techniques that range from camera angles to symbolism. Throughout the movie symbolism played an important role in determining the main theme and what â€Å"rosebud†meant. Kanes development as a person and place in society was illustrated through camera angles, lighting, and depth. These techniques not only assists the audience in understanding Kane, but also understanding other characters and the relationship Kane had with them.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
Important Discoveries in Chemistry Since the dawn of man, chemistry has been the tool used to fulfill our search for knowledge. A multitude of discoveries have changed the way use chemistry. These discoveries are being made every day and they change the way we see the universe. The following is a sample of important discoveries in chemistry. 1. Discovery of the Atom The idea that atoms make up matter has been around for centuries. However, it has only played a role in chemistry for the past 200 years, and the idea hasn’t taken off until the last 100 years. Ancient Greek philosopher, Demokritos, was one of the first to propose the idea that matter is made up of smaller units. He called these units, â€Å"atoms†. The word atom means unable to be divided. Demokritos also thought that the atoms moved through an infinite â€Å"empty†. Aristotle, however, believed the world contained continuous substances; his belief would be dominant for the time period. The atom would not be scientifically theorized until 1808 by John Dalton. His atomic theory states: All matter contains indivisible and indestructible particles called atoms. The atoms of any one element have the same mass and properties. Compounds are the result of the combination of different atoms. The rearrangement of atoms results in a chemical reaction. Today, nothing in chemistry would be the same without the idea of the atom. Not only is it the basic building block of all matter, but it is also the basic building block of almost all of our knowledge in chemistry. 2. Discovery of the Electron The electron was discovered by J.J. Thompson, a physics professor at Cambridge University. The discovery would be the result of Thompson’s experiments with cathode tubes used in electric and ... ...ial agent was at its greatest. The U.S. pushed industry to produce the penicillin mold. Towards the end of World War II, 650 billion units of penicillin were produced every month. 7. Discovery of Water in Martian Soil A more recent discovery might set the path to discovering life on another planet. Data collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover shows that Martian soil holds about 2% water. The rover’s â€Å"Sample Analysis at Mars†instrument heated a soil sample to 835 degrees Celsius. The resulting gases were oxygen, chlorine, and surprisingly, water vapor. Laurie Leshin of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute says that a cubic foot of the soil would yield a couple pints of water. From what we know so far, this water is drinkable. However, no one has worked out how to use the soil as a resource for water. One idea is to use a condenser to cool the water vapor into a liquid.
Monday, January 13, 2020
ICT impact on social networks size and strengths Essay
Information technology has formed the backbone of socio-economic progression. It has opened the social condensation and propelled communication and business progress to higher performance and productivity levels. However there are various implications on the society that are being looked at as checks and balances in this advancement. The hypothetical position on social networks as within the dimensional and convectional implications is that, ICT has reduced the strength of social networks as well as the strengths of the social networks. The overall and the subsequent repercussion is condensation of the social integration and incubating social diversity into a less dynamic society due to lack of social networks. Overview on ICT impact on social networks A debate has come up on this hypothetical implication on the social networks and how social integration can be reconstructed and strengthened again. According to various research attributes and findings on implications of ICT diversity in the society is mainly based on disintegration of social networks. Andreina M (2002) points out that information technology has become an important tool in the society. She argues that the impacts of the internet on sociability are more diverse. People with lower social skills are negatively affected by ICT developments. These assertion project ICT as a key element social network disintegration. Social networks, according to Andreina, M. , bring together people of different sorts and helps bond society constituents. What is the impact of ICT on social networks size and strength? The hypothetical argument of ICT disintegrating size and strength of social networks is based on the diversity of ICT. Alan N, & John P, R (2002) point out that ICT is revolutionary. This makes its implications on social networks vilified. Current social-economic views on social networks and ICT Alan N, & John P, R (2002) further argue that ICT is a major historical event. At individual level, the revolution might be related to the social impact of IT, in terms of new ways of relating to other people and maintaining social contacts. The behavioural impacts of two-way communications formats, like the internet and the telephone, i-phone and phone messaging. They are used subtly to establish and maintain social relationships forming new infrastructures that facilitate different patterns of interaction. These implications reduce the size and strength of the social networks. There is less communication between certain social partners and groups reducing social interaction. ii- Social networks A synopsis that draws out the contentious breakage of social networks is that they are units of the people who meet and mingle freely to discuss and share their aspects of live. Social networks have incubated new types of networks which fit in to the ICT revolution. Seen in the context of Andreina M (2002), cyberspace networks and cell phone communication-video conferencing social networks have emerged as the breakaway social networks as a result of weakening of human-social networks. The emergence of ICT weakened social networks, and Andreina informs of cognitive and social digital networks are part of the more general cognitive and social networks that individuals are in and can access. Traditional and electronic social networks In her argument on diversity of social network transformation, Andriena examines the rise of technology as also a filler of the gap left by the weakened and less sizeable social network. Social networks consist of mainly friends, family and business circles that regularly meet to share ideas and merge to reach various principal objectives. According to Andreina, this is the offline outlook of social networks. She argues that, the internet cognitive and cultural space cannot be considered separated from the offline experience. If conceptual, it is particularly true when considering the diffusion of ubiquitous technology and cross-channel integrated communications on the net. Andreina M (2002) This point out the dynamism in social networks is now being transformed into a less strong position which is the cyberspace and video conferencing in phones and group messaging through mobile telephony. Earlier outlook of the social networks drew out a picture of a cohesive society where in meeting and sharing through live conversations. The picture today is different, more mobile phone calls and emailing is seen to replace meetings hence, subsequent weakening and reduction of size of the social network. How social networks have changed with emergence of technology Emergence of ICT based networking has transformed the facade of social networking, especially on issue based perspective as well as cognitive socio-economic approach. Earliest communication technologies, like simple conversations that evolved into more long distance forms illustrate the basic nature of one-to-one targeted communications. Meyer. K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002); besides, major concerns on the social transformation focus mainly on social life and personal communication and mass communication. Erstwhile, Meyer K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002) argue that the change focus is on the social networks secondary activities, social network company and the social network location. Secondary activities feature group television watching and so forth while social company looks at type of individual representation in terms of rankings in social stature. Time spent by the group’s members, by family members or by friends has become lessened. There is also a decline in level of discussion and verbal communication in live meetings due to the ICT based communication through which the persons in the groups exhaust most of their talks successively and comprehensively.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Wrongful Convictions And The Criminal Justice System Essay
Wrongful convictions heavily presided in Canada before adequate measures were taken to help prevent them. Many victims of wrongful convictions were subjected to the flaws in the Criminal Justice System, in which has undergone drastic reforms to repair some of the many imperfections. In Canada, the state provides compensation for individuals deemed factually innocent of the crimes they were charged for only through ex gracia, which simply means, â€Å"payment by the state, †¦ made voluntarily, as a favour out of kindness or grace, and without recognition of any legal obligation†(Entitlement of Compensation- The Legal Framework). However, in order to be considered eligible for financial compensation, certain guidelines must be met under the Federal/ Provincial Guidelines on Compensation for Wrongfully Convicted and Imprisoned Persons, which was established in 1988. (Entitlement of Compensation- The Legal Framework). The guidelines as specified in the Federal/ Provincial Co mpensation for Wrongfully Convicted and Imprisoned Persons require that, an accused individual be convicted and imprisoned, and the conviction and imprisonment must be declared a miscarriage of justice as a result of new factual evidence presented (Entitlement of Compensation-The Legal Framework). Also, the individual must have been convicted and imprisoned under the Criminal Code of Canada, and the individual must be acquitted in the Court of Appeal, following a referral made by the Ministry of Justice.Show MoreRelatedThe Wrongful Conviction Of Criminal Justice System1185 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Æ' A conviction of a person accused of a crime which in the result subsequent investigation proves erroneous.It depicts as any conviction which is apparently not committed by the convicted.I have studied many cases that why wrongful conviction has occurred even with doing a systematic probe, having with an affirmation and evidence. 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