Paper Presentation Topics On Electronics And Communication Engineering
Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on Frosts Desert Places - 504 Words
Desert Places In the poem Desert Places by Robert Frost, the author describes the scenery in which he came across with. It was on a winter day, and the day was turning into a night. As he went across a field, he saw that the ground was almost all covered in snow. But then he noticed a few weeds and stubble on the ground. On the first line, Frost talks about how the night falling fast. This is referring to how fast Frost felt concerning time, which went by fast in real life. At the end of the line, Frost added two simple words which seems to add a sense of desperation, or even a sense of hopelessness, to the whole idea of time going by fast. The words â€Å"oh, fast†seem to show that although Frost did not like it, but there was†¦show more content†¦Snow here could represent dullness or loneliness. Frost feels that everything or everyone around him are filled with loneliness, no excitement and everything seems to be the same. Line four in the poem says that â€Å"But a few we eds and stubble showing last.†Here it tells us that although dullness, emptiness, or loneliness covered almost everything around him, he could still see some life or excitement somewhere in between. Yet this small bits of life and excitement were nothing compared to the overwhelming emptiness. In the next couple of lines, Frost seems to have forgotten all about the weeds and stubble he saw and put his attention back to the empty, snow covered surroundings. He then looks at the woods near the field and that too have been covered in snow. He also mentioned that all the animals are covered in snow in their lairs. These two lines again emphasize how Frost feels. He knows that there are live around him, yet those life are also filled with emptiness. Soon he even realized that not only the surroundings that were filled with loneliness, but Frost himself are also in it as line eight says, â€Å"The loneliness includes me unawares.†Last stanza of the poem talks about the empt iness that is so overwhelming that even when Frost looks up to the sky, all that he could see or feel is still loneliness and emptiness. But then Frost mentions that the emptiness or loneliness that he fears the most isn’t the one that exist onShow MoreRelated Robert Frosts Desert Places882 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frosts Desert Places One of the most monumental poetic works of T.S Eliot is ‘The Waste Land’. The poem emerges as a gigantic metaphor for melancholy, loneliness, solitude- the unavoidable companions of human existence. Similar kinds of feelings are evoked by Robert Frost in ‘Desert Places’. The very title is suggestive of a mood of emptiness. Throughout our life we cross various deserts to find our destiny. The beauty of the poem lies in the conjunction – the meeting point desertRead More Analysis of Robert Frosts Desert Places Essay1236 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of Robert Frosts Desert Places Robert Frosts Desert Places is a testament to the harrowing nature of solidarity. By subjecting the narrator to the final moments of daylight on a snowy evening, an understanding about the nature of blank spaces and emptiness becomes guratively illuminated. The poems loneliness has the ability to transcend nature and drill a hole through the mind of the narrator so that all hope for relationships with man and nature are abandoned. Read MoreStopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening And Desert Places922 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†and â€Å"Desert Places†are complementary works which coincide with the naturesque elements most commonly ascribed to Frost. The two poems were published over a decade apart in a period after the first World War where feelings of lack of community and self-worth had grown in precedents amongst the general public. The early years of Frost’s literary career were spent on his poultry farm in Derry, New Hampshire as he toiled his land. Although FrostRead MoreEssay about The Dark Side of Humanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry991 Words  | 4 PagesHumanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry Robert Frost is often referred to as a poet of nature. Words and phrases such as fire and ice, flowers in bloom, apple orchards and rolling hills, are all important elements of Frosts work. These ‘benign objects provide an alternative way to look at the world and are often used as metaphors to describe a darker view of nature and humans. In Frosts poetry, the depth is as important as the surface. The darker aspects of Frosts poetry are often portrayedRead MoreImagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places†720 Words  | 3 PagesApril 19, 2010 Imagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places†Robert Frost, an American poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. One of the great examples is the poem â€Å"Desert Places†that express feelings of a speaker and the meaning of the entire poem through images of nature. The poem describes two different kinds of desert places and clearly emphasizes the most frightening one. To help readers understand the meaning of â€Å"Desert Places†, Frost uses variety of images to createRead MoreAbandonment and Singularity in Robert Frosts Poetry.1463 Words  | 6 PagesLoneliest Number†or â€Å"Does Zero Count?†Abandonment and Singularity in Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Census- Taker†Robert Frost’s approach to human isolation is always an interesting exploration. His poem of desertion and neglect paired with eternal hopefulness ignite the reader in his poem â€Å"The Census-Taker.†All of the elements of a Frost poem are in this particular poem. â€Å"The Census-Taker†must be from an earlier time in Frost’s career because the poem is written in an open, free verse similar to the styleRead MoreFrost, By Robert Frost1976 Words  | 8 Pagesthe world we inhabit (49, Dickstein). In most of Frost’s work, readers and critics enjoy his choices of theme, likely being the outdoors and his surroundings. By using â€Å"emotions recollected in tranquility†and his organic and inviolable relationship with his countryside, he celebrates New England’s natural beauty throughout his literature using simple and accessible idioms. Edward Garnett once predicted that Frost â€Å"was destined to take a permanent place in American Literature†which he unquestionablyRead MoreRobert Frost Essay814 Words  | 4 Pages Robert Frost successfully taken readers imagination on a journey through the wintertime with his poems quot;Desert Placesquot; and quot;Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.quot; Frosts New England background in these two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in our part of the country. Even though these poems both have winter settings they contain completely different tones. One poem has a feeling of a depressing loneliness, and the other of feeling welcome. The poems show howRead MoreDesert Places841 Words  | 4 PagesDesert Places by Robert Frost Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast In a field I looked into going past, And the ground almost covered smooth in snow, But a few weeds and stubble showing last. The woods around it have it - it is theirs. All animals are smothered in their lairs. I am too absent-spirited to count; The loneliness includes me unawares. And lonely as it is, that loneliness Will be more lonely ere it will be less - A blanker whiteness of benighted snowRead MoreSnow Imagery in â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†1246 Words  | 5 Pagesand â€Å"Birches.†One of the nature imageries that have been used frequently by Robert Frost is the snow imagery. Although the snow imagery appears in many other poems by Frost we will be dealing with the poems â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.†Even though â€Å"Desert Places†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†share many qualities such as the common imagery of snow, the scene of the speaker travelling at night and the quantity of stanzas, they are as equally different or
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Plague Of The Black Plague Essay - 2352 Words
ABSTRACT The Bubonic Plagues a highly lethal infection caused by the microbe Yersinia pestis. This plague is most commonly associated with the plague of the 14th century, when it wiped out nearly half of the entire European population. The Bubonic Plague spread rapidly throughout Europe and was an often fatal illness, characterized by enlarged lymph nodes with pus filled buboes, gangrene, septicemia, and severe lung infections, followed by the quick onslaught of death. The Black Plague is the worst natural disaster in European History. The plagues devastation impacted all aspects of European life and was the turning point from medieval to modern Europe. The incidence and virulence of the plague decreased over the years and became limited to certain areas by the end of the 20th century. However, the black plague has recently re-emerged around the world. The expanded knowledge from genetic research has introduced the threat of multidrug resistance and a modern day pandemic of the †Å"Black Death.†The Bubonic Plague Introduction In the years 1347 – 1350 the Bubonic Plague pushed medieval man to the brink of an apocalypse. The worst natural disaster in European history, this catastrophic epidemic wiped out nearly half of Europe’s population in three years. Twenty million people died. It’s devastating effects altered all aspects of European life. The Bubonic plague changed European political, religious, economic and social systems forever. The Bubonic plagueShow MoreRelatedThe Plague Of The Black Plague1624 Words  | 7 Pageswhat became known as the Black Death of the fourteenth century, possible death to most, spread by measly fleas and rats. Because of the rapid outbreak of this terrifying disease, death defying symptoms, and resulted in the death of 25 million people, the Black Plague is considered the greatest catastrophe ever.†¯ †¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ The Black Plague started in Italy. The plague traveled from Italy to Europe. Jim Ollhoff, author of the The Black Death, described the outbreak of the plague as a â€Å"deadly hitchhiker†Read MoreThe Plague Of The Black Plague1261 Words  | 6 PagesThe Black Plague is a disease that spread around the world and killed many people. There are three different types of the plague; Bubonic, Septicemic, and Pneumonic (Dugdale). The Black Plague effected Europe greatly and effected there way of life. It came to Europe around the 1300s and had a great impact on society in the 1500s (History). Important parts of the black plague are the different types of the plague, how they spread, treatments for them, and effects the plague had on Europe in the 1500sRead MoreBlack Plague And The Plague1367 Words  | 6 PagesBy the 14th century, the plague had wiped out sixty percent of Europe’s population. Because of its devastating fatality rate, T he Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in history. The disease was made famous by the outbreak in Europe, however it did not originate there. The origination of the Plague, History of the Plague, Strains and Symptoms, as well as effects of the Plague are essential ideas, important to understand the Black Plague. The Black Plague is said to have originatedRead MoreBlack Plague1589 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epidemic is Here The Black Plague, one of the most devastating out breaks in history, is an historical event brought about with a great depression throughout Europe. This plague brought out the worst in mankind during the time the plague ran its course. How do people behave, when there environment becomes life threatening? (Herlihy, 18). The Black Death accounted for nearly one third of the deaths in Europe. Due to the death of many people there were severe shortages in labors, duringRead MoreThe Black Plague1207 Words  | 5 Pages The black plague, the foremost severe epidemic in human history, ravaged Europe from 1347-1351. This plague killed entire families at a time and destroyed a minimum of 1 village. Greatly causal to the Crisis of the Fourteenth Century, Not only did the black plague take a devastating toll on human life, but it to boot contend a major role in shaping European life among the years following. The black plague consisted primarily of plague; but plague was to boo t gift among the epidemic. SymptomsRead MoreThe Black Plague608 Words  | 2 PagesThe Black Plague What is the Black Plague? The Black Plague first was found in Europe around the 1300’s, killing roughly about 25 million people. The disease was often carried by rats and their fleas. People contracted the plague when they were bitten by a flea that carried the plague bacteria from a rodent. The cause of plague was not discovered until the famous outbreak in China, in 1855. The first breakthrough came in Hong Kong, when researchers secluded the rodent bacteria, known as,YersiniaRead MoreDeath by the Black Plague1017 Words  | 4 Pages The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around 80-200 million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. â€Å"Evidence available from rural continental Europe suggests a slow spread of human mortality across trade and travel routes, patterns consistent†(Carmichael 3), until after multiple inventions such as printing, word spread of this murderer, preventing mo re deaths and to treat those affected. ThisRead MoreThe Black Death Plague795 Words  | 3 PagesThe Black Death is one of the worst disease in ancient history. It was an epidemic that killed millions of people between 1349-1351.Many people suffered from lack of care and lack of remedy, also it became difficult to find a medical person to diagnose such a horrible disease. Boccaccio, Tura and Venette describe the physical and social effect of Europe when the Plague had begun. In this selection, they describe how people respond and changed their behaviors .People were so scared from Plague thereforeRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1798 Words  | 8 Pagesoutbreaks of the Black Death pandemic in the world. In the history the Black Plague is also called as the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. This research paper will mainly cover the European outbreak of the 14th century as it is considered to be the era of the worst time of the Black Death period. Many historians would agree t hat the events of 1300s led to dramatic changes affecting every European country in all the aspects. Creating economic, social, religious, and medical issues, the Black Death causedRead MoreBlack Plague And The Black Epidemic1337 Words  | 6 PagesBlack Plague The Black Plague outbreak was one of the scariest events in human history. The people were afraid to do everyday activities and carry on with their normal routines. This plague is known to almost every person on Earth. Even as a kid, teachers tell their students about this plague. Even the thought of an outbreak like the Black Plague makes people’s skin crawl. I am included in that category. It has gotten to the point that when any outbreak of any type or kind of disease happens
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Marketing Barbie free essay sample
But very little is known of its business and design aspects of Barbies story. In the 1998 $31 billion toy market, Mattel has nearly $4. 8 billion in sales. Barbie is responsible for more than one-third of those sales. In 1997 alone, Barbie represented 80% of sales in the doll segment. What is it about this doll that makes it such a phenomenon? What are the main factors that have allowed Barbie to dominate the doll market for almost 40 years? How have technology innovation and design strategy influenced product development at Mattel? What kinds of strategies has Mattel used to determine Barbies design and evolution? What approach to design is behind their strategy? This paper points to possible answers to those questions from an outsider point of view. Issues related to design development philosophy, teamwork, technology and innovation are explored. It is important to stress that this paper does not address or consider sociological or anthropological issues related to the doll extensive literature is available from other sources on those subjects. So they must ensure that Barbie is a safe toy and that when kids ask for Barbie their parents will purchase it for them. After deciding that the doll is marketed towards young girls and parents Mattel must then think what does my target market want? This includes the design of the doll, the name Barbie, her packaging and her warranty. Currently Barbie is designed as a young woman with grown up features. Size of doll? Material? The purpose of the design is the idea that Barbie poses as a role model for young girls to look up to. There are a lot of different Barbie’s to choose from with different ethnicities and careers. Barbie is currently packaged in a box with a transparent s in plasticfront and paper containers with a pink Barbie logo. Good that you described packaging – few students did It also includes a toy warranty that comes with all Mattel products. You should also be clear that there are a wide range of products – both doll accessories and products for little girls Pricing: The next step in the marketing mix is how to price your product. Pricing is based on achieving sales goals, maximize profit or to make room for new products. This also true with Barbie, Barbie’s today can go as cheap as eight8 dollars and up. Where did you get this number – on Mattel web site I think $6. 99 and at Amazon as low as $3 There are a lot of new releases of Barbie. The newer versions cost more for example on the Mattel website the new holiday 2012 Barbie costs $39. 99 but interestingly is sold for less at Walmart http://shop. mattel. com/product/index. jsp? productId=13288505 whereas the older not so recent Barbie which is Barbie doll roses cost only $6. 99 http://shop. mattel. com/product/index. jsp? productId=13002205 . To make room for newer products Mattel and distributors will sell their older Barbie’s cheaper but brand new Barbie’s cost more. Again should note wide range of prices for ancillary Barbie products (ex the Barbie car, both for the doll and for little girls) Promotion: After deciding how much the product is the next step is to promote it. Barbie is heavily much promoted. You cannot walk into a department store or pharmacy that sells toys or pharmacy and not see Barbie. Some places where Barbie’s are sold and advertised are Kmart, Walmart,Target, Sears, Jcpenney, CVS, and Toys r us being one of the biggest Barbie sellers. Toys r us has its own private section for Barbie in Times square Manhattan where there is a huge Barbie house that you can walk into, it is a big tourist attraction. There are also the countless Barbie television commercials over the years on TV and the Barbie website where you can play Barbie games and activities. Are ads for Barbie aimed at children or parents? Which medium is used most (tv)? Distribution: The Final step of the Marketing mix is make decisions on where to distribute your product. Barbie is very easy to purchase being that it is sold at any store that sells toys. Along with Toys r us Kmart, Walmart, Target, Sears, Jcpenney, CVS and others there is also the option to buy Barbie online straight from the Mattel website. This section is repetitive to paragraph above – remove info on stores from Promotion section and place here – then elaborate in promotion section on the types of advertising campaigns for Barbie Marketing environment: When all these elements work together it makes marketing more successful. However there are also some aspects of the market environment that will control how the product will sell. Two factors that might affect the sales of Barbie are economic forces and sociocultural forces. Economic forces are the effects of economic conditions on the customers’ ability and willingness to buy your product. This might affect Barbie sales because currently the economy is still at a low point. If parents need to feed their children and pay their bills they might not afford to have that extra cash to buy a Barbie doll. How does Barbie compare in price to other options parents have (for toy purchases? ) Sociocultural forces are influences in culture and society that result in changes of attitudes and lifestyles. Over the years there have been arguments against Barbie saying that she is too grown up and might make young girls want to mature too fast. After this view on Barbie a few parents did not want to purchase it for their daughters. There was also the Middle East where Barbie was banned in a country for her appearance. Overall Mattel does a great Job of Marketing Barbie and implementing the marketing mix.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Qualitative Analysis Essays - Chemistry, Silver Compounds
Qualitative Analysis Qualitative analysis is used in the determination of the identity of a substance. It is different from quantitative analysis, which deals with the determination of the amount of a substance. In this experiment, qualitative analysis techniques are used to determine whether or not a sample contains a certain ion. When using this method, an unknown and a reactant are mixed. The result of the reaction leads to a conclusion about the presence or absence of certain ions in the unknown. Many ions react in similar ways, and although the addition of one reagent to an unknown may not identify the ion, it limits the possibilities as to what the ion could be. A sequence of reactions used to analyze a sample is called a scheme, and it usually requires a large number of reagents and separation steps. For this experiment, the unknown may contain anywhere from 2 to all of the following cations and anions: Cations Anions Ag+ Cl- Ba2+ SO42- Fe3+ PO43- Cu2+ Cr3+ The following reagents are used to identify the ions: 1M H2SO4 2M HCl 2M NH4OH (labeled as NH4+) 2M NaOH .1M Ba(NO3)2 (labeled as .1M Ba2+) .1M AgNO3 (labeled as .1M Ag+) The first four are used to identify the cations, and the last two, used in conjunction with the first four, are used to identify the anions. The identification of the ions is mainly based on solubilities. This means that something must be known about the solubility characteristics of the different ions in the presence of the available reagents. The point of the first part of the experiment is to learn which reagents cause the ions to form precipitates, and which reagents dissolve the precipitates formed by the ions. This information is used to make the flow charts for the identification on the unknown ions. For example, it is important to know that a certain reagent will dissolve the precipitate formed by one ion, while it will not dissolve the precipitate formed by another ion. This can be used to distinguish between two different precipitates present in a solution, or to confirm which ion formed the precipitate and therefore was present in the solution. When carrying out the reactions, avoid adding an excess of reagent to the solution. This is because some precipitates redissolve in an excess of the reagent. Therefore, in cases where one drop of reagent produces a precipitate, 3 or more drops could completely dissolve the precipitate without it ever being visible to the eye. This would cause a large error in the scheme developed to identify the unknown ions. Experimental: The first part of the experiment consists of reacting the cations and anions with the reagents in order to see what the reaction will result in (precipitate or no precipitate). The cations were each reacted with the first four reagents listed in the introduction (H2SO4, HCl, NH4+, and NaOH). Then, the anions were each reacted with Ba2+ and Ag+. This was done by placing 2 drops of the ion in the test tube and then adding 2 drops of reagent. Each cation was reacted with each of the 4 reagents before moving on to the next cation to be tested. Prior to performing the reactions, a chart was made like the one in the data and calculations section. As each reaction was performed, the chart was filled in with the observation of what happened. If there was no change, NR was written in the chart for "no reaction." If a precipitate formed, the color of the precipitate was written in the chart. If there was no precipitate but there was a color change in the solution, that was also recorded. As each reaction was carried out, it was sometimes difficult to determine whether a precipitate formed or not. If there was uncertainty, the test tubes had to be placed into the centrifuge in order to separate the precipitates from the solution. There are some very important things to remember when using the centrifuge. First, when tubes are placed in the centrifuge, a tube with an approximately equal volume of solution should be placed exactly opposite each sample tube to counterbalance it (use a test tube filled with an equivalent amount of water if necessary). Second, the centrifuge should come to a stop before it is opened and the test tubes removed. This is to avoid injury. Once the tubes were removed from the centrifuge, it was obvious whether there was a precipitate present or not. If a solid has settled onto the bottom or side of
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Between You and I vs. Between You and Me
Between You and I vs. Between You and Me Between You and I vs. Between You and Me Between You and I vs. Between You and Me By Maeve Maddox An ad for a new movie about the Hebrew exodus from Egypt shows Christian Bale as Moses–a character who has received a privileged and educated upbringing–shouting the words, â€Å"Something’s coming that is far beyond you and I!†I noticed because beyond is a preposition and should be followed by the object form me, not the subject form I: â€Å"Something’s coming that is far beyond you and me!†Note: The fact that English did not exist in the time of Moses is not relevant. A more commonly heard ungrammatical prepositional phrase is â€Å"between you and I.†This error is so common that it has its defenders. On a Slate post, podcast producer Mike Vuolo takes the position that correctness should be determined by what people â€Å"actually use.†He admits that â€Å"between you and I†contravenes the standard rule about prepositions being followed by me and not I, but claims that there is â€Å"a relatively modern theorywhich may undermine that rule†: Noam Chomsky and modern linguistshave a very persuasive theory that holds that in a construction like â€Å"between you and I, the entire phrase â€Å"you and I†is the object of the preposition and that for the individual elements within it the [grammatical] case becomes arbitrary. He mentions a quotation from Shakespeare to prove that â€Å"between you and I†must be all right. Note: For one example of between you and I in the entire works of Shakespeare, there are numerous examples of between followed by the object form me. The Bard’s one use of â€Å"between you and I†appears in a letter from Bassanio, the merchant from whom Shylock has demanded a pound of flesh: My bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since in paying it, it is impossible I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I. –The Merchant of Venice, Act III, scene ii. Shakespeare can teach us a lot about our language, but he’s not a reliable guide to modern standard usage. For example, in Julius Caesar, he has Antony say, â€Å"This is the most unkindest cut of all.†The most grammar-challenged modern speaker knows better than to double a superlative. Vuolo cites an academic paper written by two sociolinguists that identifies and labels three competing permutations of the between prepositional phrase: 1. between you and me, â€Å"standard usage†2. between you and I, â€Å"polite usage†Note: By labeling this form â€Å"polite usage,†the authors encourage the false idea that the pronoun I is somehow â€Å"nicer†than me. 3. between me and you, â€Å"vernacular†The authors found that â€Å"the oldest people studied and those with the most education†tended to use the standard form. Participants â€Å"intermediate in age and level of education [less than a Ph.D.] favored†the â€Å"polite†version, whereas â€Å"youth and the less educated†used â€Å"between me and you.†The fact that between you and me was most common among the oldest participants could have something to do with the possibility that grammar was more effectively taught in the public schools in the past than it is now. As for youth and the less educated, good for them. They may be erring socially by putting themselves first, but they are using the correct pronoun case. Language evolves, including pronouns. I and me may eventually change places. Me is an object form, yet many speakers use the compound â€Å"Me + x†as a subject: â€Å"Me and the children went to the zoo on Sunday.†The first person pronouns I and me may go the way of second person ye (subject form) and you (object form): first they changed places, and then one of them disappeared altogether. Vuolo suggests that â€Å"between you and I†is far more common on the Web than â€Å"between you and me.†This may be true, but I wasn’t able to duplicate his search results. I did search the three phrases in the Google Ngram Viewer and found that between you and me is the clear winner in books–and has been for the past two hundred years. Time will tell. When persistent enough, nonstandard popular usage eventually makes its way into standard usage. For now, in this decade of the 21st century, between you and I is nonstandard usage. Related links: I vs Me Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesAmong vs. AmongstShow, Don't Tell
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Reflection Paper - Assignment Example Although these symptoms are indicators of the presence of cancer, they may also be attributed to several another issues in the human body. This makes the detection of cancer very difficult. The Screening of individuals for the early detection of cancer is one of the prioritized clinical preventive service that help reduce the burden created by cancer in the United States public health. There has been significant progress in the screening rates especially for breast, and cervical Cancer there has been no significant change in the screening of other forms of cancer over the years (Braun, 2012). This can be attributed to the extensive campaign around this two particular types of cancer. The lack of basic Lack of insurance has customarily been the primary reason preventing adults from getting cancer screening. Some of the components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are seen to work towards Medicaid expansion, the eradication of cost sharing arrangement and finally subsiding the state insurance exchanges. However, it is notable that the access to medical and health insurance is not the only hurdle that prevents individuals from participating in cancer screening (Braun, 2012). A large number of individuals who have adequate health insurance and have regular access to medical care are not taking part in the screening process. In order to realize the complete potential of the anticipated change in the access to care, the public health must be able to provide leadership. The leadership is to ensure that cancer screening done in a proactive, equitable and organized manner (Braun, 2012). In addition to the government involvement in the prevention of cancer there other health related individuals and organizations who are involved in the creation and development of early cancer detection protocols. One such individual is Jorge Soto who’s
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Introduction to Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Introduction to Marketing - Essay Example , branding, modifying and influencing customer behavior and buying decisions. All of such strategies are used to increase sales of products and services. Marketing has a lot of definitions. One of them defines marketing in a way such that it relates marketing to the way society promotes spending on particular products and services. Marketing generally targets a specific consumer segment depending on the type of merchandise or service. It is very important for marketing initiatives to focus on customer needs and wants of the specific target audiences. Marketing is such a topic that covers a wide range of aspects, which includes advertises, public relations, sales, and product promotions. Many people confuse sales with marketing, when the truth is the two are a lot different from each other. Sales involves activities which aim at getting a product or service into a market, promoting the product, influencing the behavior of consumers, and influencing the consumer buying b ehavior. The actual function of a Sales division is to transfer the ownership of the products or services from the produces to the customers. The marketing and financial results of the companies depend on a number of interrelated internal and external factors. The analysis of these factors has been a constant concern for academicians and practitioners. The very complexity of this subject requires indulging into more narrow aspects of research of the issue. One of the many possibilities is that while seeing through the glass of marketing initiatives of a company, while assuming that such possibilities predetermine any contact between the company and the target market. These initiatives significantly influence overall growth and success of the company. However, the span of marketing initiatives as well as their influences are extremely wide and can hardly be analyzed at once as a single entity. One way to cover logically a part of such a broad picture is through analysis of the marketing division
Sunday, November 17, 2019
PEST Analysis of Starbuck in China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
PEST Analysis of Starbuck in China - Coursework Example The object of analysis for the purpose of this assignment is Starbucks, an American coffee company which is operating in many countries worldwide. It has the title of being the largest coffeehouse company with around 25,000 stores. It is renowned for providing hot as well as cold beverages, pastries as well as snacks. It was founded in the year 1971 and has since then, opened up stores in around 62 stores. It was opened by three students who were inclined to sell high quality coffee beans as well as coffee equipment. In 1996, Starbucks opened its first location outside North America in Tokyo, Japan. People`s republic of China is the most populous country of the world and is located in the East Asian region. With around 1.35 billion people in the country, China is now being considered as the fastest growing economy of the world. It has become the second largest economy in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity, after the United States of America. The first Starbucks in china opened in Taiwan in March 1998. The increase in consumer interests and appreciation of coffee resulted in the opening up of new stores in Beijing, Hong Kong as well as Macau. In all, Starbucks has around 1000 stores in China. PEST analysis includes political, economic, social as well as technological factors which have a direct impact on the operations of a firm. Political factors involve the intervention of the government in the economy in terms of tax policies, policies of export as well as other environmental and legal laws. Overall, it also includes other influences which the government can have on an organization`s operations. With regards to the political factors in Hongkong, it has been under the rule of mainland China but it has been allowed to implement its own business laws in the economy. This has made it easier for Starbucks to operate in China. However, Starbucks is required to comply with all the laws and regulations of the country. The Chinese government has introduc ed positive policies to encourage FDI by protecting the interests as well as the legal rights of foreign companies. China also has a consistent political environment as well as lower labor costs which attract foreign companies to start operations in the country. The local government policies including free trade zones and loans have encouraged Starbucks and other multinational to start operations as well as expand its business in China (Business Environment In China: Economic, Political, And Cultural Factors 2013). Another important factor is that these favorable governmental polices do not change with changes in the governments. This makes it easier for the foreign companies to operate. However, it has been observed that these policies and laws are not implemented in the country which affects the sustainability of Chinese economy. Furthermore, the company has lower and inefficient transportation, communication as well as energy resources. The city of Hong Kong, for example, is know n as the most tax-friendly economies of the world because of its low tax system as well as direct taxes only on profits, salaries and properties. The tax rates have remained constant showing the political stability in China, especially in Hong Kong (Starbucks in China, 2013; China Business News-Starbucks soars in China 2013). Economic factors: Economic factors include the inflation rate, interest rates, economic growth and exchange rates which have an impact on business operations. The factor of exchange rates, for example, has an impact on the costs and prices of exports and imports. Interest rates affect the cost of capital of firms which is further related to the growth and expansion of companies. Economic factors i
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effects of Age on Understanding False Belief
Effects of Age on Understanding False Belief Sarah Ogen Article Review Directions: Read the article and then respond to the questions below. Make sure that you provide explanations for your responses. Article: Eighteen-month-old infants show false belief understanding in an active helping paradigm All information was gathered from the following source: Buttulmann, D., Carpenter, M., Tomasello, M. (2009). Eighteen-month-old infants show false belief understanding in an active helping paradigm. Cognition, (112), 337-342. What is the aim/purpose of the study? (2 points) Buttulmann, Carpenter, and Tomasello sought to figure out at what age, after one year, a child can successfully understand false belief; this needed to be confirmed by a measureable behavior exhibited by the child. There was a lot of debate about at what age this belief came about in children. By past researchers, it was believed this thought process was exhibited anywhere from 3-5 years of age, depending on the demands of the task. Clements and Perner (1994) found this thought process could be attained around age 2 using the lowest amount of added cognitive demand in the tasks. Other researchers found that false belief understanding could be understood by children 13-15 months of age using a violation-expectation paradigm. Both of these studies were thought to have holes in them where the child could have interpreted other things that led to the same results. Buttulmann et al. studied understanding of false belief using an active behavioral measure. They wanted to know if the one year olds tested would respond in a manner showing their understanding of false belief. If the children did, Buttulmann et al would have found the youngest age at which a child has an understanding of false belief. How did the investigators measure the topic of interest? (2 points) First Study Two studded caterpillar toys and two boxes were used in this study. One box was yellow and the other was pink. Each box had a handle and a hinge where the box could be locked. The child sat in front of both of the boxes, while a female researcher sat next to the child and a male researcher sat across from the child between the boxes. The male researcher left the room to get another toy, while the female researcher taught the child how the boxes locked with a pin. The male researcher returned with a toy and showed it to the child. The male researcher then put the toy caterpillar in the second box. In the false belief condition, the male researcher again left the room. The female researcher told the child the male researcher could not see or hear them, and asked the child to play a trick on the male researcher. The female researcher took the caterpillar and moved it to the other box while acting sneaky and giggling. Before the male researcher returned, the female researcher and child returned to their places. In the true belief condition, the male researcher remained in the room. The female researcher told the child to join her in moving the caterpillar from one box to the other, this time without acting sneaky. The male researcher got up at the end to close the door so he was in the same spot as the false belief condition. In both the false and true belief conditions, the male researcher resumed his place between the two boxes. He pulled on the handle of the box he originally put the caterpillar in, but did not open either box. The child was invited to help the male researcher. It was recorded which box the child opened. Second Study The procedure remained the same as the first study. Parental encouragement was used if the child did not help the male researcher find the caterpillar. Who were the children in the study, how old were they and how were they recruited? (1 point) First Study There were 24 children used in the study. They were 2.5 years of age. There were 12 girls and 12 boys. Half were put in the false belief group, and the others were put in the true belief group. These groups were randomly assigned. Seven other children were not included in the results due to complications, experimenter error, and fussiness (Buttulmann et al.) Second Study There were 100 children. Fifty were 18 months old and fifty were 16 months old. In each age group there were 24 girls and 26 boys. Other children were also tested but not included in the results due to parental or experimenter error, fussiness, or tried to take the caterpillar out of the box. Additional children were used in the study but only helped when their parents encouraged them to help the male researcher. This included ten 18 month olds and twenty two 16 month olds. These children’s results were analyzed separately. Another eighteen 18 month olds and twenty six 16 month olds did not aid the male researcher at all in finding the caterpillar and were their results were not used for analysis. What was the design of the study (e.g., correlational, experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal)? (1 point) The design of the study was a cross sectional. It tested different children on the same task at different ages. What were the results and conclusions? (2 points) First Study All children successfully opened one of the boxes. In the true belief condition, 75% of the children opened the box the male researcher had tried to open initially. In the false belief condition, 83.3% of the children opened the other box where the caterpillar now was located. The children also communicated to the male researcher where the caterpillar now was located. When the male researcher tried to open the box initially in the false belief condition, 7 children told him that the caterpillar had been moved. In the true belief condition, one child tried to inform the male researcher that the caterpillar had been moved. The children in this study showed a false belief understanding. Second Study All 18 month old children successfully chose a box. In the true belief condition, 84% of children tried to open the box the male researcher had just tried to open. In the false belief box, 72% of children tried to open the other box where the caterpillar was actually enclosed. There were similar results with the children that needed assistance from their parents to help the male researcher. All 16 month old children successfully chose a box. In the true belief condition, 56% of children tried to open the box the male researcher had just tried to open. Results showed that this may be due to chance. In the false belief box, 80% of children tried to open the other box where the caterpillar was actually enclosed. There were similar results with the children that needed assistance from their parents to help the male researcher. These results showed that 18 and 16 month old children understand false beliefs of other people. Do you agree with the conclusions? Explain why or why not and indicate any problems in the design or methods that could affect the results and conclusions. (2 points) I agree with the conclusions. The behaviors exhibited by the children in both studies, and in each age group, show that the children understand false beliefs of others. For 16 month olds, these results could have been due to chance because they may not have understood the task fully. The behavior of the child could also be misinterpreted and therefore skew results. The child may also not understand the task at such a young age, and simply choose a box based on color, rather than where the toy is hidden. To fix this, the boxes may be the same color instead of different.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Order of Importance in Goulds Nonmoral Nature :: Nonmoral Nature
Order of Importance in Gould's Nonmoral Nature  Many things can be put into order. Time, people, and events can all be placed in a logical order. The way that things are put into order can greatly affect the impact that they have. In Gould's Nonmoral Nature, the order in which he presents the different points of view is very important. He uses scientists who have been dominant in their profession but that are not commonly known in the begining and middle of his writing. However, to close out his work, he uses the prominent scientist Darwin to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Gould's use of order greatly affects the way that people perceive his work.    Gould's order has two effects on the reader. First, by putting Darwin last, he allows the reader to get acquainted with the ideas of some great minds whom the reader may not have been exposed to before. The reader can then think about these ideas that have ben presented to them and compare them with their own thoughts and ideas. Darwin is known for his theories, therefore people are more apt to assimilate their ideas to his. If Gould were to put Darwin's point of view first, the reader may be less likely to agree with some of the other ideas that are presented in Nonmoral Nature. By putting Darwin last, Gould allowed the reader to form their own opinion and then compare this to Darwin's ideas in the conclusion of the story.    The second effect of Gould's use of order is that the reader, having read Darwin last, may be more inclined to believe the other evidence that in presented in the story. Darwin is a man who is well known and held in high esteem for his studies. With these attributes to his name, Darwin leaves a lasting impact on the reader. After the reader has formed their own thoughts and ideas on the matter of Nonmoral Nature, they are given the chance to Darwin's ideas for the benefit of their own thought.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Business Continuity Planning
Though interruptions to business can be due to major natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes and storms; or due to man-made disasters such as wars, terrorist attacks and riots; it is usually the more mundane and less sensational disasters such as power failure, equipment failure, theft and sabotage that are the causes behind disruptions to business.A Business Continuity Plan or â€Å"Continuity of Business Planning (CoB Plan) †¦ defines the process of identification of the applications, customers (internal & external) and locations that a business plans to keep functioning in the occurrence of such disruptive events, as well the failover processes & the length of time for such support. This encompasses hardware, software, facilities, personnel, communication links and applications†(MphasiS, 2003).A Business Continuity Plan is formulated in order to enable the organization to recover from a disaster with the minimum loss of time and business by restoring its critical operations quickly and smoothly. The Business Continuity Plan should be devised in such a way that it involves not only the recovery, resumption and maintenance of only the technology components but also of the entire business. Recovery of only the ICT systems and infrastructure may not always imply the full restoration of business operations.The Business Recovery Planning at XE therefore envisages the consideration of all risks to business operations that may include not only ICT applications and infrastructure but also directly impact on other business processes. After conducting an extensive Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Risk Assessment for XE was carried out by evaluating the assumptions made in BIA under various threat scenarios. Threats were analyzed on the basis of their potential impact to the organization, its customers and the financial market it is associated with.The threats were then prioritized depending on their severity. The following threats were identifi ed for XE: 1. Natural disasters such as floods, fires, storms, earthquakes, extreme weather, etc. 2. Man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks, wars and riots. 3. Routine threats that include: a. Non-availability of critical personnel b. Inaccessibility of critical buildings, facilities or geographic regions c. Malfunctioning of equipment or hardware d. Inaccessibility or corruption of software and data due to various reasons including virus attacks e. Non-availability of support servicesf. Failure of communication links and other essential utilities such as power g. Inability to meet financial liquidity requirements, and h. Unavailability of essential records. Organizing the BCP Team The first and most important step in developing a successful disaster recovery plan is to create management awareness. The top-level management will allocate necessary resources and time required from various areas of the organizations only if they understand, realize and support the value of disast er recovery. The management has to also accord approval for final implementation of the plan.The BCP team therefore has to have a member from the management who can not only provide the inputs from the management but also apprise the management and get its feedback. Besides these, each core or priority area has to be represented by at least one member. Finally, there has to an overall Business Continuity Plan coordinator who is responsible not only for co-ordination but also for all other aspects of BCP implementation such as training, updating, creating awareness, testing, etc. The coordinator usually has his or her own support team.XE’s Business Continuity Planning team would therefore comprise representatives from the management and each of the core or priority areas, and would be held together by the BCP coordinator. Even in the case of outsourcing of the BCP, it is necessary for the management and nominated members from the core or priority areas to be closely associated with each step of the planning process. Crucial Decisions The key decisions to be made in formulating the Business Continuity Plan for XE were associated with the individual steps that were undertaking in making the BCP.The first step of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) involved making a work flow analysis to assess and prioritize all business functions and processes including their interdependencies. At this stage, the potential impact of business disruptions was identified along with all the legal and regulatory requirements for XE’s business functions and processes. Based on these, decisions on allowable downtime and acceptable level of losses were taken. Estimations were made on Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs), Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) and recovery of the critical path.The second step of Business Continuity Planning comprised of risk assessment during which business processes and the assumptions made in the course of BIA were evaluated using various threat scenario s. The decisions made at this stage included the threat scenarios that were to be adopted, the severity of the threats and finally identification the risks that were to be considered in the BCP based on the assessments made. The next step of Risk Management involved drawing up of the plan of action with respect to the various risks.This was the stage at which the actual Business Continuity Plan was drawn up, formulated and documented. Crucial decisions such as what specific steps whould be taken during a disruption, the training programs that should be organized to train personnel in implementation of the BCP, and the frequency of updating and revisions that would be required were taken at this stage. Finally, in the Risk Monitoring and Testing stage, decisions regarding the suitability and effectiveness of the BCP were taken with reference to the initial objectives of the Business Continuity Plan. Business Rules and System Back-upsMy friend works for the Motor Vehicles department t hat issues driving licenses for private and commercial vehicles. Applicants for any license initially come and deposit a fee. The particulars of the specific applicant along with photograph and biometrics in the form of finger prints are then entered into the database. Thereafter, the applicant undergoes a medical test, the results of which are again entered into the database of the system. If approved in the medical test, the applicant has to appear for an initial theoretical test on driving signs and rules and regulations.If the applicant passes the test, he or she is given a Learner’s License. The applicant then comes back for the practical driving test after a month, and is awarded the driving license if he or she is able to pass the test. New additions are made to the database of the driving license system at every stage of this workflow. Though the tests for the learner’s license and driving license are held three days in a week, an individual can apply any day o f the five working days of the department. People also come for renewal of driving licenses.Driving licenses are usually issued for a period of one to five years depending on the age and physical condition of the applicant. In the case of commercial vehicles, an applicant first has to obtain a trainee driving license and work as an apprentice driver for two years before he or she becomes eligible for a driving license to drive a commercial vehicle. Moreover, a commercial driving license is issued only for a year at time, and the driver has to come back for evaluation and medical tests every year.The number and frequency of transactions are therefore much higher for commercial vehicles. As is evident from the business rules of the department, data is added and modified frequently for a specific applicant during the process of the initial application. Subsequently, data is again added to or the database modified after an interval of one month for the same applicant. Thereafter, fresh data is added to the database or the database modified only after a period of five years when the applicant comes back for renewal.However, there is always the possibility that someone loses or misplaces his or her license and comes back to have a duplicate issued. But when the scenario of multiple applicants who can come in at any day for fresh, duplicate or renewal of licenses is considered, it becomes evident that transactions are not periodic or time bound but are continuous. Transactions can happen any time during working hours resulting in changes to the database of the system. Taking only complete backup of the system would not be the optimal backup solution under the given circumstances.Whatever frequency of complete backup is adopted, the chance of losing data will be very high in the case of database failure or any other disastrous event that results system failure or corruption. Moreover, taking complete backup of the system very frequently would be a laborious and cumber some exercise. The ideal backup method in this case would be incremental backup in which backup is taken of only the data that is added or modified the moment it is added or modified, and a complete backup is taken at a periodic frequency.Under the situation, the Motor Vehicles Department has opted for continuous incremental backup with a complete backup taken at the end of the day. As a Business Continuity Plan measure, the department uses a remote backup mirroring solution that provides host-based, real-time continuous replication to a disaster recovery site far away from their servers over standard IP networks. This mirroring process uses continuous, asynchronous, byte-level replication and captures the changes as they occur. It copies only changed bytes, therefore reducing network use, enabling quicker replication and reducing latency to a great extent.This remote mirroring solution integrates with the existing backup solutions, and can replicate data to perform remote backups a nd can take snapshots at any time without having any impact on the performance of the production severs. It replicates over the available IP network, both in LAN and WAN, and has been deployed without any additional cost. This remote mirroring solution accords the department the maximum possible safeguard against data loss from failures and other disasters. Database Processing Efficiency versus Database Storage EfficiencyThough storage costs as such has decreased dramatically over the years, the controversy between database processing efficiency and database storage efficiency continues to be an issue because the overall performance of a systems is affected by the way data is stored and processed. In other words, even though the volume of storage space available may no longer be a constraint financially and physically, the way this space is utilized has an impact on the database processing efficiency which in turns affects the overall performance of the application or the system.Und er the present circumstances, though it is possible to compromise on the side of database storage efficiency to derive greater database performance efficiency and thus improve the overall performance of the system, achieving optimization of the overall performance of a system requires striking a fine balance between database processing and database storage efficiency. There can be many tradeoffs between data processing speed and the efficient use of storage space for optimal performance of a system. There is no set rule on which tradeoffs to adopt, and differs according to the practical data creation, modification and flow of the system.Certain broad guidelines can however be followed in order to increase the overall utility of the database management system. Examples of such guidelines are to be found in the case of derived fields, denormalization, primary key and indexing overheads, reloading of database and query optimization. Derived fields Derived field are the fields in which data is obtained after the manipulation or operation of two or more original fields or data. The issue at stake is whether the data should be stored only in the original form or as the processed data in derived field also.When the data is stored only in the original form, the derived field is calculated as and when required. It is obvious that storing derived data will require greater storage space but the processing time will be comparatively less i. e. storage efficiency will be low whereas processing efficiency becomes higher. However, the decision on whether to store derived fields or not depend on other considerations such as how often the calculated data is likely to change, and how often the calculated data will be required or used. An example will make will serve to make matters more clear.A university student’s grade point standing is a perfect example of the derived field. For a specific class, a student’s grade point is obtained by multiplying the points cor responding to the grade of the student by the number of credit hours associated with the course. The points or the grade and the number of credit hours are therefore the original data, by multiplying which we get the grade point or the derived field. The decision on whether to store the derived field or not, will in this case depend on how often the grade point of a student is likely to change, and how often the student’s grade points are actually required.The grades of a student who has already graduated is unlikely to undergo nay more changes, whereas the grades of a student still studying in the university will change at regular frequency. In such a case, storing the grade points of an undergraduate would be more meaningful than storing the grade points of a student who has already graduated. Again if the undergraduate’s grades are reported only once a term, then it may not be worth it to store grade points as derived fields. The significance of the matter is realiz ed when we consider a database of thousand of students.The tradeoff in this case is between storing the grade points as derived fields and gaining on database processing efficiency and losing out on database storage efficiency on one hand; and not storing the derived fields and gaining on storage efficiency but losing out processing efficiency on the other. Denormalization Denormalization is a process by which the number of records in a fully normalized database can be considerably reduced even while adhering to the rule of the First Normal Form that states that the intersection of any row with any column should result in a single data value.The process of cutting down multiple records into a single record is applicable only in certain specific cases in which the number and frequency of transaction is known. Normalization of a database is required to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the data which in turn leads to validity of the reports generated by the system and the reliabi lity of the of the decisions based on the system. Denormalization, if done randomly can upset the balance of the database while economizing on storage space. The dilemma of Indexing Unplanned use of primary key has a telling negative affect on the database storage efficiency.Many database systems resort to setting index on a field. When a field is index, the system sets a pointer to that particular field. The pointer helps in processing the data much faster. However, indexing fields also results in the system storing and maintaining data but also information or data about the storage. The question therefore again boils down to deciding on whether to achieve higher processing efficiency by compromising storage efficiency or to enable higher storage capabilities at the cost of processing efficiency.Sorting the data periodically is one way of overcoming the dilemma of indexing. However, sorting itself is highly taxing on the resources of a system. Moreover, in large organizations with millions of data, a sort may take even up to hours during which all computer operations remain suspended. Other factors Storage efficiency and processing efficiency are also interdependent in other ways. The deletion of data without reloading the database from time to time may result in the deleted data actually not being removed from the database.The data is simply hidden by setting a flag variable or marker. This results not only in low storage efficiency but also in low processing efficiency. Reloading a database removes the deleted data permanently from the database and leads to smaller amount of data and a more efficient use if resources thereby boosting processing efficiency. Similarly, haphazard coding structures can impact negatively both on the storage efficiency and the processing efficiency of a database. Completely ignoring storage efficiency while prioritizing processing efficiency, can never lead to database optimization.Conversely, optimization can also never be achie ved by an over emphasis on storage efficiency. The objective is to strike the right balance. The interrelationships between database storage efficiency and database processing efficiency therefore keep the controversy between the two alive in spite of a dramatic decrease in storage costs over the years. References -01 MphasiS Corporation, 2003, MphasiS Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan, [Online] Available. http://www. mphasis. com [June 27, 2008]
Friday, November 8, 2019
Solar Feeder Internet Version Essay
Solar Feeder Internet Version Essay Solar Feeder Internet Version Essay Solar Feeder After reading the history and background story behind the development of Squirrel Defense Inc. (SDI), I have become rather intrigued about the bird feeder industry and the opportunities that exist in the market. SDI has come up with a very unique and innovative product that is very marketable and has the potential to produce profits. After reading more about the background information, there is plenty of information to support that there is a potential market to feed the demand of solar feeders. I have come to the conclusion that there are some underlying problems with the way things are currently being handled but there is room for improvement and I feel the business has potential if the problems are addressed and the proper changes are made. There are several problems that came to my attention when reviewing this case. For starters, cash is more or less non-existent. The owners of the company have stressed that they have a huge demand for their product, however they are unable to produce the product at a low enough cost that will allow for cash to generate. Without cash the company cannot purchase the ample supplies to meet demand. No supplies, no product, and no cash. The second problem I have discovered is a big problem. The year-end income statement for 1999 reveals that SDI is loosing money. They are generating a gross profit of $33,356 with expenses totaling $59,963. The company is in the red at $26,607 price tag. Another issue I have discovered is the pricing strategies SDI is currently using. Bo stated, â€Å"Originally I priced the feeders based on how much I wanted to make per unit†. He later says that he set the price based on what the market demands. Finally in another section Bo estimates the cost of his feeders between $100-$110. There is no real clear answer what the cost to produce these feeders is and this is the root problem for all of the financials. The last problem I would like to address is the advertising plan SDI currently uses. The retro-style advertising does not seem to fit the product and could use some help to target the market better. For SDI to turn things around they need to go back to basics and rebuild the foundation of the company. To do this, I suggest they invest in consulting an engineer to reinvent the product so that it can be put in mass production. Mass production will allow the company to produce these solar feeders in mass quantities to keep up with demand while decreasing costs. Lower costs will generate much more revenue and in the end giving the company more cash on hand. If the plant is pushed to max capacity the owners have projected costs to drop to approximately $50 for the town feeder and $85 for the cedar. This is much lower compared to current operating costs. Another suggestion to lower costs is to look into alternative material that is cheaper and easier to access compared to the expensive cedar wood they are currently using. The next problem that needs to be addressed is the pricing methods being used by SDI to price their product. Based on the information given, SDI is practically throwing a dart at a board to come up with a price. SDI needs to break down all materials and expenses that go into producing and shipping a complete product in order to find an accurate price. By utilizing the break even equation the company can come to a number that is bare minimum sales that needs to be generated in order to offset costs and break even. The last problem that I have found with the current operations at SDI is in the advertising. Currently SDI is using a retro style advertising campaign primarily in the 1950’s â€Å"mom-and-pop†styled layouts. Print ads use a psychedelic color scheme that to me can be off putting to customers. The target market SDI has indentified is middle to late aged men and typically women that are purchasing these feeders for their homes. Another portion of the target market are
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Essay on Reptiles Essays - Sphenodontia, Living Fossils, Reptile
Essay on Reptiles Essays - Sphenodontia, Living Fossils, Reptile Essay on Reptiles Reptiles are vertebrate, or backboned animals constituting the class Reptilia and are characterized by a combination of features, none of which alone could separate all reptiles from all other animals. The characteristics of reptiles are numerous, therefore can not be explained in great detail in this report. In no special order, the characteristics of reptiles are: cold-bloodedness; the presence of lungs; direct development, without larval forms as in amphibians; a dry skin with scales but not feathers or hair; an amniote egg; internal fertilization; a three or four-chambered heart; two aortic arches (blood vessels) carrying blood from the heart to the body, unlike mammals and birds that only have one; a metanephric kidney; twelve pairs of cranial nerves; and skeletal features such as limbs with usually five clawed fingers or toes, at least two spinal bones associated with the pelvis, a single ball-and-socket connection at the head-neck joint instead of two, as in advanced amphibians and mammals, and an incomplete or complete partition along the roof of the mouth, separating the food and air passageways so that breathing can continue while food is being chewed. These and other traditional defining characteristics of reptiles have been subjected to considerable modification in recent times. The extinct flying reptiles, called pterosaurs or pterodactyls, are now thought to have been warm-blooded and covered with hair. Also, the dinosaurs are also now considered by many authorities to have been warm-blooded. The earliest known bird, archaeopteryx, is now regarded by many to have been a small dinosaur, despite its covering of feathers The extinct ancestors of the mammals, the therapsids, or mammallike reptiles, are also believed to have been warm-blooded and haired. Proposals have been made to reclassify the pterosaurs, dinosaurs, and certain other groups out of the class Reptilia into one or more classes of their own. The class Reptilia is divided into 6 to 12 subclasses by different authorities. This includes living and extinct species. In addition, a number of these subclasses are completely extinct. The subclasses contain about 24 orders, but only 4 of these are still represented by living animals. Of the living orders of reptiles, two arose earlier than the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs were dominant. Tuataras, of the order Rhynchocephalia, are found only on New Zealand islands, whereas the equally ancient turtles, order Chelonia, occur nearly worldwide. The order Crocodilia emerged along with the dinosaurs. Snakes and lizards, order Squamata, are today the most numerous reptile species. The Rhynchocephalia constitute the oldest order of living reptiles; the only surviving representative of the group is the tuatara, or sphenodon (Sphenodon punctatus). Structurally, the tuatara is not much different from related forms, also assigned to the order Rhynchocephalia, that may have appeared as early as the Lower Triassic Period (over 2 000 000 000 years ago). The tuatara has two pairs of well-developed limbs, a strong tail, and a scaly crest down the neck and back. The scales, which cover the entire animal, vary in size. The tuatara also has a bony arch, low on the skull behind the eye, that is not found in lizards. Finally, the teeth of the tuatara are acrodont - i.e., attached to the rim of the jaw rather than inserted in sockets. Chelonia, another ancient order of reptiles, is chiefly characterised by a shell that encloses the vital organs of the body and more or less protects the head and limbs. The protective shell, to which the evolutionary success of turtles is largely attributed, is a casing of bone covered by horny shields. Plates of bone are fused with ribs, vertebrae, and elements of shoulder and hip girdles. There are many shell variations and modifications from family to family, some of them extreme. At its highest development, the shell is not only surprisingly strong but also completely protective. The lower shell (plastron) can be closed so snuggly against the upper (carapace) that a thin knife blade could not be inserted between them. A third order of the class Reptilia is Crocodilia. Crocodiles are generally large, ponderous, amphibious animals, somewhat lizardlike in appearance, and carnivorous. They have powerful jaws with conical teeth and short legs and clawed, webbed toes. The tail is long and massive and the skin thick and plated. Their snout is relatively long and varies considerably in proportions and shape. The thick, large horny plates that cover most of the body are generally arranged in a regular pattern. The form of the is adapted to its amphibious way of life. Finally, the elongated body with its long, muscular paddletail is well suited to rapid swimming. The final
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Death Penalty in the United States Research Paper
The Death Penalty in the United States - Research Paper Example Opponents also assert that the practice is overtly costly and racially biased while not realizing the intended outcome. Proponents think it is neither cruel nor unusual, quite the opposite, they think it fair and just. The objective of this study is to discuss the moral and legal concerns that literally are a life and death issue and is a key barometer when measuring a cultures collective conscience. The ‘eye for an eye’ faction not only accepts but insists that the death penalty be sustained and has supporting rational to back up their argument which will be covered comprehensively in this discussion. It will also take into account the opponents’ reasoning concerning why it should be eliminated along with the legal precedents concerned in an effort to achieve a comprehensive view of the capital punishment debate. Legal speaking, capital punishment is not unusual, by definition, unless one acknowledges the racial bias that exists throughout the justice system. The law cannot define whether it is cruel or not. Cruelty can be defined only by the collective social conscious of a society. The legal interpretation of the combined ‘cruel and unusual’ is open to debate, to some extent but the general usage of the word ‘cruel’ refers to vicious punishments that cause extreme pain. Most legal scholars agree that punishments that include body dismemberment or torture are unquestionably classified as cruel. The term torture was evidently open for debate during the past decade but the word means essentially the same universally; causing unwanted physical or mental anguish. The word ‘unusual’ is normally understood to mean going beyond what is an equitable application of punishment for an offense. For instance, if ten people were ticketed for a traffic violation and judge fined nine of them $150 but one was charged $1500, this punishment would be considered ‘unusual.’ Taken together in the phrase, †˜prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment’ signifies that the penalty should be apportioned equitably according to the specific offense committed. A ‘life’ prison sentence is an acceptable punishment but not if this punishment was imposed for jaywalking, that would be an obviously unacceptable sentence imposition because it is considered excessive and extreme given the nature of the offense. Excessive is a term that is also open to broad interpretation in both the legal and public realm. Some would contend, for example, that any amount of time imposed for ‘crimes’ such as the possession of drugs, prostitution and gambling should be interpreted as excessive consequently ‘unusual.’ The Supreme Court has on many occasions judged the merits of the death penalty and this action is interpreted as punishment which is cruel and unusual by the Constitution. The Court has consistently ruled the language of the Eighth Amendment does not prohibit t he death sentence as punishment. The Constitution was meant to be and is a malleable document, however. The judicial interpretation of the Eighth Amendment has evolved to some extent throughout the years. Therefore the Court could potentially reverse this standpoint at a future time as result of changing societal values. For instance, whipping convicted criminals was routine until the late Eighteenth Century. This practice is now considered to be inappropriate because society’s attitude changed to define it as a ‘cruel’ punishment. With respect to capital punishment, however, â€Å"
Friday, November 1, 2019
Negotiation & cross cultural communication Essay
Negotiation & cross cultural communication - Essay Example It is noteworthy to mention that the company has successfully fulfilled all â€Å"minimum†requirements required by the State. Therefore, to hold the company legally wrong would not be practically possible. The company has a strong case since it has complied with the legal requirements. The question now arises as to the ‘ethical’ obligations of the company in a foreign land- a case that has historically been a complex one. The Chinese negotiator employs a mix of ‘win-win’ and ‘win-lose’ strategies (Fang, 2006). Ultimately, however, the choice of either strategy is dependent of the level of trust prevalent in the situation (Fang, 2006). Therefore, as mentioned earlier, the development of trust between the two parties by the company shall be a deciding factor. In this case, however, it is highly likely that the Chinese farmers shall deploy a competitive negotiation style (as opposed to a co-operative one) due to the presence of foreigners ( the British and Germans running Zhengcheng in this case) (Fang, 2006). High-ranking employees must, therefore, be sent to negotiate with the farmers as a sign of respect and regard to their concerns (Faure, 1998). The individuals dealing with the Chinese must demonstrate significant level of patience and power to take decisions. The negotiating team must include a lawyer who’s thoroughly abreast of Chinese law as well as international best practices. This individual shall also strengthen the link between the foreign party and the Chinese farmers. Furthermore, it would be fruitful to include the company’s Chinese counterparts during the discussion as these shall act to enhance the level of trust between the two parties. Given their native Chinese ‘sense’ they shall be able to understand and respond to the underlying Chinese tricks in a better manner compared to the Westerners (Fang, 2006). Considering the fact that the Chinese tend to have a low level of tr ust for foreign stakes in their land, it would also be useful to include government support for Zhengcheng’s operations during the negotiation process. Towards the end, it is highly desirable to demonstrate to the Chinese that similar contractual agreements have been formerly accepted by other Chinese parties (Fang, 2006). The Chinese are highly risk-averse individuals; hence, by doing so the company would majorly mitigate the risks faced by the Chinese farmers. However, this may not be possible given that it is a first-time situation in this case. The company lawyer, however, may be able to assist in this regard and demonstrate cases of other Western companies reaching similar agreements with the Chinese in the past. The communication process in this case is a complex one since it involves taking into account various cross-cultural dynamics between the parties. The major issue is the ethical concerns by residents of China regarding Zhengcheng Ltd.’s waste disposal mec hanisms that have contaminated the production of lychees. It is in the best interests of the company to deploy significant level of culture-specific communication strategies to deal with the concerns of the Chinese farmers. It is imperative that the Western party engages in pre-negotiation discourse with the Chinese farmer
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How Case Managers Benefit from Electronic Medical Records Essay
How Case Managers Benefit from Electronic Medical Records - Essay Example †from SAM Advanced Management Journal, 74, p. 54+. The paper deals with the EMR implementation in health care organizations and the way case managers would benefit from this step. In the modern globalized world high-speed development of technological innovations leads to an overall growth and expansion of computerization. Different companies, firms and organizations are looking for the most convenient ways to facilitate the work of their employees. Therefore, case managers in health care organizations underline the necessity of electronic medical records implementation. Unfortunately, it is evident that very often case managers reject electronic medical records usage. In accordance with Seeman and Gibson (2009) such kind of behavior should be analyzed in terms of Davis's technology acceptance model and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior. The first benefit for case managers when using electronic medical records is the way to costs cutting and health care industry efficiency. Th is can be explained by direct functions of EMR. This technology enables fast and efficient collection of the following data: (demographic, financial, and medical information). The storage, transmission and processing of the collected data facilitates the work of case managers. There is no need to penetrate into useless and boring paper activities. There is a right way to process data in digital format. Consequently, it is evident that EMR implementation will change â€Å"handwritten order documentation, minimizing transcription errors, and fundamentally reducing clinical mistakes†(Seeman and Gibson, 2009, p. 54). Case managers claim that physicians are able to make more relevant and appropriate decisions in case this technology is implemented. Sometimes, such promptness guarantees lives saving. In accordance with the article, case managers underline the importance of digital data processing in the process of their performance. A possibility to save huge amounts of data fa cilitates the job of case managers in the modern world of digital age. In spite of the fact that the concept of electronic medical records was developed 40 years ago, only the modern digital age enables keeping and collecting data of patients in different amounts. Unfortunately, health care organizations do not pay much attention to implementation of EMR into practice. The article states that less than 10% of American hospitals have enabled their case managers to facilitate their work by means of EMR. Another intimidating fact is that case managers may not have such an opportunity to facilitate their job. There are some predictions that by 2014 electronic medical records are introduced across America, but these predictions can hardly be true. Therefore, the article comprises different points of technological advancement of case management. Summary of the article â€Å"Supporting Management Programs†A strong criticism is also evident in the article â€Å"Supporting Managemen t Programs†(n.d.): â€Å"The issue is one of adoption [of EMR]. Are people really ready to do this? As long as it's easier to script it out and hand it to a voice-activated nurse, that's what the physician will do†(Supporting Management Programs). Another important point, represented in the article is the fact that case managers have many other obligations and it is too hard for them
Monday, October 28, 2019
Mobility essay Essay Example for Free
Mobility essay Essay The Unites States is the land of opportunities where people pursuit the American dream to have a better life. American life is built on the faith that it is possible to rise from humble origins to economic heights. In that case social mobility plays a big role in todays society. Social mobility refers to the ability to change the positions within a social stratification system. In other words, when people improve or decrease their economic status in the way that it affects their social class, they experience either pward or downward social mobility. With this in mind, the social mobility in United States appears to be stalled or in decline. One of the main reasons is poverty that is causing a decline. Furthermore, the rich-poor gap that widens also has an effect on mobility causing income inequality. Also, European social mobility is much better than that one in the United States. Some other factors that influence social mobility include race, income, mother and father occupation, and ethnicity. Certainly, one of the reasons why social mobility in United States appears to be talled or in decline is because of poverty. The higher the individual starts on the social ladder the more likely that individual will end up higher than where he or she first started. The more income the parents have will guarantee more opportunities for that person. According to Economic Mobility Project, 40% of Americans that are born in the bottom quintile remain stuck there as adults (Upper bound). That means that that almost half of that social group doesnt change their position within a social stratification system. That doesnt mean it is their fault because people that are poor start with a disadvantage. For example, according to Eric Wanner, president of the Russell Sage Foundation, Upper-income families can invest more in their childrens education and they may have a better understanding of what it takes to get a good education. (Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs by Jason DeParle). That means that a child that comes from a richer family has more educational opportunities than a child coming from the poor. Furthermore, a child oming from rich family will have a better understanding on how to succeed in school where on the other hand, child from poor family doesnt have that opportunity. However, Just 8% of American men at the bottom rose to the top fifth. That shows that even though it is difficult it is still possible. Generally speaking, the rich-poor gap that widens also has an effect on mobility causing income inequality. As the gap between rich and the poor has widened since 1970, the odds that a child that is born in poverty will climb to wealth remain stuck. Same goes to child that is born rich will fall into middle class. One reason for mobility gap may be the depth of American poverty which leaves poor children starting especially far behind. Most of the time it is determined by the father and mother occupation. Based on the new data gathered by Bhashkar Mazumder of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, he argued that 60% of a sons income is determined by the level of income of the father. (Goodbye, Horatio Alger). This means that more than half of men are dependable on their fathers income. Furthermore, this shows that the higher the income ot parents, the more opportunities the child example, researchers now estimate the elasticity of father-son earnings at 0. 5%. That means that for every 1% increase in fathers income, his sons income will be increased or expected to increase by about 0. 5%. ((Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs). In other words, the better the income of the father, the better the income of the son. So the family background is very important in social mobility. In contrast, European social mobility is much better than that one in the United States. European countries have made serious investments to create equality of opportunity for all. According to Fareed Zakaria in The downward path of upward mobility, they have extremely good childhood health and nutrition programs, and they have far better public educations systems than the United States does. Furthermore, poor children compete on a more equal footing against the rich and in the United States poor children compete for better education few steps behind then others.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Mango: Asias King of Fruits :: Botany
The Mango: Asia's King of Fruits The genus Mangifera is one of the 73 genera belonging to the family Anacardiaceae in the order Sapindales. The greatest number of Mangifera species are found in the Malay Peninsula, the Indonesian archipelago, Thailand, Indo-China and the Philippines. Edible fruit is produced by at least 27 species in the genus, primarily species found in Southeast Asia. The mango's scientific name is Mangifera indica. Asia has held the mango with high esteem and has been considered to be the 'king of fruits'. Other areas of interest are the Borobudur Buddhist temple where sculptures were erected to depict the mango tree as a concept of royalty. The center of origin and diversity of the genus Mangifera is now firmly established as being in Southeast Asia. However, the origin of Mangifera indica has been a matter of speculation for years. Fossil records provided few clues. Mangifera indica is believed to have first appeared during the quaternary period. Some believe the mango originated from several related species, primarily located in the Malay Archipelago. Others believe that the mango originated in India and spread outward from there to southeast Asia and then to the New World and Africa. The Fruit and Nutritional Value The mango fruit is a large, fleshy drupe, containing an edible mesocarp of varying thickness. Fruit color is genotype-dependant and range from green, greenish-yellow, yellow and red blush. The exocarp is thick and glandular. The mesocarp can be fibrous or fiber-free with flavor ranging from turpentine to sweet. The endocarp is woody, thick and fibrous. No part of the fruit is wasted. The seed is used for extraction of the starch 'amchur', and the peels have been used as a source of anacardic acid. The mango wood is of low quality and the bark of the tree is an important source of tannins for curing leather. Mango fruit contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals, organic acids, proteins and vitamins. During the ripening process, the fruit are initially acidic, astringent and rich in ascorbic acid. Following fruit set, starch accumulates in the mesocarp. Free sugars, including glucose, fructose and sucrose generally increase during ripening giving the fruit a turpentine to sweet tasting flavor varying with species. The fruit is picked from the tree prior to ripening for export to other market places throughout the world. The fruit will turn colors during the ripening stage even after its removal from the tree.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
6th Amendment and the Courts
6th Amendment and the courts Alice Groh CRJS215-1301A-02 February 17, 2013 John Mcrae Abstract In writing this paper the author will attempt to explain the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments of the United States Constitution and how they apply to criminal defendants. The author will explain how the 6th amendments specific rights apply to the court system in this nation. This paper will also look at how this amendment is implemented within the criminal justice system in this country to see if it is working as intended. th Amendment and the courts The Bill of Rights provides certain rights to all individuals including rights for those accused of committing crimes. The 4th amendment gives people the right to be secure in their person, home, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure, no warrants shall be issued without probable cause and must list the place to be searched and the person or property to be seized (Bill of rights, n. d. ).The 5th amendment protects a person from being tried in a court of law twice for the same crime (known as double jeopardy), or to be a witness against himself (self-incrimination), or to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law (Bill of rights, n. d. ). The 6th amendment gives the accused the right to a speedy trial, by an impartial jury, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to confront witnesses against him, to obtain witnesses on his behalf, and to have counsel for his defense (The sixth amendment, n. . ). The 8th amendment forbids excessive bail, excessive fines being imposed, or cruel and unusual punishment from being inflicted upon the accused (Bill of rights, n. d. ). The 6th amendment has affected the way the accused are processed from arrest through sentencing phases of the criminal justice system. â€Å" The 6th amendment focuses completely on the rights of a person accused of committing a crime†( The sixth amendment, n. d. . The 6th amendment give s the accused seven specific rights. These rights are the right to a speedy trial, the right to a public trial, the right to an impartial jury, the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusations, the right to confront witnesses against them, the right to present their own witnesses, and the right to counsel even if they cannot afford to hire their own counsel (The sixth amendment, n. d. ).The right to a speedy trial stops a person from sitting in jail indefinitely without being tried for the crime they are accused of committing. The right to a public trial allows the public to observe exactly what is happening, satisfies the public’s desire to see justice done, and stops corruption from court officials. The right to an impartial jury reduces corruption in the trial proceedings, puts your fate in the hands of average citizens instead of one person the judge, and lets society have a say in what the punishment should be.The right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against you means that you are told the specific charges and allegations against you, when they supposedly occurred, and helps in stopping false charges from being filed against a person. The right to confront witnesses against you means that those witnesses must accuse you face to face in court, allows you to cross-examine them, ask questions of them, and examine their credibility.The right to call your own witnesses allows the accused to defend one’s self and helps guard against unfair and unjust accusations from being made. This clause guarantees that you can call your own witnesses and that if they refuse to testify the court can subpoena them to court. The right to counsel guarantees that the accused has a lawyer to help defend and assist them throughout the criminal process. If a person cannot afford to hire counsel then the court must appoint counsel for them. The right to counsel may be the most important right guaranteed within the 6th amendm ent.The right to counsel begins at the time of arrest and continues throughout the criminal proceedings even if the accused cannot afford to hire counsel themselves. I fully agree with the way the court system has implemented the rights of the 6th amendment in the criminal justice system. Without these rights the criminal justice system would not work as we know it. People accused of crimes would be unjustly and unfairly accused and tried for crimes they may have not committed and would have no way of defending themselves.The people accused of these crimes would find themselves living in a very barbaric court system. References Aiu online virtual campus website. Instructor files week 1 Bill of Rights. (n. d. ). Retrieved February 17, 2013 from http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript. html The sixth amendment. (n. d. ). Revolutionary war and beyond. Retrieved February 17, 2013 from http://www. revolutionarywarandbeyond. com/6th-amendment. html
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project/Portfolio Fact Pattern Handout
Facts – Little Louie 1. Unemployed 2. Dates Wild Wanda 3. Plans to rob a bank with Billy Bad Boy and Vinnie Bagadonuts. 4. Knows a gun collector named Smith 5. Breaks into Smith’s house 6. Breaks into the gun locker and steals couple of handguns, sawed-off shotgun, and automatic weapons. 7. Robs the bank 8. In a shootout with the armed guard a bank teller and police officer is shot. 9. Runs from the police officers. 10. Breaks into Smokey’s house. Little Louie 1. Conspiracy    Title 18, Part 1, Ch, 19,  §Ã‚ 371 2. Burglary – break an entering      ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 2   a) Breaking glass window into Smiths house 3. Second count of burglary – guns       ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 12   a) Breaking into the gun case b) Saw off shotgun c) Several hand guns d) Automatic weapons 4. Robbery – bank   Title18, Part 1, Ch 103,  § 2113 5. Murder of police officer   Title18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1114 6. Murder of a bank teller   Title 18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1111 7. Fleeing and eluding police officer        ORC, Title 29, Ch 2921,  § 2921. 331 Offense Charge with & Defense possibly for Little LouieLittle Louie is charged with conspiracy because he had talked planned with Billy Bad Boy and Vince Bagadonuts. Little Louie is charged with two counts of 5th degree felony burglary for in the Smith’s home and take his guns. Little Louie is charge with two counts of 1st degree felony Aggavated Murder one of a police officer and the other is the bank teller. Little Louie is charged with one count of fleeing and eluding of a police officer. Little Louie claims that Vinnie Bagadonuts was the one that shot the officer and bank teller and that also he was the one that broke into the house, and that  along with him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Idioms and Expressions With Make
Idioms and Expressions With Make The following idioms and expressions use make. Each idiom or expression has a definition and example sentences to help you understand these common idiomatic expressions with make. Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with make. There are many other words that often find their way into common idioms and expressions including have, run, work, and like. Make a Beeline for Someone or Something To go directly to someone or something as soon as you arrive. I got to the party and made a beeline for Susan.He made a beeline for the booth as soon as he arrived. Make a Clean Sweep To get rid of everything or everyone to start anew. Im afraid well have to make a clean sweep and start over.The police made a clean sweep of the area by arresting everyone. Make a Comeback To become successful again after having been away from the scene or society for a long time The actress made a comeback in her latest movie.Youll have to make a comeback and take over the company. Make a Face Contort your face, make a strange expression often used with at someone. She tasted the soup and made a face. It must have been awful.Dont make a face at me! I know youre not happy. Make a Fool out of Someone To trick someone and make them look bad. She made a fool out of him and then left him for another man.I dont think youll ever make a fool out of me. Make a Fuss To pay a lot of attention to someone or something. She made a fuss the last time we visited, so lets take a gift.Im afraid I make a bit of a fuss over my plants in the garden. Make a Go of It To become successful, have success in business. It took us a few years to make a go of it, but everythings fine now.Bob made a go of it as an opera singer in Europe. Make a Killing To earn a lot of money. Peter has been making a killing as a hedge fund manager.They made a killing in real estate and retired. Make a Living To earn money in a profession or trade. He makes a living selling insurance to the elderly.Can you make a good living by teaching? Make a Name for Oneself To become famous or well known. Jennifer made a name for herself as an actress on Broadway.One day youll get out into the world and make a name for yourself. Make a Point To make something understood to others. Im trying to make a point about your lack of effort.The presentation made the point that you need to start saving early in life. Make a Run for It To try to escape from a bad situation, or just from the rain or something equally unpleasant. Lets make a run for those trees over there. They should keep us dry.The bank robbers made a run for it, but the police caught them within two hours. Make a Scene To become very upset and vocal so that others notice you. The little girl made a scene every time her mother didnt immediately buy her what she wanted.Dont make a scene about this. Lets go home and talk about it. Make a Stink To complain loudly about something. She made a stink to human resources after she didnt get the promotion.Ill go down to the store and make a stink about this! Make an Example of Someone To do something negative to someone in order that others understand that they should not do the same. The boss decided to fire him to make an example of him to the other employees.Im afraid he made an example of her and she started to cry in front of everybody. Make an Exception To not do something that is usually the rule. Ill make an exception this one time. Next time, dont forget your homework.Can you make an exception and let me take the test next week? Make Arrangements To do everything needed in order to be sure that something is done properly. Ill make arrangements for this to be shipped to Japan.We made arrangements for the meeting next week. Make Ends Meet To earn enough money to pay the bills. He works as an English teacher to make ends meet.You might not get rich, but youll certainly make ends meet. Make Fun Of To joke at the expense of someone. He made fun of her makeup and she began to cry.Dont make fun of Peter! Hes a great guy! Make Good on Something To do something you have promised or feel you owe someone. Let me make good on it by taking you out to dinner.Jason made good on the bet after two weeks. Make Light of Something To joke about something serious. I think you need to make light of the whole situation. What good does it do to worry so much?They made light of the mistake and continued with the job. Make Mischief To do something naughty, to get in trouble. The boys made mischief over the holidays and were grounded for three days.I know youre making mischief. I can see the twinkle in your eye. Make Sense To try to understand something, to be understandable. Does that make any sense to you?Im trying to make sense of this situation. Make Short Work of Something To do something quickly. Lets make short work of the garden and have a beer.She made short work of the report and moved on to the presentation. Make Someone Tick To be responsible for how someone acts in life. His love of music makes him tick.What makes you tick? What really gets you excited? Make Something Up To invent something that isnt true, to tell a false story. He made up an excuse to get out of work that day.Have you ever made something up? Make the Grade To be good enough. Im afraid your work here doesnt make the grade.Do you think this painting will make the grade at the competition? Make Waves To cause others trouble, often by complaining a lot. Can also mean to become noticed, usually by some type of disruption, which can be good or bad. Many people say its important to not make waves at work. Thats how we get into a mess!Her father made waves until the school decided to give her another chance.
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